13,166 research outputs found

    Timelike self-similar spherically symmetric perfect-fluid models

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    Einstein's field equations for timelike self-similar spherically symmetric perfect-fluid models are investigated. The field equations are rewritten as a first-order system of autonomous differential equations. Dimensionless variables are chosen in such a way that the number of equations in the coupled system is reduced as far as possible and so that the reduced phase space becomes compact and regular. The system is subsequently analysed qualitatively using the theory of dynamical systems.Comment: 23 pages, 6 eps-figure

    Identifying cross country skiing techniques using power meters in ski poles

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    Power meters are becoming a widely used tool for measuring training and racing effort in cycling, and are now spreading also to other sports. This means that increasing volumes of data can be collected from athletes, with the aim of helping coaches and athletes analyse and understanding training load, racing efforts, technique etc. In this project, we have collaborated with Skisens AB, a company producing handles for cross country ski poles equipped with power meters. We have conducted a pilot study in the use of machine learning techniques on data from Skisens poles to identify which "gear" a skier is using (double poling or gears 2-4 in skating), based only on the sensor data from the ski poles. The dataset for this pilot study contained labelled time-series data from three individual skiers using four different gears recorded in varied locations and varied terrain. We systematically evaluated a number of machine learning techniques based on neural networks with best results obtained by a LSTM network (accuracy of 95% correctly classified strokes), when a subset of data from all three skiers was used for training. As expected, accuracy dropped to 78% when the model was trained on data from only two skiers and tested on the third. To achieve better generalisation to individuals not appearing in the training set more data is required, which is ongoing work.Comment: Presented at the Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Symposium 201

    Light-cone analysis of ungauged and topologically gauged BLG theories

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    We consider three-dimensional maximally superconformal Bagger-Lambert-Gustavsson (BLG) theory and its topologically gauged version (constructed recently in arXiv:0809.4478 [hep-th]) in the light-cone gauge. After eliminating the entire Chern-Simons gauge field, the ungauged BLG theory looks more conventional and, apart from the order of the interaction terms, resembles N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions. The light-cone superspace version of the BLG theory is given to quadratic and quartic order and some problems with constructing the sixth order interaction terms are discussed. In the topologically gauged case, we analyze the field equations related to the three Chern-Simons type terms of N=8 conformal supergravity and discuss some of the special features of this theory and its couplings to BLG.Comment: 22 pages; v2 some typos correcte

    Three-dimensional topologically gauged N=6 ABJM type theories

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    In this paper we construct the N=6\mathcal N=6 conformal supergravity in three dimensions from a set of Chern-Simons-like terms one for each of the graviton, gravitino, and R-symmetry gauge field and then couple this theory to the N=6\mathcal N=6 superconformal ABJM theory. In a first step part of the coupled Lagrangian for this topologically gauged ABJM theory is derived by demanding that all terms of third and second order in covariant derivatives cancel in the supersymmtry variation of the Lagrangian. To achieve this the transformation rules of the two separate sectors must be augmented by new terms. In a second step we analyze all terms in δL\delta L that are of first order in covariant derivatives. The cancelation of these terms require additional terms in the transformation rules as well as a number of new terms in the Lagrangian. As a final step we check that all remaining terms in δL\delta L which are bilinear in fermions cancel which means that the presented Lagrangian and transformation rules constitute the complete answer. In particular we find in the last step new terms in the scalar potential containing either one or no structure constant. The non-derivative higher fermion terms in δL\delta L that have not yet been completely analyzed are briefly discussed.Comment: 26 pages, v.2 minor corrections, comment on relation to chiral gravity added

    Novel self-assembled morphologies from isotropic interactions

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    We present results from particle simulations with isotropic medium range interactions in two dimensions. At low temperature novel types of aggregated structures appear. We show that these structures can be explained by spontaneous symmetry breaking in analytic solutions to an adaptation of the spherical spin model. We predict the critical particle number where the symmetry breaking occurs and show that the resulting phase diagram agrees well with results from particle simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Spatially self-similar spherically symmetric perfect-fluid models

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    Einstein's field equations for spatially self-similar spherically symmetric perfect-fluid models are investigated. The field equations are rewritten as a first-order system of autonomous differential equations. Dimensionless variables are chosen in such a way that the number of equations in the coupled system is reduced as far as possible and so that the reduced phase space becomes compact and regular. The system is subsequently analysed qualitatively with the theory of dynamical systems.Comment: 21 pages, 6 eps-figure

    The state space and physical interpretation of self-similar spherically symmetric perfect-fluid models

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    The purpose of this paper is to further investigate the solution space of self-similar spherically symmetric perfect-fluid models and gain deeper understanding of the physical aspects of these solutions. We achieve this by combining the state space description of the homothetic approach with the use of the physically interesting quantities arising in the comoving approach. We focus on three types of models. First, we consider models that are natural inhomogeneous generalizations of the Friedmann Universe; such models are asymptotically Friedmann in their past and evolve fluctuations in the energy density at later times. Second, we consider so-called quasi-static models. This class includes models that undergo self-similar gravitational collapse and is important for studying the formation of naked singularities. If naked singularities do form, they have profound implications for the predictability of general relativity as a theory. Third, we consider a new class of asymptotically Minkowski self-similar spacetimes, emphasizing that some of them are associated with the self-similar solutions associated with the critical behaviour observed in recent gravitational collapse calculations.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figure
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