29 research outputs found
Integrated multisensor navigation systems
The multisensor navigation systems research evolved from the availability of several stand alone navigation systems and the growing concern for aircraft navigation reliability and safety. The intent is to develop a multisensor navigation system during the next decade that will be capable of providing reliable aircraft position data. These data will then be transmitted directly, or by satellite, to surveillance centers to aid the process of air traffic flow control. In order to satisfy the requirements for such a system, the following issues need to be examined: performance, coverage, reliability, availability, and integrity. The presence of a multisensor navigation system in all aircraft will improve safety for the aviation community and allow for more economical operation
Next generation solid boosters
Space transportation solid rocket motor systems; Shuttle derived heavy lift launch vehicles; advanced launch system (ALS) derived heavy lift launch vehicles; large launch solid booster vehicles are outlined. Performance capabilities and concept objectives are presented. Small launch vehicle concepts; enabling technologies; reusable flyback booster system; and high-performance solid motors for space are briefly described. This presentation is represented by viewgraphs
Recherches icоnоgraphiques sur la peinture serbe des XIIIe et XIVe siècles
Посебна издања 32. Балканолошки институт Српске академије наука и уметност
Говор села Горобиља (код Ужичке Пожеге)
Магистарски рад одбрањен 20. марта 1972. год. на Филолошком факултету у Бсограду, пред комисијом коју су сачињавали: академик Др Михаила Сшевановић, редовни професор универзитета, Др Асим Пецо, редовни професор универзитета и Др Душан Јовић, ванредни професор универзитета
Scientific Ballooning Technologies Workshop STO-2 Thermal Design and Analysis
The heritage thermal model for the full STO-2 (Stratospheric Terahertz Observatory II), vehicle has been updated to model the CSBF (Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility) SIP-14 (Scientific Instrument Package) in detail. Analysis of this model has been performed for the Antarctica FY2017 launch season. Model temperature predictions are compared to previous results from STO-2 review documents
Zbornik radova / Srpska akademija nauka ; knj. 5. Mašinski institut ; knj. 2
Zbornik radova je stručna serijska publikacija posvećena pitanjima iz oblasti mašinstva, a posebna pažnja posvećena je parnim kotlovima, motorima sa unutrašnjim sagorevanjem i brodogradnji. Časopis je izlazio u Beogradu od 1949. do 1961. godine, a izdavao ga je Mašinski institut Srpske akademije nauka. Objavljeno je devet svezaka. Urednik prvih pet svezaka bio je akademik Vladimir Farmakovski (direktor Instituta 1947-1954), a urednik preostale četiri dr Dušan Veličković (direktor Instituta 1954-1963). Časopis je poznat i kao Recueil des travaux de l’Institut de constructions mécaniques