1 research outputs found

    Influence of different type of artificial lighting on corn salad and garden cress seed germination

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    Cilj rada je bio utvrditi utjecaj LED (Light Emitting Diodes) i FLUO (fluorescentno svjetlo) osvjetljenja na klijavost i energiju klijanja sjemena te masu i visinu klijanaca matovilca i kres salate. Sjetva naturalnog sjemena provedena je u Petrijeve zdjelice u komori opremljenoj LED i FLUO lampama. LED lampe su bile opremljene crvenim (650-670 nm) i plavim (440-460 nm) LED diodama u omjeru 3:1. Istraživanje je provedeno u Laboratoriju za povrćarstvo, cvjećarstvo, ljekovito i začinsko bilje Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Osijeku. Utvrđen je statistički opravdan utjecaj tipa osvjetljenja na energiju klijanja i klijavost sjemena matovilca, a veće vrijednosti utvrđene su uslijed primjene LED lampi. Suprotno, pod FLUO lampama je utvrđena značajno veća masa i visina klijanaca matovilca te visina klijanaca kres salate. Međutim, tip osvjetljenja nije značajno utjecao na klijavost i energiju klijanja te masu klijanaca kres salate. Prema tome, može se zaključiti da je odgovor na tip osvjetljenja uvjetovan biljnom vrstom već od samih početaka rasta i razvoja.The aim of this research was to determine the influence of LED (light emitting diodes) and FLUO (fluorescent) lighting on seed germination and germination energy as well as on fresh weight and height of corn salad and garden cress seedlings. Seeding of natural seeds of corn salad and garden cress was done to Petri dishes, which were place in walk-in chamber equipped with LED and FLUO lamps. LED lamps had built-in blue (440-460 nm) and red (650-670 nm) diodes in 3:1 ratio. Research was carried out in Laboratory for vegetables, flowers, medicinal and spice herbs at Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek. Statistically significant influence of lighting type on corn salad seed germination energy and germination was determined where higher values were recorded in case of using LED lamps. On the contrary, corn salad seedlings fresh weight and height as well as garden cress seedlings height where significantly higher when FLUO lamps where used as light source. However, lighting type did not significantly influenced on germination energy, germination and seedlings fresh weight of garden cress. Accordingly, it can be concluded that the plant responses on lighting type are species dependent form the very beginning of their growth and development