20 research outputs found

    Variations in antimicrobial activities of human monocyte-derived macrophage and their associations with tuberculosis clinical manifestations

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    Macrophages play a significant role in preventing infection through antimicrobial activities, particularly acidification, and proteolysis. Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection can lead to diverse outcomes, from latent asymptomatic infection to active disease involving multiple organs. Monocyte-derived macrophage is one of the main cell types accumulating in lungs following Mtb infection. The variation of intracellular activities of monocyte-derived macrophages in humans and the influence of these activities on the tuberculosis (TB) spectrum are not well understood. By exploiting ligand-specific bead-based assays, we investigated macrophage antimicrobial activities real-time in healthy volunteers (n = 53) with 35 cases of latent TB (LTB), and those with active TB (ATB), and either pulmonary TB (PTB, n = 70) or TB meningitis (TBM, n = 77). We found wide person-to-person variations in acidification and proteolytic activities in response to both non-immunogenic IgG and pathogenic ligands comprising trehalose 6,6’−dimycolate (TDM) from Mtb or β-glucan from Saccharamyces erevisiase. The variation in the macrophage activities remained similar regardless of stimuli; however, IgG induced stronger acidification activity than immunogenic ligands TDM (P = 10−5, 3 × 10−5 and 0.01 at 30, 60, and 90 min) and β-glucan (P = 10−4 , 3 × 10−4 and 0.04 at 30, 60, and 90 min). Variation in proteolysis activity was slightly higher in LTB than in ATB (CV = 40% in LTB vs. 29% in ATB, P = 0.03). There was no difference in measured antimicrobial activities in response to TDM and bacterial killing in macrophages from LTB and ATB, or from PTB and TBM. Our results indicate that antimicrobial activities of monocyte-derived macrophages vary among individuals and show immunological dependence, but suggest these activities cannot be solely responsible for the control of bacterial replication or dissemination in TB

    Most-probable number based minimum duration of killing assay for determining the spectrum of rifampicin susceptibility in clinical M tuberculosis isolates

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    Accurate antibiotic susceptibility testing is essential for successful tuberculosis treatment. Recent studies have highlighted the limitations of minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) based phenotypic susceptibility methods in detecting other aspects of antibiotic susceptibilities in bacteria. Duration and peak of antibiotic exposure, at or above the MIC required for killing the bacterial population, has emerged as another important factor for determining the antibiotic susceptibility. This is broadly defined as antibiotic tolerance. Antibiotic tolerance can further facilitate the emergence of antibiotic resistance. Currently there are limited methods to quantify antibiotic tolerance among clinical M. tuberculosis isolates. In this study, we develop a most-probable number (MPN) based minimum duration of killing (MDK) assay to quantify the spectrum of M. tuberculosis rifampicin susceptibility within subpopulations, based on time duration of rifampicin exposure required for killing the bacterial population. MDK90-99 and MDK99.99 defined as the minimum time duration of antibiotic exposure at or above MIC required for killing 90-99% and 99.99% of the initial (pre-treatment) bacterial population respectively. Results from the rifampicin MDK assay applied to 28 laboratory and clinical M. tuberculosis isolates showed that there is variation in rifampicin susceptibility among isolates. Rifampicin MDK99/99.99 time for isolates varied from less than 2 to 10 days. MDK was correlated with larger sub-populations of M. tuberculosis from clinical isolates that were rifampicin tolerant. Our study demonstrates the utility of MDK assays to measure the variation in antibiotic tolerance among clinical M. tuberculosis isolates and further expands clinically important aspects of antibiotic susceptibility testing

    Virulence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Clinical Isolates Is Associated With Sputum Pre-treatment Bacterial Load, Lineage, Survival in Macrophages, and Cytokine Response

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    It is uncertain whether differences in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) virulence defined in vitro influence clinical tuberculosis pathogenesis, transmission, and mortality. We primarily used a macrophage lysis model to characterize the virulence of Mtb isolates collected from 153 Vietnamese adults with pulmonary tuberculosis. The virulence phenotypes were then investigated for their relationship with sputum bacterial load, bacterial lineages, bacterial growth, and cytokine responses in macrophages. Over 6 days of infection, 34 isolates (22.2%) showed low virulence (< 5% macrophages lysed), 46 isolates (30.1%) showed high virulence (≥90% lysis of macrophages), and 73 isolates (47.7%) were of intermediate virulence (5-90% macrophages lysed). Highly virulent isolates were associated with an increased bacterial load in patients' sputum before anti-tuberculosis therapy (P = 0.02). Isolate-dependent virulence phenotype was consistent in both THP-1 and human monocyte-derived macrophages. High virulence isolates survived better and replicated in macrophages one hundred fold faster than those with low virulence. Macrophages infected with high virulence isolates produced lower concentrations of TNF-α and IL-6 (P = 0.002 and 0.0005, respectively), but higher concentration of IL-1β (P = 5.1 × 10-5) compared to those infected with low virulence isolates. High virulence was strongly associated with East Asian/Beijing lineage [P = 0.002, Odd ratio (OR) = 4.32, 95% confident intervals (CI) 1.68-11.13]. The association between virulence phenotypes, bacterial growth, and proinflammatory cytokines in macrophages suggest the suppression of certain proinflammatory cytokines (TNF-α and IL-6) but not IL-1β allows better intracellular survival of highly virulent Mtb. This could result in rapid macrophage lysis and higher bacterial load in sputum of patients infected with high virulence isolates, which may contribute to the pathogenesis and success of the Beijing lineage

    Evaluation of an algorithm for integrated management of childhood illness in an area of Vietnam with dengue transmission

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    OBJECTIVES: To determine whether nurses, using the WHO/UNICEF algorithm for integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI), modified to include dengue infection, satisfactorily classified children in an area endemic for dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF). METHODS: Nurses assessed and classified, using the modified IMCI algorithm, a systematic sample of 1250 children aged 2 months to 10 years (n = 1250) presenting to a paediatric hospital in Dong Nai Province, Vietnam. Their classification was compared with that of a paediatrician, blind to the result of the nurses' assessment, which could be modified in the light of simple investigations, e.g. dengue serology. RESULTS: In children aged 2-59 months (n = 859), the nurses were able to classify, using the modified chart, the presenting illness in >99% of children and found more than one classification in 70%. For the children with pneumonia, diarrhoea, dengue shock syndrome, severe DHF and severe disease requiring urgent admission, the nurse's classification was >60% sensitive and >85% specific compared with that of the paediatrician. For the nurse's classification of DHF the specificity was 50-55% for the children <5 years and in children with definitive dengue serology. Alterations in the DHF algorithm improved specificity at the expense of sensitivity. CONCLUSION: Using the IMCI chart, nurses classified appropriately many of the major clinical problems in sick children <5 years in southern Vietnam. However, further modifications will be required in the fever section, particularly for dengue. The impact of using the IMCI chart in peripheral health stations remains to be evaluated

    An observational study of breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant infections among vaccinated healthcare workers in Vietnam

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    Background Data on breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant infections in vaccinated individuals are limited. Methods We studied breakthrough infections among Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccinated healthcare workers in an infectious diseases hospital in Vietnam. We collected demographic and clinical data alongside serial PCR testing, measurement of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, and viral whole-genome sequencing. Findings Between 11th–25th June 2021 (7-8 weeks after the second dose), 69 staff tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. 62 participated in the study. Most were asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic and all recovered. Twenty-two complete-genome sequences were obtained; all were Delta variant and were phylogenetically distinct from contemporary viruses obtained from the community or from hospital patients admitted prior to the outbreak. Viral loads inferred from Ct values were 251 times higher than in cases infected with the original strain in March/April 2020. Median time from diagnosis to negative PCR was 21 days (range 8–33). Neutralizing antibodies (expressed as percentage of inhibition) measured after the second vaccine dose, or at diagnosis, were lower in cases than in uninfected, fully vaccinated controls (median (IQR): 69.4 (50.7-89.1) vs. 91.3 (79.6-94.9), p=0.005 and 59.4 (32.5-73.1) vs. 91.1 (77.3-94.2), p=0.043). There was no correlation between vaccine-induced neutralizing antibody levels and peak viral loads or the development of symptoms. Interpretation Breakthrough Delta variant infections following Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccination may cause asymptomatic or mild disease, but are associated with high viral loads, prolonged PCR positivity and low levels of vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies. Epidemiological and sequence data suggested ongoing transmission had occurred between fully vaccinated individuals