29 research outputs found

    Quality of Life in Patients With Malignant Disease

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    Aim: To assess the quality of life in patients with a malignant disease. Research subjects and methods: Research included 105 patients with a malignant disease who were receiving stationary and daily treatment at the Radiotherapy and Oncology Department of the University Hospital Center, Osijek, Croatia. A questionnaire containing various demographic data and including a scale for measuring the quality of life in patients with a malignant disease ā€“ the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General (FACT-G) ā€“ was used as a research instrument. Results: Average score on the scale was 89. Level of satisfaction with social/family relationships was significantly lower in older respondents (p = 0.027), single persons (p = 0.018) and participants with total income under HRK 3,000 (p = 0.031). Regarding family and social relationships, the patients receiving hospital day care expressed a significantly higher level of satisfaction (p = 0.001), as well as the subjects with college/university qualifications (p = 0.007). Patients with malignant disease of the head and neck expressed significantly lower levels of satisfaction on all subscales and with regard to overall health (p = 0.005). Conclusion: Quality of life in patients with a malignant disease is satisfactory

    Representation of Topics Regarding Clinical Supervision in Nursing in National and International Journals

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    Aim: The aim of this paper was to examine the representation of topics of clinical supervision in nursing in national and international journals. Methods: A Databases Medline, EBSCO and Hrčak were retrospectively researched. The research encompassed nursing journals published from 2011 to 2015. MeSH keywords were used as well. The availability of articles in full text was examined by PubMed Central and by using PERO, a search engine for electronic resources online, which is an online source of journals with articles available in full text to the Croatian scientific and academic community. A total of 168 articles and 54 journals were included in this research. Results: The topic of clinical supervision in nursing has not been found in any of the papers published in Croatian journals. There were 168 scientific papers about clinical supervision in nursing in 54 international journals. In the ā€œJournal of Nursing Managementā€ there was a trend of a decreasing number of published scientific papers (Cochranā€“Armitage test p< 0.0001). In the Medline database there were 43 journals. Most journals were published in the USA, 23 of them. A total of 29 articles are available in full form. OvidSP enables access to the highest number of articles, 18 (62.1%), while PERO search engine found no articles in full form. Conclusion: In national journals in Croatia there are no topics regarding clinical supervision in nursing, but there are some in international journals. (Budrovac A, Prlić N. Representation of Topics Regarding Clinical Supervision in Nursing in National and International Journals. SEEMEDJ 2019; 3(2); 45-55

    Quality of Life of Patients after Stroke in County Osijek-Baranya

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    The purpose of this prospective study was to determine quality of life of patients after stroke in Osijek-Baranya County. The research included 161 patients (82 men and 79 women) who had their first acute stroke and were treated at Department of Neurology, Osijek University Hospital Center. The Barthel Index (BI) was used to assess functional deficiency and SS-QOL (Stroke-Specific Quality of Life) questionnaire was used for self-evaluation of patientsā€™ physical and mental health. The first assessment was carried out in the acute phase of the disease, and control assessments 30, 90 and 180 days after the stroke. Mean Barthel Index score was higher at every successive measurement (55, 80, 95, 95). All BI items were statistically significant (Friedman, p<0.001) apart from dressing and bowel control. BI score indicated greater dependence in women in all assessments except for those taken 90 days after onset of symptoms (c2-test, p=0.111). Mean values of SS-QOL for physical health were: 105.2, 98.3, 105.7, 117.5 and for mental health: 64.24, 57.9, 64.3, 68.1. Statistically significant difference was present in men, both for physical health (Friedman p=0.009) and total SS-QOL (Friedman p=0.014), while in women there was no statistically significant difference between the measurements (Friedman p=0.719). The research showed that stroke has significant influence on basic and specific daily life activities and interferes with the quality of life of stroke patients. Women have lower level of independence. Patients who live with their families make better evaluation of their physical and mental health

    The Quality of Life of a Patient With Colostomy

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    Aim: The aim of this research was to examine the quality of life of patients with temporary or permanent colostomy regarding age, gender, marital status and lifespan (time spent) with an ostomy. Respondents and Methods: The study involved 41 members of the Ostomy ILCO Clubs in Slavonski Brod and Osijek as respondents. The standard version of the ā€œQuality of Life Questionnaire for a Patient with an Ostomyā€ was used as the research instrument. Results: The mean value of the overall scale is 5.4. The respondents evaluated the physical well-being the highest, a median of 5.9 (interquartile range 4.6 to 7.2), and social well-being the lowest, median 5.0 (interquartile range 4.1 to 6). Women gave higher marks for physical, social and spiritual well-being, and overall for the scale median of 5.5 (interquartile range 4.9 to 6.1), but with no significant differences compared to men. Married respondents evaluated psychological, social and spiritual well-being higher, median of 5.4 (interquartile range 4.7 to 6.0), but with no significant differences compared to those who live alone. Physical, psychological and spiritual well-being is somewhat lower in patients under the age of 65, and social well-being is lower in subjects aged 66-75, the median of 4.7 (interquartile range 3.6 to 5.6). Correlation between the quality of life of the respondents regarding age and those living alone (single, divorced or widowed) subscales is significant in the physical (Spearman coefficient of correlation r = 0.945, p < 0.001), mental (Spearman coefficient of correlation r = 0.943, p = 0.005), social (Spearman\u27s correlation coefficient r = 0.829, p = 0.042) and spiritual well-being (Spearman coefficient of correlation r = 0.886, p = 0.019). Conclusion: Quality of life of patients with an ostomy is satisfactory. There are differences in quality of life regarding age, gender, marital status and lifespan (time spent) with an ostomy. There is also a connection between the subscales ā€œquality of life regarding ageā€ and ā€œquality of life regarding marital statusā€ of patients with colostomy

    Nurses\u27 Attitudes Toward Nursing Research

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    Aim: The aim of the study was to examine the attitudes of nurses towards research in nursing. Respondents and Methods: The study involved 202 respondents. The subjects were nurses employed at Osijek Clinical Hospital. The Boothe\u27s Attitudes on Nursing Research Scale was used as an instrument of research ā€“ a modified version by Bostrum, A.C. Prior to statistical data processing, respondents were divided into two groups, considering the level of education: Vocational nurses and Baccalaureates of Science in Nursing. By age, respondents were divided into three groups: aged 20 to 35, 36 to 50 and 51 to 65. The differences between the observed groups were tested by the t-test and analysis of variance. Results: There is a statistically significante difference in attitudes towards research given the level of education of the respondents (p = 0.015). Baccalaureates of Nursing have more positive attitudes towards research ( = 148.5) compared to vocational nurses ( = 141.1). A significant difference in attitudes towards nursing research was determined with respect to the age of respondents (p = 0.002). Younger nurses have a more positive attitude towards research in nursing ( = 151.5) than middle-aged ( = 140.9) and senior nurses ( = 140.1). There is also a significant difference in the level of motivation for continuing professional education given the respondentsā€™ level of education (p = 0.019). Conclusion: Nurses show mildly positive attitudes towards nursing research

    Kvaliteta života bolesnika poslije moždanog udara: Ŕestomjesečna samoprocjena tjelesnog i mentalnog zdravlja

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    The purpose of this prospective study was to determine the quality of life and resocialization of post-stroke patients in the Osijek-Baranya County during six months. The study included 161 patients (82 men and 79 women) having sustained their first ever acute stroke and being treated at University Department of Neurology, Osijek University Hospital Center in Osijek. The Health Survey SF-36 questionnaire was used for self-evaluation of the patientsā€™ physical and mental health. Initial assessment was carried out in the acute phase of the disease and follow-up assessments were carried out 30, 90 and 180 days post-stroke in patient homes. The mean value of physical health measured by SF was 46.1 on initial measurement, 37.8 on second, 44.3 on third and 53.0 on fourth measurement. The mean value of mental health was 48.0 on initial measurement, 36.6 on second, 44.0 on third and 48.5 on fourth measurement. The median of total physical health and mental health on all measurements was higher in men than in women. Comparison of the quality of life areas and the items measured by SF-36 questionnaire according to sex and measurements showed statistically significant differences on all four measurements in women for all items except for social function (p=0.669). In men, statistically significant differences between the measurements were only recorded for the item of physical activity (p=0.013). Stroke significantly impairs the quality of life of affected people. The study showed that the poorest results were recorded 30 days of the onset of symptoms, while recovery was achieved in six months. Patients affected by stroke who stayed with their families considered their physical and mental health better than before stroke.Cilj ove prospektivne studije bio je utvrditi kvalitetu života i stupanj resocijalizacije bolesnika nakon moždanog udara (MU) u Osječko-baranjskoj županiji tijekom Å”est mjeseci. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćen 161 bolesnik, 82 muÅ”karca i 79 žena, s prvim u životu akutnim MU koji je liječen na Klinici za neurologiju Kliničkog bolničkog centra Osijek. Za samoprocjenu tjelesnog i mentalnog zdravlja upotrijebljen je Health Survey SF-36. Prvo mjerenje učinjeno je u akutnoj fazi bolesti, a kontrolne su procjene izvedene 30, 90 i 180 dana nakon MU u kući bolesnika. Medijan SF-36 za tjelesno zdravlje iznosio je: prvo mjerenje 46,1; drugo 37,8; treće 44,3; četvrto 53,0. Mentalno zdravlje: prvo mjerenje 48,0; drugo 36,6; treće 44,0; četvrto 48,5. Kod muÅ”karaca je medijan za ukupno tjelesno zdravlje i mentalno zdravlje po mjerenjima bio veći negoli kod žena. Usporedba područja i stavaka kvalitete života mjerenih pomoću SF-36 u odnosu na spol i mjerenja pokazala je značajnu razliku u sva četiri mjerenja kod žena po svim stavkama osim u socijalnoj funkciji (p=0,669). Kod muÅ”karaca je značajna razlika između mjerenja zabilježena samo kod stavke tjelesne aktivnosti (p=0,013). MU značajno naruÅ”ava kvalitetu života oboljelih. Istraživanje pokazuje kako su najloÅ”iji rezultati dobiveni 30 dana od pojave simptoma i da se oporavak postiže za Å”est mjeseci. Bolesnici koji ostaju u svojim obiteljima bolje procjenjuju svoje tjelesno i mentalno zdravlje

    125th anniversary of the organized tending for surgical patients in Osijek

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    Autorice su opisale razvoj zdravstvene njege prateći razvoj osječke Kirurgije. Razvojni put zdravstvene njege bio je složen i uvjetovan brojnim promjenama u druÅ”tvu i znanosti. U vrijeme kada se nije moglo postići mnogo u izlječenju, njega je bila samostalna djelatnost u odnosu na medicinu. Sestre Družbe sestara milosrdnica sv. Vinka upravljale su Huttler-Kollhofer-Monspergerovom Zakladnom bolnicom od 1874. - 1893. godine i pružale pomoć bolesnicima i nemoćnicima. Put od priučene do obrazovane sestre bio je dugotrajan. Na KirurÅ”ki odjel 1950. godine primljena je prva sestra sa zavrÅ”enom medicinskom Å”kolom, a 1957. godine prva viÅ”a medicinska sestra. Od 1977. godine sestre sudjeluju u organizaciji i radu stručnih sastanaka sestara kirurÅ”kih djelatnosti. Domovinski rat u Hrvatskoj bio je najveći ispit znanja i vjeÅ”tina za medicinske sestre i tehničare osječke Bolnice. Na kraju rada autorice iznose podatke o sadaÅ”njem stanju osoblja za zdravstvenu njegu i ukazuju na važnost obrazovanja i stručnoga usavrÅ”avanja medicinskih sestara koje će doprinijeti razvoju zdravstvene njege kirurÅ”kih bolesnika a time i kirurgije.The authors describe the development of tending for patients, in view of the development of surgery in Osijek. A number of changes in the society and science reflected on tending activities. At the time when the treatment could not always achieve results, tending was an activity independent of medicine. The Sisters of Mercy of St. Vincent had been running the Huttler-Kollhofer-Monsperger Endowment Hospital from 1874 to 1893 and tending the sick and the feeble. It was a long way from semi-skilled to a trained nurse. The first high-school-trained nurse was employed at the Department of Surgery in 1950 and the first senior nurse in 1957. Since 1977 nurses have actively participated in the professional meetings of the nurses in surgical branches of medicine. For the nurses and medical technician of the Osijek Clinical Hospital the Homeland War in Croatia was the biggest exam of their knowledge and skills. The authors conclude by presenting the data on the present situation of the tending personnel and emphasizing the importance of education and professional improvement of nurses as a contribution to better tending for the surgical patients

    Attitudes of Health Care Professionals About Importance of Health-Education Work of Public Health Nurses in Osijek-Baranja County

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    Aim: To examine the attitudes of health care professionals towards the importance of health-education work of public health nurses directed at individuals, families and communities. Methods: 142 subjects participated in the research, of which 56 public health nurses, 44 primary care (family) physicians and 42 nurses working in family medicine teams. Research was conducted at the Health Centres in Beli Manastir, Osijek, Valpovo and Đakovo, Croatia. A segment of the standardized questionnaire Public Health Nursing Survey Instrument ā€“ a table of interventions conducted by public health nurses (California public health nursing investigation ā€“ Center for California Health Workforce Studies) ā€“ was used as the survey instrument. Results: There were no significant differences in the attitudes of respondents by gender (p = 0.898) and age (p = 0.067) regarding the importance of public health nursesā€™ health-education work. However, respondents aged 60 and over expressed more disagreement with some of the statements related to emotional components of their attitudes (p = 0.019). Regarding the length of work experience, there were no statistically significant differences (p = 0.228) on the overall scale of attitudes about health-education work of public health nurses. Regarding individual components on the scale, respondents with less work experience tended to agree more with the statements related to emotional components of their attitudes (p = 0.004). Regarding the level of education, there were no significant differences in the attitudes of respondents (p = 0.156) towards nursesā€™ health-education work. Research also showed that there were no significant differences in attitudes about the importance of public health nursesā€™ health-education work when it comes to the subjectsā€™ workplace (p = 0.159). Conclusion: Health professionals have positive attitudes about health-education work of public health nurses directed at individuals, families and communities. (Maceković M, Prlić N. Attitudes of Health Care Professionals About Importance of Health-Education Work of Public Health Nurses in Osijek-Baranja County. SEEMEDJ 2018; 2(2); 23-33

    Quality of Life of Patients after Stroke in County Osijek-Baranya

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    The purpose of this prospective study was to determine quality of life of patients after stroke in Osijek-Baranya County. The research included 161 patients (82 men and 79 women) who had their first acute stroke and were treated at Department of Neurology, Osijek University Hospital Center. The Barthel Index (BI) was used to assess functional deficiency and SS-QOL (Stroke-Specific Quality of Life) questionnaire was used for self-evaluation of patientsā€™ physical and mental health. The first assessment was carried out in the acute phase of the disease, and control assessments 30, 90 and 180 days after the stroke. Mean Barthel Index score was higher at every successive measurement (55, 80, 95, 95). All BI items were statistically significant (Friedman, p<0.001) apart from dressing and bowel control. BI score indicated greater dependence in women in all assessments except for those taken 90 days after onset of symptoms (c2-test, p=0.111). Mean values of SS-QOL for physical health were: 105.2, 98.3, 105.7, 117.5 and for mental health: 64.24, 57.9, 64.3, 68.1. Statistically significant difference was present in men, both for physical health (Friedman p=0.009) and total SS-QOL (Friedman p=0.014), while in women there was no statistically significant difference between the measurements (Friedman p=0.719). The research showed that stroke has significant influence on basic and specific daily life activities and interferes with the quality of life of stroke patients. Women have lower level of independence. Patients who live with their families make better evaluation of their physical and mental health