18 research outputs found

    Weather and vascular diseases

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    Meteorotropism of vascular diseases has been investigated through relationship of vascular attacks daily frequency (myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular insults and lung embolism, including lethal cases) to various meteorological states and elements in Zagreb during 1976 and 1977. The sort of the weather types prevailing on days with attacks daily frequency greater than ( ) is a daily average of acute disease cases for each month) have been studied as well as relation to weather fronts passages, warm and cold. An influence of particular meteorological elements (air temperature, pressure and relative humidity; their interdiurnal changeability; intradiurnal temperature variability; vertical temperature gradient at 01 a.m. and 01 p.m. and Ri -number at 01 p.m.) upon frequency of acute vascular diseases were studied by means of linear correlation calculation. Results reveal that the greatest frequency of acute vascular diseases appeared in advective weather types, bringing, in their northerly or southerly flow, air masses with very different thermal characteristics than formerly. They are followed by cyclonal types and throughs, and high pressure ridges in transitional seasons. Days with front passages are particularly significant for appearance of the acute phase of the disease. Vascular incidents are most frequent on days with cold front passages, but they also occur on a day before as well as a day after the front passage. On a day with warm front passage the number of vascular incidence decreases but two days earlier it increases. A significant correlation has been found between vascular incidents and periods of several days characterized by decreased air temperature, small intradiurnal variations of temperature, air pressure and temperature great interdiurnal change as well as by disturbed stability during night and day. The most dangerous seven-day periods for vascular patients were characterized with nightly instability and daily stability in the near ground atmospheric layer

    Biometeorološki indeksi u ocjeni termičkog komfora Zagreba za vrijeme različitih sinoptičkih situacija

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    U radu je dan pregled biometeoroloških indeksa danas najčešće korištenih u svijetu za bioklimatsko klasificiranje, kao i za ocjenu pravog termičkog komfora čovjeka. Neki od tih indeksa (indeks ohlađivanja, entalpija zraka, ekvivalentna temperatura zraka, te omjer entalpije i indeksa ohlađivanja) bazirani na utjecaju različitih kombinacija meteoroloških elemenata na toplinski osjet čovieka, primijenjeni su na zagrebačko područje u 6 različitih sinoptičkih situacija. Izvršena je analiza prostorne i vremenske raspodjele toplinskog osjeta u Zagrebu kao i analiza upotrebivosti gore spomenutih indeksa u različitim vremenskim prilikama

    Climatotherapeutic possibilities of Croatia

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    Danas u svijetu postoje očita nastojanja da se odaberu određena područja s vrlo specifičnim klimatskim prilikama, pogodnim za liječenje određenih bolesti, rehabilitaciju ili jednostavno zdravi odmor. Tu se liječenje provodi klimatoterapijom. Postoje četiri glavna područja gdje se provodi klimatoterapija: • područja duž obale (talasoterapija), • područja oko termalnih izvora (balneoterapija) i • planinska, od vjetra zaštićena, područja (terapija visinskom klimom). • četvrta mogućnost za klimatoterapiju je transfer velikih grupa ljudi (ili pojedinaca) iz nepovoljnih područja u područja s povoljnim vremenskim i klimatskim uvjetima. Republika Hrvatska bogata je područjima s klimama pogodnim za sve četiri vrste klimatoterapije i zdravstvenog turizma, pogotovo zato što su joj zrak i more još u najviše mjesta čisti. Dokaz o klimatsko-bioklimatskim prilikama mogu pružiti samo meteorološka mjerenja koja se provode dugi niz godina na mjestima našeg interesa. U radu su raspravljani, danas u nas najčešće korišteni, biometeorološki indeksi za ocjenu bioklime, kao i sadržaj "KLIMATSKO-BIOKLIMATSKOG PRIKAZA (PROSPEKTA)". Navedena su također mjesta u Hrvatskoj s tradicijom liječenja klimom za koja je moguće izraditi spomenuti prospekt s detaljnim informacijama za svakih deset dana tijekom godine, a za bioklimu još i za jutro, podne i večer. Takav prikaz omogućava izbor onog dijela godine za dolazak u Hrvatsku koji najbolje odgovara zdravstvenom stanju, a ujedno daje informacije potrebne nautičarima ali i stručnjacima za ekonomično upravljanje lječilištem.Today is obvious course in the world to select the favourable climate for the climatotherapeutic treatment of certain diseases, and such areas are known as climatic health resorts. The four main areas were selected for climatotherapy: -areas along the coast (thalassotherapy), -areas surrounding thermal springs (balneotherapy), -mountainous, not windy, areas (high altitude therapy). -A fourth possibility for climatotherapy is transfer of large groups of people from unfavourable climates to areas with favourable ones. Republic of Croatia is rich with regions of favourable climates for all four kinds of climatotherapy and health tourism, especially if we include still yet a clean air and clean sea. A proof for climatic conditions quality can provide only the long time performed meteorological measurements at places of interest. hi the article are discussed meteorological indices, today most frequently used in Croatia, for a bioclimate estimation, and a content of "CLIMATE AND BIOCLIMATE REVIEW (PROSPECT)". Such prospects could be made for many places with tradition in climatotherapy and they are quoted. "Climate and bioclimate review" gives to doctors, patients or tourists detail information about a climate for each ten days during the year, and about a bioclimate additionally for morning, midday and evening. Prospect enables to choice, in dependence of health state, a most suitable period for coming to Croatia, and also comprises information useful for nautical navigation and for a health resort economic management


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    U radu je studirana korelacija između pojave cerebrovaskularnog inzulta (CVI) i raznih meteoroloških elemenata za unutrašnjost Hrvatske (reprezentant Zagreb). Najprije su proučavane meteorološke karakteristike sedmodnevnih razdoblja signifikantno korelirane sa sedmodnevnom frekvencijom CVI. Zatim je proučavana korelacija samo za uzorak onih dana (n) u kojima je učestalost akutnih cerebrovaskularnih bolesti bila iznad normale (>xsr+σ) i srednjih dnevnih vrijednosti meteoroloških elemenata u periodu n ± 3 dana i to pomoću totalne, parcijalne i multiple linearne korelacije. Rezultati pokazuju da su naročito opasna višednevna hladna razdoblja u kojima se dešavaju velike interdiurne promjene tlaka zraka i u kojima je poremećena stabilnost uskog prizemnog sloja atmosfere uz tlo i to osobito u dnevnom dijelu dana. Smanjena podnevna stabilnost povezana je s porastom broja CVI. Osobito nepovoljne prilike s učestalošću CVI iznad normale (> xsr + σ) nastaju dan-dva nakon što je u višednevnom hladnom razdoblju započeo porast temperature zraka


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    Komponente energetske ravnoteže prizemnog sloja atmosfere izračunate su metodom Bydyka pomoću srednjih mjesečnih vrijednosti (razdoblje 1949-73) meteoroloških elemenata na 29 meteoroloških stanica u SR Hrvatskoj. To su: neto fluks radijacije R, latentna toplina isparavanja LE, turbulentna razmjena topline P i fluks topline u tlu B. Te veličine su baza jedne klimatske podjele Hrvatske. Ujedno je pronadjena korelacija izmedju P, LE i B te srednjeg temperaturnog režima kao i razvoja konvektivne naoblake

    Veza meteoroloških faktora i parametara koagulacije krvi kod cerebrovaskularnih bolesnika

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    U radu se iznose rezultati mjerenja parametara koagulacije krvi (indeks agregata, agregacija trombocita, protrombinsko vrijeme, trombinsko vrijeme, akt. parc. tromb. vrijeme, količina fibrinogena u krvi) i tlaka krvi (sistoličkog i diastoličkog) kod cerebrovaskularnih bolesnika u različitim vremenskim uvjetima tijekom godine. Obuhvaćen je raspon temperatura zraka od 2-25°C i tlakova zraka od 987-1004 hPa. Mjerenja su obavljana u 6 trodnevnih serija pri čemu je u centralnom danu svake serije registriran prolaz hladne fronte preko Zagreba. Rezultati pokazuju da signifikantne veze (P ≤ 0.05) postoje samo između protrombinskog i trombinskog vremena i temperature zraka. One govore da je protrombinsko i trombinsko vrijeme to duže što je temperatura zraka viša. Visoko signifikantna korelacija (r = -0.465, P < 0.01) dobivena je još između količine fibrinogena i tlaka zraka, pokazujući da fibrinogena ima to više što je tlak zraka niži. S obzirom na prolaz hladne fronte prosječno protrombinsko vrijeme skraćuje se uz prolaz fronte (od "n-1" do "n+1" dana), dok prosječno trombinsko vrijeme oscilira oko dana s prolazom fronte, a najkraće je dan nakon prolaza. Prosječna količina fibrinogena najveća je dan prije prolaza fronte, a najmanja u danu prolaza

    Veza meteoroloških faktora i parametara koagulacije krvi kod cerebrovaskularnih bolesnika

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    U radu se iznose rezultati mjerenja parametara koagulacije krvi (indeks agregata, agregacija trombocita, protrombinsko vrijeme, trombinsko vrijeme, akt. parc. tromb. vrijeme, količina fibrinogena u krvi) i tlaka krvi (sistoličkog i diastoličkog) kod cerebrovaskularnih bolesnika u različitim vremenskim uvjetima tijekom godine. Obuhvaćen je raspon temperatura zraka od 2-25°C i tlakova zraka od 987-1004 hPa. Mjerenja su obavljana u 6 trodnevnih serija pri čemu je u centralnom danu svake serije registriran prolaz hladne fronte preko Zagreba. Rezultati pokazuju da signifikantne veze (P ≤ 0.05) postoje samo između protrombinskog i trombinskog vremena i temperature zraka. One govore da je protrombinsko i trombinsko vrijeme to duže što je temperatura zraka viša. Visoko signifikantna korelacija (r = -0.465, P < 0.01) dobivena je još između količine fibrinogena i tlaka zraka, pokazujući da fibrinogena ima to više što je tlak zraka niži. S obzirom na prolaz hladne fronte prosječno protrombinsko vrijeme skraćuje se uz prolaz fronte (od "n-1" do "n+1" dana), dok prosječno trombinsko vrijeme oscilira oko dana s prolazom fronte, a najkraće je dan nakon prolaza. Prosječna količina fibrinogena najveća je dan prije prolaza fronte, a najmanja u danu prolaza


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    This paper deals with the dependence of the chronic sino-bronchial syndrome and respiratory tract acute diseases in children and adults (age 0-19) living in Zagreb (a town with developed industry and heavy road traffic) on meteorological elements acting on man\u27s thermal sensation. This study is based on the bioclimatic index i/H (air enthalpy and cooling power rate) and the relevant bioclimatic classification and on those meteorological elements that are included in the bioclimatic index calculation (air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and barometric pressure). A correlation analysis method has been applied on both daily data and 3-, 5- and 7-day moving average values. All analyses have been done separately for the cold and warm part of the year. The results for the cold and warm parts of the year differ. Chronic patients react earlier to meteorological strcss than acute ones. In the cold part of the year the warm periods are critical while in the warm part of the year the cold ones are critical. Along with the air tenrperature relative humidity is also significant. For acute patients periods with high relative humidity are particularly unfavourable, both in the cold and warm periods of the year, if they last at least three days. SO2 and smoke concentration in the studied period (1988-90) was within the allowed limits and their correlation with sino-bronchial diseases, chronic or acute, was not significant

    Correlation of Psychosis and Suicide Attempts with Meteorological Factors

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    ln this study the authors have tried to find out if there is any correlation between weather caracteristics and acute psychoses and suicidal attempts (APSA). This research was based on SHMP data about the number of interventions in cases of APSA over a period of one year (VI/1988 - V/1989) in Zagreb and on the meteorological data registered at the Observatory Zagreb-Maksimir in the same period as well as on weather charts prepared daily or collected in the Hydrometeorological lnstitute of Croatia in Zagreb. A possible correlation with weather types and passages of cold fronts and especially with meteorological elements as: cloudiness, barometric pressure, air temperature and relative humidity, was studied. Linear correlation coefficients were calculated for daily values and for moving three-, five- and seven-day periods. The results revealed that the number of psychoses and suicidal attempts increased from month to month during the period considered, especially in females of the 15-20, 21-30 and 31-40 age groups. The acute psychosis and suicidal attempt number does not significantly differ with respect to weather type. The daily frequency of these pathological reactions increases in all seasons typically a day or two before and after a cold font passage, but differences are not significant. A significant correlation was obtained only with the duration of a high daily cloudiness amount. Suicidal attempts and psychoses increase significantly if the cloudy period lasts at least three days, but their significance is higher if the cloudy weather period is longer