27 research outputs found

    The role of the retinoblastoma protein (pRb) in the nuclear localisation of BAG-1: Implications for colorectal tumour cell survival

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    This paper is intended to present one of the unknown accomplishments of Tanzan Ishibashi (1884-1973), the 16th dean of Rissho University. Since the discovery of the Ekai Kawaguchi collection at Rissho University in 2009, the author has studied and presented on the materials contained. Ekai Kawaguchi (1866-1945) is well known as the first Japanese to set foot in Nepal and Lhasa in the center of Tibet, bringing Buddhist scriptures and a number of other materials back with him to Japan, which he himself translated. Ekai Kawaguchi studied Buddhist scripture and laid the foundation for modern Buddhist studies in Japan. This paper undertakes the following: (1) Reviews the current state of research on Ekai Kawaguchi; (2) Summarizes the content of the portions of the Ekai Kawaguchi collection and related materials at The University of Tokyo, Tohoku University, Toyo University, Taisho University, and Toyo Bunko, as well as Rissho University; (3) Presents the involvement of Tanzan Ishibashi in the receipt of the materials by Rissho University, the circumstances surrounding the episode, and the methods used to study the documents; (4) Discusses the characteristics of the documents at Rissho University; (5) Focuses on key pieces of the collection, including Trans-Himalaya, which was given to Ekai Kawaguchi by explorer Sven Hedin (1865- 1952); and (6) Describes future areas of study on this topic