3 research outputs found

    Expression and function of αβ1 integrins in pancretic beta (INS-1) cells

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    Integrin-extracellular matrix interactions are important determinants of beta cell behaviours. The β1 integrin is a well-known regulator of beta cell activities; however, little is known of its associated α subunits. In the present study, αβ1 integrin expression was examined in the rat insulinoma cell line (INS-1) to identify their role in beta cell survival and function. Seven α subunits associated with β1 integrin were identified, including α1-6 and αV. Among these heterodimers, α3β1 was most highly expressed. Common ligands for the α3β1 integrin, including fibronectin, laminin, collagen I and collagen IV were tested to identify the most suitable matrix for INS-1 cell proliferation and function. Cells exposed to collagen I and IV demonstrated significant increases in adhesion, spreading, cell viability, proliferation, and FAK phosphorylation when compared to cells cultured on fibronectin, laminin and controls. Integrin-dependent attachment also had a beneficial effect on beta cell function, increasing Pdx-1 and insulin gene and protein expression on collagens I and IV, in parallel with increased basal insulin release and enhanced insulin secretion upon high glucose challenge. Furthermore, functional blockade of α3β1 integrin decreased cell adhesion, spreading and viability on both collagens and reduced Pdx-1 and insulin expression, indicating that its interactions with collagen matrices are important for beta cell survival and function. These results demonstrate that specific αβ1 integrin-ECM interactions are critical regulators of INS-1 beta cell survival and function and will be important in designing optimal conditions for cell-based therapies for diabetes treatment

    Inhibition of Gsk3β activity improves β-cell function in c-KitWv/+ male mice

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    Previous studies have shown that the stem cell marker, c-Kit, is involved in glucose homeostasis. We recently reported that c-Kit(Wv/+) male mice displayed onset of diabetes at 8 weeks of age; however, the mechanisms by which c-Kit regulates β-cell proliferation and function are unknown. The purpose of the present study is to examine if c-Kit(Wv/+) mutation-induced β-cell dysfunction is associated with down-regulation of the phospho-Akt/Gsk3β pathway in c-Kit(Wv/+) male mice. Histology and cell signaling were examined in C57BL/6J/Kit(Wv/+) (c-Kit(Wv/+)) and wild-type (c-Kit(+/+)) mice using immunofluorescence and western blotting approaches. The Gsk3β inhibitor, 1-azakenpaullone (1-AKP), was administered to c-Kit(Wv/+) and c-Kit(+/+) mice for 2 weeks, whereby alterations in glucose metabolism were examined and morphometric analyses were performed. A significant reduction in phosphorylated Akt was observed in the islets of c-Kit(Wv/+) mice (P<0.05) along with a decrease in phosphorylated Gsk3β (P<0.05), and cyclin D1 protein level (P<0.01) when compared to c-Kit(+/+) mice. However, c-Kit(Wv/+) mice that received 1-AKP treatment demonstrated normal fasting blood glucose with significantly improved glucose tolerance. 1-AKP treated c-Kit(Wv/+) mice also showed increased β-catenin, cyclin D1 and Pdx-1 levels in islets demonstrating that inhibition of Gsk3β activity led to increased β-cell proliferation and insulin secretion. These data suggest that c-Kit(Wv/+) male mice had alterations in the Akt/Gsk3β signaling pathway, which lead to β-cell dysfunction by decreasing Pdx-1 and cyclin D1 levels. Inhibition of Gsk3β could prevent the onset of diabetes by improving glucose tolerance and β-cell function

    A survival Kit for pancreatic beta cells: stem cell factor and c-Kit receptor tyrosine kinase

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    The interactions between c-Kit and its ligand, stem cell factor (SCF), play an important role in haematopoiesis, pigmentation and gametogenesis. c-Kit is also found in the pancreas, and recent studies have revealed that c-Kit marks a subpopulation of highly proliferative pancreatic endocrine cells that may harbour islet precursors. c-Kit governs and maintains pancreatic endocrine cell maturation and function via multiple signalling pathways. In this review we address the importance of c-Kit signalling within the pancreas, including its profound role in islet morphogenesis, islet vascularisation, and beta cell survival and function. We also discuss the impact of c-Kit signalling in pancreatic disease and the use of c-Kit as a potential target for the development of cell-based and novel drug therapies in the treatment of diabetes