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4 research outputs found
Impaired metabolic function of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in glycogen storage disease Ib
AJ Lange
AL Beaudet
+11Â more
DC Anderson
E Preisig
HJ Cohen
K Heyne
K Heyne
K Heyne
K Narisawa
NL Koven
PP Kamoun
R Furth van
S Holze
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Anaesthetic management of a patient with glycogen storage disease type 1b
AJ Lange
AL Beaudet
+23Â more
AL Beaudet
AP Barrett
AS Tonnesen
Daniel Landau
DR Ambruso
ERB McCabe
Ezekiel H. Landau
G Hug
H Casson
HT Loevy
JC Bevan
JG Christensen
JM Cox
M Gahr
NL Koven
RK Stoelting
S Herzog
SA Ralls
Shimon Meretyk
V Malhotra
Yackov Golub
Yoram Shir
Ze’ev Shenkman
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Effect of temperature on survival, growth and malformation of cultured larvae and juveniles of the seven-band grouper Epinephelus septemfasciatus
A Bardon
A Polo
+52Â more
AJ Trotter
B Chatain
B Chatain
C Cahu
C Kitajima
D Zilberg
DG Sfakianakis
DS Fielder
E Georgakopoulou
E Sawayama
F Jacquemond
G Koumoundouros
H Senou
Hisayo Abe
I Fernandez
I Lein
Isao Kuriyama
J Dedi
K Yamaoka
K Yoseda
Kazuhiro Hanyuu
Kazuhiro Okada
Kingo Tsumoto
M Aritaki
M Hattori
M Hattori
M Lijalad
M Matsuoka
Masaharu Tsuji
MH Barahona-Fernandes
MN Roy
MT Santerre
N Nagano
NL Shein
O Fukuhara
PJ Gavaia
S Peruzzi
S Pierre
S Uji
Susumu Uji
SZ Dou
T Kurokawa
T Matsusato
Takashi Katou
Takeshi Kawamura
Takuo Nigou
Tooru Kasuya
WM Koven
Y Sakakura
Y Sakakura
Yasushi Tsuchihashi
Yoshifumi Sawada
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Interactions Between Land-Use Change and Climate-Carbon Cycle Feedbacks
A Baccini
A Baccini
+108Â more
A Ballantyne
A Don
A Hooijer
A Hursh
AB Berdanier
AC Bennett
AD McGuire
AP Ballantyne
AP Walker
BD Stocker
BW Abbott
C Quéré Le
C Terrer
CD Allen
CD Keeling
CD Koven
CR Schwalm
D Murty
D Schimel
DH Kim
DJ Hayes
DM Lawrence
DN Huntzinger
DV Spracklen
E Hansis
EA Davidson
EA Schuur
G Bonan
GF Pires
HD Graven
J Liu
J Olofssson
J Pongratz
J Pongratz
J Sanderman
JO Kaplan
K-H Erb
KM Strassman
KM Strassmann
L Qie
LB Guo
LEOC Aragão
LJC Oliveira
LT Berner
M Adachi
M Jung
M Köhl
M Mauritz
M Stitt
M Vanoni
MA Heskel
MC Hansen
MG Kauwe De
MG Kauwe de
MH Costa
MJE Marle van
MLC Berbert
MP Girardin
MR Raupach
MT Coe
MT Coe
MT Coe
N Andela
N Butt
NL Stephenson
NM Mahowald
OL Phillips
OL Phillips
P Ciais
P Friedlingstein
P Friedlingstein
PE Thornton
PJ Franks
R Knox
R Schneck
RA Houghton
RA Houghton
RA Houghton
RA Houghton
RA Houghton
RA Houghton
RF Keeling
RJW Brienen
RS DeFries
S Luyssaert
S Sitch
S Wenzel
S Zaehle
SJ Goetz
SJ Goetz
SL Lewis
SL Lewis
SL Lewis
T Davies-Barnard
T Gasser
T Klein
TF Keenan
TF Keenan
TW Crowther
V Bellassen
V Gitz
VK Arora
W Knorr
WJ Arp
WK Smith
WM Post
Y Pan
Y Zhang
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text