264 research outputs found

    TvÄ frivÄrdskontors syn pÄ den procentuella skillnaden, vad gÀller kontraktvÄrdsdomar

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    The aim of this paper is to spread some light over contract treatment from the perspective of the District Courts, Social Services and Probation Services, and understand the reason for local variation of the number of people sentenced to contractual treatment. Essential questions asked in this paper are; What advantages and disadvantages are known by the cooperating parties regarding contract treatment in comparison to prison? What parameters are considered when the cooperating parties decide upon contract treatment? What impact does the shared responsibility of cost have? What do the respondents think is the reason for the local variation? In order to answer the essential questions a qualitative and descriptive method has been used to highlight the main question of our study; What is the reason for the local variation in number of contract treatment sentences in Halmstad and Ystads district courts? The paper shows that the local variation between the Probation Services districts is dependent on the conditions to propose a contract treatment. In Halmstad it is not conditioned for the Probation Services to have a responsibility agreement with the Social Services to the same extent as for the Probation Services in Ystad

    Regional variation in climate impact of grass-based biogas production: A Swedish case study

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    Transitioning from a fossil economy to a bio-economy will inevitably increase the demand for biomass production. One strategy to meet the demand is to re-cultivate set-aside arable land. This study investigated the climate impact and energy potential of grass-based biogas produced using fallow land in Uppsala municipality, Sweden. The assessment was performed on regional level for more than 1000 individual sites, using the agro-ecosystem model DeNitrification DeComposition (DNDC) in combination with time-dynamic life cycle assessment methodology. The results showed that the system could significantly increase biogas production within the region, which would reduce the climate impact by 9950 Mg CO2-eq per year. Compared with diesel fuel, the grass-based biogas gave a GWP reduction of 85%. However, the site-specific GWP reduction showed large spatial variability, ranging between 102 and 79% compared with diesel fuel, depending on where in the region the grass was cultivated. Two alternative scenarios were investigated, increased mineral N fertilisation and inclusion of N-fixing crops in the feedstock mixture. The highest mitigation per biogas energy produced was found for the N-fixing scenario but, because of lower yields, this scenario had lower total mitigation potential for the region than the increased fertilisation scenario. The increased fertilisation scenario had a lower climate mitigation effect per biogas energy produced, but the highest mitigation potential when the whole region was considered, because of the increased biogas production. The method applied in this study can guide land-use planning of local energy production from arable land, also for other regions. (C) 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Effect of short-term perennial leys on life cycle environmental performance of cropping systems: An assessment based on data from a long-term field experiment

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    Modern agriculture's dependence on the intensive use of inputs, such as chemical fertiliser and pesticides, leads to high environmental impacts and, possibly, vulnerability in food security, since most of these inputs are im-ported from other countries. This calls for more sustainable and resilient agricultural practices. Diversification of crop rotations, e.g. by including perennial leys, enhances provision of ecosystem services, leading to healthier crops and increased yields. Perennial crops also increase soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks, which is interesting from a global warming mitigation perspective. In addition, legume-rich leys can utilise atmospheric nitrogen (N) through symbiotic association with N2-fixing bacteria. However, few studies have evaluated the effects of short-term perennial leys in rotation on cropping system performance over long periods and under different conditions. In this study, we used data from three sites in a long-term experiment in Sweden (initiated in the 1960 s), in combination with Life Cycle Assessment methodology, to assess the environmental and yield effect of including ley in crop rotations. Two N fertiliser regimes (High, Low) in combination with three six-year crop rotations, consisting of either i) two-year mixed grass-legume ley, ii) two-year pure grass ley or iii) annual crops without ley, were compared. Environmental impacts (climate impact, energy resource depletion, eutrophication poten-tial) of the different combinations were quantified per kg harvested crop (expressed in cereal units, CU) and per hectare. The lowest environmental impact, at all sites, was found for the crop rotation with two-year mixed ley under the Low N regime. On average, this combination resulted in 329 g lower GHG emissions per kg CU than the crop rotation without ley and Low N, primarily due to lower input of chemical N fertiliser, which reduced the impact from fertiliser production and soil N2O emissions. Comparison of mean SOC change over the study period revealed reduced SOC stocks for all rotations and all sites, especially in the rotation without ley. Therefore, including short-term perennial leys, especially leys containing legume species, in crop rotations can be a useful tool in meeting policy targets on reducing the environmental impacts of agriculture, and in reducing the dependence on purchased agricultural commodities. However, despite the potential benefits of rotational leys, the market demand for the produced ley biomass may be insufficient. Hence, incentives to increase demand are necessary to promote large-scale adoption, for example, for use in bioenergy production and feed

    Konkurrera med bröd- Att Àta eller Àtas?

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    Syftet med uppsatsen Àr att fördjupa förstÄelsen kring hur strategiskt konkurrensarbete pÄverkar konkurrenssituationen pÄ den svenska brödmarknaden. Vi avser att titta pÄ traditionella konkurrens- och tillvÀxtstrategier i allmÀnhet och Blue Ocean-strategin i synnerhet. VÄrt syfte Àr Àven att klargöra huruvida Blue Ocean-strategin kan fungera som metod pÄ den svenska pÄsbrödsmarknaden eller ej. Denna uppsats har en deduktiv ansats och för att pÄ bÀsta sÀtt finna svar pÄ vÄr frÄgestÀllning har vi anvÀnt oss av en kvalitativ metod. BÄde primÀr och sekundÀrdata har anvÀnts och mycket av det empiriska materialet Àr inhÀmtat genom omfattande trendspaningar, observationer och samtal. Fallföretaget PÄgen utgör exempel för hela den svenska pÄsbrödsbranschen och trendspaningen har skett i tre olika europeiska lÀnder. VÄrt teorikapitel beskriver dels klassiska och konventionella konkurrens- respektive tillvÀxtstrategier, dels Blue Ocean-strategin. De klassiska teorierna har beskrivits för att illustrera hur konkurrenssituationen ser ut pÄ den svenska marknaden för pÄsbröd idag. Uppsatsens tyngdpunkt har emellertid legat pÄ den nÄgot modernare Blue Ocean-strategin i syfte att skapa konkurrensmöjligheter i framtiden. För att finna trender och utvecklingsriktlinjer inom brödbranschen har vi i huvudsak Àgnat oss Ät trendspaning och observationer. Vi har Àven genomfört en djupintervju med fallföretaget PÄgen, för att ta reda pÄ hur de driver verksamheten idag. Samtligt empiriskt material har sammanstÀllts och legat till grund för analysen. Vi menar att det gÄr bra att anvÀnda sig av andra konkurrensstrategier pÄ brödmarknaden Àn de klassiska. Den extrema konkurrensen i kombination med stagnerande lönsamhet och total imitationsbenÀgenhet i pÄsbrödskategorin krÀver nytÀnkade och innovation. Vi har i denna uppsats visat att det finns möjligheter att skapa nytt marknadsutrymme genom att arbeta strategiskt efter Blue Ocean-konceptet. Vi menar att en möjlig vÀg för pÄsbrödsproducenterna Àr att konkurrera pÄ distributions- och försÀljningssidan, dÄ den Àr mer komplex och svÄrare att imitera. PÄ detta sÀtt undgÄr brödleverantören Àven pressen frÄn dagligvaruhandeln vilket i sig kan leda till ökad lönsamhet pÄ sikt. Genom redan vÀl utvecklad distribution och produktion kan producenten sÀlja löspackat bröd och pÄsbröd i brödbilar, och dÀrigenom behÄlla och framhÀva fÀrskheten i kombination med ökad tillgÀnglighet och exponering

    Metodutveckling för datainsamling i NILS landskapsruta

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    NILS Ă€r en stickprovsbaserad inventering som syftar till att producera information om miljön i Sverige. Resultaten anvĂ€nds bland annat för nationell statistik och internationell rapportering liksom för forskning. Inventeringen baseras pĂ„ Ă„ter-kommande inventering av 631 systematiskt utlagda samplingsenheter eller ”rutor” dĂ€r varje ruta bestĂ„r av: en 1 km stor ruta som tolkas i detalj i IR-flygbilder, 12 provytor som besöks i fĂ€lt, samt en 5 * 5 km stor ruta som skall ge information om omgivande landskap. Projektet har haft som syfte att undersöka möjligheter för att kartera NILS 5 km ruta med automatiska metoder som kan utföras med en begrĂ€n-sad tidstĂ„tgĂ„ng. I denna rapport rapporteras försök med att anvĂ€nda optiska satellitdata frĂ„n Landsat TM och SPOT HRG sensorerna, samt laserskannerdata frĂ„n lantmĂ€teriets nationella skanning för en ny nationell höjdmodell (NH). Viss förhandstolkning av Ă€goslagsgrĂ€nser har gjorts i fotogrammetrisk arbetsstation. För att minska mĂ€ngden manuellt arbete har möjligheterna att anvĂ€nda referensdata frĂ„n NILS inventering-ens fĂ€ltytor eller 1 km ruta, samt frĂ„n Riksskogstaxeringen ocksĂ„ undersökts. De vĂ€sentligaste resultaten redovisas nedan: KrontĂ€ckning och trĂ€dvegetationens höjd kan skattas frĂ„n laserdata om re-ferensdata berĂ€knas frĂ„n Riksskogstaxeringens klavtrĂ€d, eller bedöms i fo-togrammetrisk arbetsstation; dĂ€remot sĂ„ var Riksskogstaxeringens fĂ€ltbe-dömda krontĂ€ckningar inte lika bra referensdata. BusktĂ€ckning kunde inte skattas med laserskannerdata frĂ„n LantmĂ€teriets nationella laserskanning, men har kunnat skattas i andra studier som gjorts med mera specialiserade skanningar, De referensytor som tĂ€cker en satellitregistrering sammanfaller i regel end-ast delvis med de referensytor som tĂ€cker lĂ€mpliga laserskannerdata för samma skattningsomrĂ„de, ett stratifierat arbetssĂ€tt Ă€r dĂ€rför att föredra. LantmĂ€teriets laserskanning i kombination med referensdata frĂ„n Riks-skogstaxeringen lĂ€mpade sig dĂ€rvid vĂ€l för att dela in landskapet i öppna och trĂ€dtĂ€ckta marker (i detta projekt definierades trĂ€dtĂ€ckta omrĂ„den som omrĂ„den med mer Ă€n 10% krontĂ€ckning och mer Ă€n 3 m trĂ€dhöjd). Inom trĂ€dtĂ€ckta omrĂ„den kan en klassning i grova trĂ€dslagsklasser göras frĂ„n kombinationen av satellitbilder och Riksskogstaxeringens ytor. För det öppna landskapet undersöktes om befintliga fĂ€ltdata kunde anvĂ€n-das för en grov markvegetationsklassning, men datamaterialet, bĂ„de frĂ„n NILS och Riksskogstaxeringen, blev för litet. Flygbildstolkningen frĂ„n NILS 1 km ruta var inte heller lĂ€mplig för detta Ă€ndamĂ„l. IstĂ€llet kan en speciell flygbildstolkning anvĂ€ndas, dĂ€r ytor subjektivt vĂ€ljs speciellt för denna klassning. Ett klassningsschema utvecklades, dĂ€r ett antal grova klasser blev slutresultate

    NILS datafÄngst och datavÀrdskap (NIDa)

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    Projektet NIDa (NILS datafÄngst och datavÀrdskap) har pÄgÄtt i 5 Är. Syftet har varit att skapa förutsÀttningar för ett datavÀrdskap i NILS (Nationell inventering av landskapet i Sverige). Inom projektet har ett system för mottagning av data och grunden för lagringsdatabasen utvecklats. Förutom systemutveckling har projektet genomfört kvalitetssÀkring av befintliga data och tagit fram rutiner för korrigering av data. I rapporten beskrivs datasystemet för NILS och projektet utvÀrderas. Komplett systemdokumentation, förvaltningsplan och ekonomisk redovisning av projektet bifogas i bilagor

    Prospective registration of symptoms and times to diagnosis in children and adolescents with central nervous system tumors: A study of the Swedish Childhood Cancer Registry

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    Background: The elapsed time taken to diagnose tumors of the central nervous system in children and adolescents varies widely. The aim of the present study was to investigate such diagnostic time intervals at a national level in Sweden as they correlate with clinical features. Methods: Data prospectively accumulated over a 4-year period in the Swedish Childhood Cancer Registry from patients aged 0-18 years were pooled, and diagnostic time intervals were analyzed considering tumor location, tumor type, patient age and sex, initial symptoms, and clinical timelines. All six pediatric oncology centers in Sweden contributed to collection of data. Time points for calculating the total diagnostic interval (TDI) defined as the time from symptom onset to diagnosis were reported in 257 of 319 patients (81%). Results: The time from symptom onset to the first healthcare consultation, median 2.6 weeks, did not vary significantly between patients categorized according to tumor type or location. The median TDI was 8.3 weeks for the 4-year study period. Patients with optic pathway glioma (TDI 26.6 weeks), those with tumors of the spinal cord (TDI 25.9 weeks), and those with midline tumors (TDI 24.6 weeks) had the longest lead times. Additionally, older age, too few initial symptoms, and seeking initial redress outside an emergency ward were factors associated with a longer time to diagnosis. Conclusion: This study identified several factors associated with delayed diagnosis of central nervous system tumors among Swedish children and adolescents. These novel data ought to help direct future efforts toward clinical improvement.</p

    Sex-related differences in oncologic outcomes, operative complications and health-related quality of life after curative-intent oesophageal cancer treatment: multicentre retrospective analysis.

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    Oesophageal cancer, in particular adenocarcinoma, has a strong male predominance. However, the impact of patient sex on operative and oncologic outcomes and recovery of health-related quality of life is poorly documented, and was the focus of this large multicentre cohort study. All consecutive patients who underwent oncological oesophagectomy from 2009 to 2015 in the 20 European iNvestigation of SUrveillance after Resection for Esophageal cancer study group centres were assessed. Clinicopathologic variables, therapeutic approach, postoperative complications, survival and health-related quality of life data were compared between male and female patients. Multivariable analyses adjusted for age, sex, tumour histology, treatment protocol and major complications. Specific subgroup analyses comparing adenocarcinoma versus squamous cell cancer for all key outcomes were performed. Overall, 3974 patients were analysed, 3083 (77.6%) male and 891 (22.4%) female; adenocarcinoma was predominant in both groups, while squamous cell cancer was observed more commonly in female patients (39.8% versus 15.1%, P &lt; 0.001). Multivariable analysis demonstrated improved outcomes in female patients for overall survival (HRmales 1.24, 95% c.i. 1.07 to 1.44) and disease-free survival (HRmales 1.22, 95% c.i. 1.05 to 1.43), which was caused by the adenocarcinoma subgroup, whereas this difference was not confirmed in squamous cell cancer. Male patients presented higher health-related quality of life functional scores but also a higher risk of financial problems, while female patients had lower overall summary scores and more persistent gastrointestinal symptoms. This study reveals uniquely that female sex is associated with more favourable long-term survival after curative treatment for oesophageal cancer, especially adenocarcinoma, although long-term overall and gastrointestinal health-related quality of life are poorer in women
