20 research outputs found

    Static Score Bucketing in Inverted Indexes

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    Maintaining strict static score order of inverted lists is a heuristic used by search engines to improve the quality of query results when the entire inverted lists cannot be processed. This heuristic, however, increases the cost of index generation and requires time-consuming index build algorithms. In this paper, we study a new index organization based on static score bucketing. We show that this new technique significantly improves in index build performance while having minimal impact on the quality of search results. We also provide upper bounds on the quality degradation and verify experimentally the benefits of the proposed approach

    Untangling Compound Documents on the Web

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    Most text analysis is designed to deal with the concept of a "document", namely a cohesive presentation of thought on a unifying subject. By contrast, individual nodes on the World Wide Web tend to have a much smaller granularity than text documents. We claim that the notions of "document" and "web node" are not synonomous, and that authors often tend to deploy documents as collections of URLs, which we call "compound documents". In this paper we present new techniques for identifying and working with such compound documents, and the results of some largescale studies on such web documents. The primary motivation for this work stems from the fact that information retrieval techniques are better suited to working on documents than individual hypertext nodes

    Analysis of Anchor Text for Web Search

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    It has been observed that anchor text in web documents is very useful in improving the quality of web text search for some classes of queries. By examining properties of anchor text in a large intranet, we hope to shed light on why this is the case. Our main premise is that anchor text behaves very much like real user queries and consensus titles. Thus an understanding of how anchor text is related to a document will likely lead to better understanding of how to translate a user's query into high quality search results. Our approach is experimental, based on a study of a large corporate intranet, including the content as well as a large stream of queries against that content. We conduct experiments to investigate several aspects of anchor text, including their relationship to titles, the frequency of queries that can be satisfied by anchortext alone, and the homogeneity of results fetched by anchor text

    PAC learning with nasty noise

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    AbstractWe introduce a new model for learning in the presence of noise, which we call the Nasty Noise model. This model generalizes previously considered models of learning with noise. The learning process in this model, which is a variant of the PAC model, proceeds as follows: Suppose that the learning algorithm during its execution asks for m examples. The examples that the algorithm gets are generated by a nasty adversary that works according to the following steps. First, the adversary chooses m examples (independently) according to a fixed (but unknown to the learning algorithm) distribution D as in the PAC-model. Then the powerful adversary, upon seeing the specific m examples that were chosen (and using his knowledge of the target function, the distribution D and the learning algorithm), is allowed to remove a fraction of the examples at its choice, and replace these examples by the same number of arbitrary examples of its choice; the m modified examples are then given to the learning algorithm. The only restriction on the adversary is that the number of examples that the adversary is allowed to modify should be distributed according to a binomial distribution with parameters η (the noise rate) and m.On the negative side, we prove that no algorithm can achieve accuracy of ε<2η in learning any non-trivial class of functions. We also give some lower bounds on the sample complexity required to achieve accuracy ε=2η+Δ. On the positive side, we show that a polynomial (in the usual parameters, and in 1/(ε−2η)) number of examples suffice for learning any class of finite VC-dimension with accuracy ε>2η. This algorithm may not be efficient; however, we also show that a fairly wide family of concept classes can be efficiently learned in the presence of nasty noise

    Pac learning with nasty noise

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    We introduce a new model for learning in the presence of noise, which we call the Nasty Noise model. This model generalizes previously considered models of learning with noise. The learning process in this model, which is a variant of the PAC model, proceeds as follows: Suppose that the learning algorithm during its execution asks for m examples. The examples that the algorithm gets are generated by a nasty adversary that works according to a following steps. First, the adversary chooses m examples (independently) according to the fixed (but unknown to the learning algorithm) distribution D as in the PAC-model. Then the powerful adversary, upon seeing the specific m examples that were chosen (and using his knowledge of the target function, the distribution D and the learning algorithm), is allowed to remove a fraction of the examples at its choice, and replace these examples by the same number of arbitrary examples of its choice; the m modified examples are then given to the learning algorithm. The only restriction on the adversary is that the number of examples that the adversary is allowed to modify should be distributed according to a binomial distribution with parameters η (the noise rate) and m. On the negative side, we prove that no algorithm can achieve accuracy of ɛ &lt; 2η in learnin

    Static score bucketing in inverted indexes

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    Maintaining strict static score order of inverted lists is a heuristic used by search engines to improve the quality of query results when the entire inverted lists cannot be processed. This heuristic, however, increases the cost of index generation and requires time-consuming index build algorithms. In this paper, we study a new index organization based on static score bucketing. We show that this new technique significantly improves in index build performance while having minimal impact on the quality of search results. We also provide upper bounds on the quality degradation and verify experimentally the benefits of the proposed approach

    Ranking the Web Frontier

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    The celebrated PageRank algorithm has proved to be a very effective paradigm for ranking results of web search algorithms. In this paper we refine this basic paradigm to take into account several evolving prominent features of the web, and propose several algorithmic innovations. First, we analyze features of the rapidly growing &quot;frontier&quot; of the web, namely the part of the web that crawlers are unable to cover for one reason or another. We analyze the effect of these pages and find it to be significant. We suggest ways to improve the quality of ranking by modeling the growing presence of &quot;link rot&quot; on the web as more sites and pages fall out of maintenance. Finally we suggest new methods of ranking that are motivated by the hierarchical structure of the web, are more efficient than PageRank, and may be more resistant to direct manipulation