3 research outputs found

    Investigation of hidden crisis of prescription drug abuse in Turkey: Pregabalin monitoring

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    This is a cross-sectional retrospective observational national study. Abuse/misuse of the pregabalin and related parameters analyzed. Pregabalin was mostly pre-scribed by general practitioners (26.2%). Pregabalin prescribing frequencies of other physicians were as follows, respectively: neurology (14.1%); mental health and illness (12%); physical therapy and rehabilitation (8.8%); internal medicine (4.8%). Accordingly, pregabalin (811.954box) and paracetamol, combinations excl. psycholeptics (1,131,069box) were the first two sales. In total cost of sales, pre-gabalin (57,721,322.00 TL) and methylphenidate (41,915,196.00 TL) were the top two sales rankings. According to the disposal results of ILAYS pharmaceuticals in 2020, pregabalin (2693box per year) and morphine (862box per year) were the most disposed drugs. It was determined that the frequency of pregabalin was fol-lowed by gabapentin. In conclusion, our study reveals the extent of abuse of prega-balin in Turkey with its data

    Defining the ultrastructure of axolotl spinal cord tissue

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    Spinal kord yaralanması insanlarda tam olarak tedavisi mümkün olmayan bir engellilik durumu oluşturmaktadır. Aksolotl yüksek rejenerasyon kapasitesi nedeniyle rejeneratif tıp araştırmaları için ideal bir laboratuvar canlısıdır. Bu çalışma ile aksolotl spinal kord rejenerasyon sürecini incelemek ve aksolotl spinal kord yapısı hakkında bilgi edinmek amaçlanmıştır. Aksolotl spinal kord dokusu rejenerasyonunda önemli yeri olduğu bilinen ve kök hücre gibi davranan ependimal hücrelerden köken alan nöron elektron mikroskobunda görüntülenmiştir. Nöronun segmentasyonu analiz programları ile yapılarak üç boyutlu görüntüsü elde edilmiştir. Nöronların rejenerasyon sürecini incelemek amacıyla aksolotl spinal kord dokusu eksplant kültürü yapılmıştır. Eksplant kültürü optimizasyonu ile hücre göçü, akson uzatma ve canlılık görülmüştür. Göç eden ve akson uzatan hücreler immunositokimya boyamaları ile gösterilmiştir. Sonuç olarak aksolotlun spinal kord rejenerasyonunu nasıl gerçekleştirdiğini daha iyi anlamak amacıyla benzer çalışmalar metamorfoz geçirmiş aksolotl ile yapılıp sonuçlar kıyaslanabilir.Spinal cord injury causes a disability in humanbeings with no complete cure. Axolotl is an ideal laboratory animal for regenerative medicine research, because of having high regenerative capacity. The goal of this research is investigating about spinal cord regeneration process and axolotl spinal cord structure. The neurons, which play an important role in spinal cord regeneration and are derived from ependymal cells that have the stem cell character, were viewed under electron microcopy. The neuron's three dimensional structure was shown with segmentation method by using analysis softwares. Axolotl spinal cord explant culture is performed. Cell migration, axon prolongation and live cells were observed and showed via immunocytochemical staining. As a result; in order to understand how the spinal cord regeneration is happening in axolotl, similar studies may be performed in metomorphic axolotl and the results may be compared