5 research outputs found

    Case study method for new product development in engineer to order organisations

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    The case study method has been widely used as a research instrument for data collection to build theory. Reports on the use of case study method for new product development (NPD) in an engineer-to-order (ETO) organization. Discusses previous work on NPD in the literature in order to determine the knowledge gap that exists. Discovers that NPD work in an ETO organization is lacking despite its importance. Proposes a case study method as a tool to bridge this gap. Explains and justifies the reasons for choosing the case study method. Also describes case study design with the case study protocol. Then discusses the execution of the case study, method of analysis and the limitations of case study research. The findings will assist researchers who are interested in pursuing future research work in this are

    Penjadualan preemption menggunakan aturan pelepasan berprioriti dalam sistem bergangguan

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    Kertas kerja ini membentangkan kajian yang bertujuan untuk mengemukakan panduan untuk membantu sesebuah syarikat dalam membuat keputusan terhadap penjadualan yang bergangguan. Penjadualan semula dicadangkan dengan melakukan ‘preemption’. Kajian dilakukan dengan pendekatan secara heuristik, iaitu dengan membandingkan beberapa kaedah aturan pelepasan berprioriti. Aturan pelepasan termasuk Masuk Dahulu Keluar Dahulu (First Come First Serve), Tarikh Siap Terawal (Earliest Due Date), Masa Proses Terpendek (Shortest Processing Time) dan Masa Proses Terlewat (Latest Processing Time) telah digunakan dalam kajian ini. Hasil kajian ini mendapati bahawa aturan pelepasan Tarikh Siap Terawal lebih berkesan berbanding dengan aturan lain. Perbandingan dilakukan terhadap beberapa kriteria penilaian, seperti purata kelewatan (mean lateness), purata masa alir (mean flowtime), ‘mean tardy’, dan ‘throughput’

    Issues in quality engineering research

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    he field of quality has undergone significant changes as reflected by changes in its definition, paradigms, approaches, techniques, and scope of application. This paper reviews emerging trends and issues focusing on quality engineering. Changes in customer expectation have driven the changes in the technology of design and manufacturing, which is becoming more important in satisfying individual customer expectations. This also calls for special attention to the engineering aspects of quality. Brief reviews on recent advances in the prominent quality tools such as statistical process control, quality function deployment, and design of experiment are reported. General trends in quality engineering research show the tools are being enhanced, integrated, computerized and broaden their application bases, where possible opportunities for further investigation are indicated. Among others these include contributions in multiple-response optimization, intelligent quality systems, multivariate SPC, and practical and simple guidelines for actual implementation of various tools

    Development of a postgraduate program in industrial engineering-process and lessons learned

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    Industrial engineering is a branch of engineering which deals with the optimization of complex processes, systems or organizations. Industrial engineers work to eliminate waste of time, money, materials, man-hours, machine time, energy and other resources that do not generate value