482 research outputs found

    Divisional Reporting by Diversified Corporations: An Analyst\u27s View

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    Divisional Reporting by Diversified Corporations: An Analyst\u27s View

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    Mirror, mirror on the wall, wish that I could rent it all

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    Although raised awareness of how excess consumption of fashion causes great environmental concern in society, changes in consumption patterns have been modest. It is therefore questionable whether reduced consumption is likely to happen, it might be better to envision equally compelling ways to address consumers’ desire for fashion. The phenomenon of fashion-rental services seems promising to encourage resource efficiency in production and consumption of fashion. However, it necessitates changes in consumption practices. Previous research lacks deeper insights about consumers’ participation and engagement in offerings that build on access to products in the context of fashion. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate and critically reflect on conditions that influence consumer adoption to fashion-rental services on the Swedish market. New approaches to the topic of consumer adoption to fashion-rental services have been taken, such as following a case study research strategy, where semi-structured interviews have been conducted with market experts within the area of fashion. Moreover, using the Consumer Culture Theory as the analytical perspective. This study shows that the conditions of experiment with style, identity and belonging, trend of services as well as changes in daily life and environmental values are perceived as drivers for consumer adoption to fashion-rental services on the Swedish market. It further shows that the conditions of emotional attachment, the “kick” of material things, ease of use, ownership, consumer mindset, and supply on the market are perceived to hinder consumer adoption to fashion-rental services on the Swedish market. The findings indicate that how fashion consumption is perceived by Swedish consumers determines whether a fashion-rental service is adopted and thereby diffused on the Swedish market. These findings further reflect the challenges of combining fashion consumption and sustainable development

    HIV prevention awareness and practices among married couples in Malawi

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    In this study we explored the level of awareness and practice on HIV prevention among married couples from selected communities in Malawi. Methods We carried out the study from October to December, 2008 in four communities, two each from Chiradzulu and Chikhwawa districts of Malawi. We conducted face-to-face in-depth interviews with 30 couples in each district using a semi-structured interview guide. The interviews lasted approximately 60-90 minutes. The husbands and wives were interviewed separately. The interviews were audio taped using a digital recorder. We wrote field notes during data collection and later reviewed them to provide insights into the data collection process. We computed descriptive statistics from the demographic data using SPSS version 16.0. We analyzed qualitative data using Atlas ti 5.0 computer software. The coded data generated themes and we present the themes in qualitative narration. Results The couples’ ages ranged from 20 to 53 years, the majority (52%) being in the 20-31year age group. Most of the couples (67%) attained only primary school education and 84% had been married only to the current partner. Most couples (83%) depended upon substance farming and 47% had been married for 3 to 9 years. The number of children per couple ranged from 1 to 10, most couples (83%) having between 1 and 5 children. All couples were aware of HIV prevention methods and talked about them in their marriages. Both wives and husbands initiated the discussions. Mutual fidelity and HIV testing were appropriate for couples to follow the HIV prevention methods. For most couples (54) there was mutual trust between husbands and wives, and members of only a few couples (6) doubted their partners’ ability to maintain mutual fidelity. Actual situations of marital infidelity were however detected among 25 couples and often involved the husbands. A few couples (5) had been tested for HIV. All couples did not favor the use of condoms with a marriage partner as an HIV prevention method. Conclusion The level of HIV prevention awareness among couples in Malawi is high and almost universal. However, there is low adoption of the HIV prevention methods among the couples because they are perceived to be couple unfriendly due to their incompatibility with the socio-cultural beliefs of the people. There is a need to target couples as units of intervention in the adoption of HIV prevention methods by rural communities

    Economic Impact of Illinois Agricultural Fairs 2014

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    This report serves as an economic impact study for the 2014 Illinois agricultural fairs. It's purpose is to better understand the economic and social impact of agricultural fairs held in Illinois.Illinois Associate of Agricultural FairsIllinois Department of AgricultureOpe

    Yleisen kirjaston ja alakoulun yhteistyö : Kirjasto oppilaan oppimisympÀristön laajentajana ja toimijuuden tukijana

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    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kartoittaa millaista yhteistyötÀ yleisellÀ kirjastolla ja alakouluilla on tutkimuksen tekohetkellÀ Turun seudulla. Tutkimuksella pyritÀÀn lisÀksi selvittÀmÀÀn, mitÀ ongelmakohtia kirjaston ja koulun yhteistyössÀ on tÀllÀ hetkellÀ ja miten yhteistyötÀ voisi kirjaston nÀkökulmasta edelleen kehittÀÀ. Tutkimuksessa selvitetÀÀn nÀiden lisÀksi, miten kirjasto toimii oppimisympÀristönÀ, ja miten kirjaston ja koulun yhteistyö tukee oppilaan toimijuutta ja osallisuutta. Tutkimus on laadullinen. AineistonkeruumenetelmÀnÀ kÀytettiin teemahaastattelua. Haastatteluun osallistui viisi kirjastonhoitajaa, joiden työalueena olivat Turun seudun kirjastot. Haastattelut olivat yksilöhaastatteluja. Tutkimuksen aineisto on kerÀtty kevÀÀn/kesÀn 2017 aikana. TÀssÀ tutkimuksessa aineiston analyysin filosofisena lÀhestymistapana on hermeneutiikka, jonka avainkÀsitteitÀ ovat tulkinta ja ymmÀrtÀminen. Aineistoa on pyritty todella ymmÀrtÀmÀÀn ja tulkitsemaan, kuitenkin ylitulkintaa vÀlttÀen. Tuloksissa on tÀstÀ syystÀ esillÀ runsaasti aineistokatkelmia. Tulokset on jaoteltu oppilaiden oppimisympÀristön laajentamiseen, kirjaston tarjoamiin palveluihin ja yhteistyön kehittÀmisideoihin. Aineistosta nousi lisÀksi suureksi yhteistyötÀ mÀÀrittÀvÀksi tekijÀksi opettajien osuus. TÀrkeimmÀksi kirjaston ja alakoulun yhteistyön tehtÀvÀksi nimettiin lukemaan oppimisen ja lukuharrastuksen tukeminen. Suurin ongelmakohta yhteistyössÀ olivat opettajat, joita ei saatu kirjaston palveluiden pariin

    Numerical and real-life assessment of the moisture safety of CLT structure with PIR insulation composite under the Swedish climate

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    The building industry is a major contributor of CO2 emission. Wood construction is a good option for carbon storage among various construction alternatives. Considering the growing market of multi-story wooden building in Sweden, CLT (cross laminated timber) structure with an alternative insulation composite with PIR insulation and MgO board was proposed. In order to prove the applicability of this construction for moisture safety, the hygrothermal performance of the wall was measured in real life at HSB Living Lab (Gothenburg, Sweden) throughout 2019. Furthermore, a numerical model to analyse its performance by transient heat and moisture transfer analysis was created to predict the performance of the wall system. After the successful validation of the numerical model, a parameter study was carried out to investigate the moisture risk of the wall system in the case of extensive wetting of the CLT panel and in various areas in Sweden (Gothenburg, Stockholm, Lund, Karlstad and Lule). The study showed a low mould growth risk either in the test at the living lab or in the feasibility study. The development of the technology should further focus on the cost-effectiveness and design of all the construction details for the future market application

    The food strategy of Ydre : a democratic experiment for the municipality and the citizens

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    De senaste decennierna har frĂ„gan om demokrati och medborgarinflytande pĂ„ den kommunala nivĂ„n lyfts allt oftare inom den offentliga debatten. Staten menar att demokratin ska uppstĂ„ inte bara genom politiska val, utan Ă€ven i samtalen mellan kommun och medborgare i mellanvalsperioderna. Under Ă„r 2018 pĂ„gick en process att ta fram en handlingsplan för en kommunal livsmedelsstrategi i Ydre kommun. Under Ă„ret involverades medborgare genom samtal, kvalitativa intervjuer och öppna samtalstrĂ€ffar dĂ€r de kunde berĂ€tta vad de ansĂ„g var viktigt i kommunens framtida livsmedelsframstĂ€llning. I uppsatsen undersöks processen och hur medborgare har uppfattat denna genom kvalitativa intervjuer. Uppsatsen undersöker ocksĂ„ hur kommunen ser pĂ„ det fort-satta arbetet för att implementera de tankar och idĂ©er som kommit fram utifrĂ„n processen. Uppsatsen visar att kommunen har en ambition att dialogen mellan kommunen och medborgare ska fortsĂ€tta. Uppsatsen visar ocksĂ„ att kommunen i livsmedelsfrĂ„gan har ett nĂ€ringslivsfokus och gĂ€rna ser att medborgarnas idĂ©er infogas i de befintliga nĂ€ringslivsverksamheterna. Detta kan tolkas som ett uttryck för kommunens för-Ă€ndrade roll resulterat av den nyliberalisering som pĂ„gĂ„r i samhĂ€llet. I uppsatsen kommer Ă€ven medborgarnas syn pĂ„ livsmedelsproduktionen fram dĂ€r man menar pĂ„ att Ydrebygden Ă€r gynnad, dĂ„ man av olika skĂ€l inte rationaliserat jordbruket i lika hög grad som pĂ„ andra platser. Detta har gjort att jordbruket lyckats behĂ„lla höga natur– och kulturvĂ€rden, vilket medborgarna tĂ€nker kan bidra till bĂ„de naturturism och högre kvalitet pĂ„ rĂ„varor. Kommunen ser sin roll som att vara en brygga mellan medborgare och regionen och utrycker det svĂ„ra i att öka produktion men samtidigt behĂ„lla höga natur- och kulturvĂ€rden i landskapet. Sammantaget har bĂ„de kommunen och medborgare ett ömsesidigt intresse av att hitta en samverkan men det rĂ„der en osĂ€kerhet kring under vilka former det ska ske.Over the past decades, the issue of democracy and civic influence at the municipal level has been increasingly raised in public debate. The state believes that democracy should arise not only through political elec-tions but also in the conversations between the municipality and citizens in the inter-election periods. During 2018, a process was under way to develop an action plan for a food strategy in the municipality of Ydre. During the year, citizens were involved through conversations, interviews and open conversation meetings where they could tell what they considered important in the municipality's future food production. The essay examines the process and how citizens have perceived this through qualitative interviews. The essay also examines how the mu-nicipality looks at the continued work to implement the thoughts and ideas that have emerged from the process. The paper shows that the municipality has an ambition that the dialogue between the municipal-ity and citizens should continue, but that the municipality has a business focus and would like to include the citizens' ideas in the existing business activities. This can be interpreted as an expression of the munici-pality's changed role resulting from the neo-liberalization that is taking place in society. In the essay, the citizens' view of food production will also emerge, where it is said that the rural area is favored, because for various reasons agriculture is not rationalized as much as in other places. This has meant that agriculture has managed to maintain high natural and cultural values, which the citizens intend contributes to both nature tourism and raising higher quality of food. The municipality sees its role as being a bridge between citizens and the region and expresses the difficulty in increasing production but at the same time retaining high natural and cultural values in the landscape. All in all, both the municipality and the citizens have a mutual interest in finding a collab-oration, but there is uncertainty about what forms it should take

    Pendugaan Beberapa Bentuk Persilangan antara Itik Alabio dengan Itik Cihateup melalui Aplikasi Program Gen Up

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menduga beberapa bentuk persilangan antara itik Alabio dan Cihateup sebagai itik potong. Persilangan kedua jenis itik ini dilakukan untuk memperbaiki kelemahan-kelemahan yang ditemui pada tetua murni, sehingga mendapatkan kelompok itik yang produktif di masa depan dan diharapkan dapat menjadi sumber informasi dalam program pemuliaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan itik jantan masing-masing jenis 30 ekor yakni itik AA (Alabio >< Alabio). Pemanfaatan heterosis dalam program persilangan antara kelompok-kelompok itik lokal dapat memberikan alternatif jangka pendek dalam meningkatkan produktivitas itik. Program persilangan dilakukan untuk memperbaiki sifat-sifat kuantitatif dan kualitatif ternak yang bersifat ekonomis. Prediksi pendugaan dari setiap persilangan dapat dilakukan dengan mengetahui parameter-parameter seperti direct additive effect, maternal additive effect, direct dominance effect dan maternal dominance effect melalui program Gen Up. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa itik persilangan CA unggul untuk sifat-sifat performans antara lain bobot hidup akhir memiliki tingkat heterosis 7,06%; pertambahan bobot hidup (PBH) sebesar 7,32%; bobot karkas tingkat heterosis 9,24%, dibandingkan dengan itik persilangan AC. Pada prediksi beberapa bentuk persilangan menunjukkan bahwa persilangan backcross antara itik betina CA dengan jantan Cihateup lebih baik. Apabila persilangan untuk tujuan membentuk kelompok itik sintetik, maka persilangan yang baik adalah dengan melakukan persilangan sintetik seimbang
