125 research outputs found

    Peptide aptamer-modified single-walled carbon nanotube-based transistors for high-performance biosensors

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    Biosensors employing single-walled carbon nanotube field-effect transistors (SWCNT FETs) offer ultimate sensitivity. However, besides the sensitivity, a high selectivity is critically important to distinguish the true signal from interference signals in a non-controlled environment. This work presents the first demonstration of the successful integration of a novel peptide aptamer with a liquid-gated SWCNT FET to achieve highly sensitive and specific detection of Cathepsin E (CatE), a useful prognostic biomarker for cancer diagnosis. Novel peptide aptamers that specifically recognize CatE are engineered by systemic in vitro evolution. The SWCNTs were firstly grown using the thermal chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method and then were employed as a channel to fabricate a SWCNT FET device. Next, the SWCNTs were functionalized by noncovalent immobilization of the peptide aptamer using 1-pyrenebutanoic acid succinimidyl ester (PBASE) linker. The resulting FET sensors exhibited a high selectivity (no response to bovine serum albumin and cathepsin K) and label-free detection of CatE at unprecedentedly low concentrations in both phosphate-buffered saline (2.3 pM) and human serum (0.23 nM). Our results highlight the use of peptide aptamer-modified SWCNT FET sensors as a promising platform for near-patient testing and point-of-care testing applications

    Three minute, but not one minute, ischemia and nicorandil have a preconditioning effect in patients with coronary artery disease

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    AbstractOBJECTIVESThis study focused on 1) the determination of the optimal preconditioning (PC) duration, and 2) the protective effect of nicorandil (NC), a hybrid nitrate with a Katpchannel opening effect, during a percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) model in humans.BACKGROUNDThe ischemic PC effect is induced in 180 s ischemia, but not in 120 s ischemia in rabbit hearts. However, the duration of ischemia that induces PC effect and the role of the Katpchannel in the PC effect in humans are still unclear.METHODSForty-six patients with stable angina were randomly allocated to four groups: the duration of the first inflation as PC ischemia was 60 s in the PC60 group (n = 12), and 180 s in the PC180 group (n = 12). In the other groups, NC (80 μg/kg) was intravenously given for 1 min in the NC group (n = 12), and isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN) (40 μg/kg) was given in the ISDN group (n = 10). Five minutes after first inflation or drug administration, a second inflation was conducted for 120 s in each group. In the ECG, the lead with the largest shift in ST segment (deltaST max), and the sum of elevated ST levels in all leads (sigmaST) were determined.RESULTSIn the PC60 group, no significant difference was observed in either deltaST max or sigmaST between the first and second inflation. However, the second inflation in the PC180 group showed significantly lower levels of deltaST max and sigmaST compared with those of the first inflation. In the NC group, both deltaST max and sigmaST measured at 30 s and 60 s after balloon inflation were significantly lower than those of the first inflation in the PC60 and PC180 control groups. In the ISDN group, no significant difference was observed in deltaST max or sigmaST.CONCLUSIONIn human PTCA models, a PC effect is observed in 180 s ischemia, but not in 60 s ischemia. A pharmacological PC effect is induced by NC, a Katpchannel opener with a nitrate-like effect but not ISDN. This suggests that the opening of Katpchannels plays an important role in the protecting effect of NC

    Artificially Induced Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Surgical Subjects: Its Implications in Clinical and Basic Cancer Research

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    BACKGROUND: Surgical samples have long been used as important subjects for cancer research. In accordance with an increase of neoadjuvant therapy, biopsy samples have recently become imperative for cancer transcriptome. On the other hand, both biopsy and surgical samples are available for expression profiling for predicting clinical outcome by adjuvant therapy; however, it is still unclear whether surgical sample expression profiles are useful for prediction via biopsy samples, because little has been done about comparative gene expression profiling between the two kinds of samples. METHODOLOGY AND FINDINGS: A total of 166 samples (77 biopsy and 89 surgical) of normal and malignant lesions of the esophagus were analyzed by microarrays. Gene expression profiles were compared between biopsy and surgical samples. Artificially induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition (aiEMT) was found in the surgical samples, and also occurred in mouse esophageal epithelial cell layers under an ischemic condition. Identification of clinically significant subgroups was thought to be disrupted by the disorder of the expression profile through this aiEMT. CONCLUSION AND SIGNIFICANCE: This study will evoke the fundamental misinterpretation including underestimation of the prognostic evaluation power of markers by overestimation of EMT IN past cancer research, and will furnish some advice for the near future as follows: 1) Understanding how long the tissues were under an ischemic condition. 2) Prevalence of biopsy samples for in vivo expression profiling with low biases on basic and clinical research. 3) Checking cancer cell contents and normal- or necrotic-tissue contamination in biopsy samples for prevalence