13 research outputs found

    Complementarity or substitutability between private and public investment in R&D: An empirical study

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    In this paper, we investigate the relationship between private and public investment in R&D. Various models proposed in the literature to take account for several instruments policies as: (subsidies, taxes…) are estimated to verify if private and public R&D spending are complement or substitute. Our empirical study is based on a dynamic panel model for a sample of (23) countries over the period 1992-2004. This research is dealing with the relationship between private and public investment in R&D. Results based on the GMM method of Arellano and Bond (1991) and the tests of causality and unit root applied to the panel data show a positive and significant relation between private and public R&D.R&D; Complementarity; Substituability; GMM; Dynamic Panel Data

    Complementarity between private and public investment in R&D: A Dynamic Panel Data analysis

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    This paper investigates the relationship between private and public investment in R&D, while taking into account the effect of several instruments policies such as subsidies and taxes. We design a new look of knowledge spillovers and R&D cooperation to explain the contribution of public and private R&D on growth. We propose a heterogeneous dynamic panel data model to consider the endogenous effect of R&D investment. We also distinguish between the estimated long and short run results. Our results based on a sample of 23 countries over the period 1992-2004 indicate that both public and private investments in R&D are complementary. By establishing an endogenous growth model, the estimates indicate that public and private R&D depends on the host country's human capital investment. Results indicate that foreign direct investment is a more significant spillover channel than imports.R&D investment; Technology Spillovers; Complementarities; Economic growth; Dynamic Panel Data; Cointegration; Unit root test; Private investment; Public investment; R&D cooperation

    Complementarity or substitutability between private and public investment in R&D: An empirical study

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    In this paper, we investigate the relationship between private and public investment in R&D. Various models proposed in the literature to take account for several instruments policies as: (subsidies, taxes…) are estimated to verify if private and public R&D spending are complement or substitute. Our empirical study is based on a dynamic panel model for a sample of (23) countries over the period 1992-2004. This research is dealing with the relationship between private and public investment in R&D. Results based on the GMM method of Arellano and Bond (1991) and the tests of causality and unit root applied to the panel data show a positive and significant relation between private and public R&D

    Complementarity or substitutability between private and public investment in R&D: An empirical study

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    In this paper, we investigate the relationship between private and public investment in R&D. Various models proposed in the literature to take account for several instruments policies as: (subsidies, taxes…) are estimated to verify if private and public R&D spending are complement or substitute. Our empirical study is based on a dynamic panel model for a sample of (23) countries over the period 1992-2004. This research is dealing with the relationship between private and public investment in R&D. Results based on the GMM method of Arellano and Bond (1991) and the tests of causality and unit root applied to the panel data show a positive and significant relation between private and public R&D

    Complementarity between private and public investment in R&D: A Dynamic Panel Data analysis

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    This paper investigates the relationship between private and public investment in R&D, while taking into account the effect of several instruments policies such as subsidies and taxes. We design a new look of knowledge spillovers and R&D cooperation to explain the contribution of public and private R&D on growth. We propose a heterogeneous dynamic panel data model to consider the endogenous effect of R&D investment. We also distinguish between the estimated long and short run results. Our results based on a sample of 23 countries over the period 1992-2004 indicate that both public and private investments in R&D are complementary. By establishing an endogenous growth model, the estimates indicate that public and private R&D depends on the host country's human capital investment. Results indicate that foreign direct investment is a more significant spillover channel than imports

    R&D Cooperation and economic growth: A dynamic panel data analysis

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    Dans ce papier, on se propose d’étudier la relation entre la coopération en R&D et la croissance économique. Nous essayerons d’apporter quelques éclairages théoriques sur les relations de coopération technologique en s’intéressant à l’émergence de la coopération entant que nouveau mode de coordination des activités économiques. Notre étude empirique se base sur différentes méthodes d’estimations développées récemment dans le cadre des panels dynamiques pour un échantillon de 23 pays sur la période 1992-2004. Nous utiliserons la méthode des GMM d’Arellano et Bond (1992), les tests de causalité et de racine unitaire appliqués sur donnée de panel. Les conclusions totales suggèrent une relation positive et significative.Coopération en R&D; Croissance économique; Données de panel dynamique; Externalités technologiques

    The impact of corruption on economic growth in Tunisia: application of ARDL approach

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    This study investigates corruption's impact on economic growth in Tunisia. Using time series data to obtain relationships of an empirical nature. The World Development Indicators 2019 helps to gather data from 1998 to 2018. The processing of time series data starts with checking individual series, and ADF and Zivot and Andrews tests help identify variables' stationarity. The mixed order of integration levels recommends using ARDL to obtain the long-run relationships between the variables. The estimation results confirm that corruption demoralizes and discourages private investment in the short and long run. In both the long and short run, the indirect impact of corruption is negative and insignificant for public spending. However, the interaction between human capital and the corruption perception index is positive and insignificant in the short run but negative and significant in the long run

    The impact of corruption on economic growth in Tunisia: application of ARDL approach

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    This study investigates corruption's impact on economic growth in Tunisia. Using time series data to obtain relationships of an empirical nature. The World Development Indicators 2019 helps to gather data from 1998 to 2018. The processing of time series data starts with checking individual series, and ADF and Zivot and Andrews tests help identify variables' stationarity. The mixed order of integration levels recommends using ARDL to obtain the long-run relationships between the variables. The estimation results confirm that corruption demoralizes and discourages private investment in the short and long run. In both the long and short run, the indirect impact of corruption is negative and insignificant for public spending. However, the interaction between human capital and the corruption perception index is positive and insignificant in the short run but negative and significant in the long run

    Coopération en R&D et croissance économique : Une analyse par les données de panel dynamique

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    Dans ce papier, on se propose d’étudier la relation entre la coopération en R&D et la croissance économique. Nous essayerons d’apporter quelques éclairages théoriques sur les relations de coopération technologique en s’intéressant à l’émergence de la coopération entant que nouveau mode de coordination des activités économiques. Notre étude empirique se base sur différentes méthodes d’estimations développées récemment dans le cadre des panels dynamiques pour un échantillon de 23 pays sur la période 1992-2004. Nous utiliserons la méthode des GMM d’Arellano et Bond (1992), les tests de causalité et de racine unitaire appliqués sur donnée de panel. Les conclusions totales suggèrent une relation positive et significative

    Digital Transformation and the D17 Application: A Case Study of the Tunisian Post Office

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    This study is based on a sample of 100 customers of the Tunisian Post, the objective is to know the impact of digital transformation on the Tunisian Post through the D17 application. Based on our analysis; the results show that mobile payments constitute an attractive solution for individuals because they are practical and easy to use tools. For the Post, the D17 application can be considered a powerful instrument not only for the development of digital strategies, but also for the country's financial sector and the economy in general