40 research outputs found

    Vaccinia Virus Nucleoside Triphosphate Phosphohydrolase I Is an Essential Viral Early Gene Transcription Termination Factor

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    AbstractDeng and Shuman (J. Biol Chem.271, 29386 (1996)) reported that an ATPase different from the known viral termination factor, VTF, is required for vaccinia virus early gene transcription termination. Properties of this ATPase were similar to those of a known vaccinia virus enzyme, nucleoside triphosphate phosphohydrolase I (NPH I) the product of gene D11L. Transcription-competent cell-free extracts were prepared from A549 cells infected with wild-type or mutant vaccinia virus harboring ts mutations in gene D11L. These extracts were employed to investigate the role of NPH I in early gene transcription termination. Extracts prepared under nonpermissive conditions from both wild-type virus and ts mutant virus-infected cells exhibited high levels of early and intermediate gene transcription activity but were incapable of supporting late gene transcription. ts mutant extracts lacked signal-dependent early gene transcription termination activity, which was restored by the addition of either free NPH I or a GST-NPH I fusion protein. A comparison of the NPH I amino acid sequence to the protein databases revealed the presence of a set of sequences characteristic of nucleic acid helicase superfamily II members. A series of site-specific mutations in the helicase motifs and N-terminal and C-terminal deletion mutations were expressed as GST fusion proteins and their activities assessed. Of the mutations in helicase motifs I to VI, alteration of all but motif III reduced the ATPase activity. Removal of as few as 24 amino acids from the N-terminal end eliminated ATPase activity, while deletion of 68 C-terminal amino acids exhibited only a modest decrease in ATP hydrolysis. Larger C-terminal deletions eliminated ATPase activity. Each deletion mutation, and site-specific mutations other than the motif III mutation, failed to support transcription terminationin vitro.Mutations in motifs I, II, V, and VI inhibit wild-type NPH I transcription termination activity. However, deletion of up to 68 amino acids from the C-terminal end eliminates this inhibitory property. This observation is particularly interesting since these C-terminal deletions retain both ATPase activity and single-stranded DNA binding activity. Their failure to inhibit transcription termination suggests that these C-terminal deletion mutations eliminate a site required for a function other than from DNA binding or ATP hydrolysis

    Evolution of a novel subfamily of nuclear receptors with members that each contain two DNA binding domains

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    BACKGROUND: Nuclear receptors (NRs) are important transcriptional modulators in metazoans which regulate transcription through binding to the promoter region of their target gene by the DNA binding domain (DBD) and activation or repression of mRNA synthesis through co-regulators bound to the ligand binding domain (LBD). NRs typically have a single DBD with a LBD. RESULTS: Three nuclear receptors named 2DBD-NRs, were identified from the flatworm Schistosoma mansoni that each possess a novel set of two DBDs in tandem with a LBD. They represent a novel NR modular structure: A/B-DBD-DBD-hinge-LBD. The 2DBD-NRs form a new subfamily of NRs, VII. By database mining, 2DBD-NR genes from other flatworm species (Schmidtea mediterranea and Dugesia japonica), from Mollusks (Lottia gigantean) and from arthropods (Daphnia pulex) were also identified. All 2DBD-NRs possess a P-box sequence of CEACKK in the first DBD, which is unique to 2DBD-NRs, and a P-box sequence of CEGCKG in the second DBD. Phylogenetic analyses of both DBD and ligand binding domain sequences showed that 2DBD-NR genes originate from a common two DBD-containing ancestor gene. A single 2DBD-NR orthologue was found in Arthropoda, Platyhelminths and Mollusca. Subsequent 2DBD-NR gene evolution in Mollusks and Platyhelminths involved gene duplication. Chromosome localization of S. mansoni 2DBD-NR genes by Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) suggests that 2DBD-NR genes duplicated on different chromosomes in the Platyhelminths. Dimerization of Sm2DBDĪ± indicates that 2DBD-NRs may act as homodimers, suggesting either that two repeats of a half-site are necessary for each DBD of 2DBD-NRs to bind to its target gene, or that each 2DBD-NR can recognize multiple sites. CONCLUSION: 2DBD-NRs share a common ancestor gene which possessed an extra DBD that likely resulted from a recombination event. After the split of the Arthropods, Mollusks and Platyhelminths, 2DBD-NR underwent a recent duplication in a common ancestor of Mollusks, while two rounds of duplication occurred in a common ancestor of the Platyhelminths. This demonstrates that certain NR gene underwent recent duplication in Prostostome lineages after the split of the Prostostomia and Deuterostomia

    Schistosoma mansoni TGF-Ī² Receptor II: Role in Host Ligand-Induced Regulation of a Schistosome Target Gene

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    Members of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-Ī²) superfamily play pivotal roles in development in multicellular organisms. We report the functional characterization of the Schistosoma mansoni type II receptor (SmTĪ²RII). Mining of the S. mansoni expressed sequence tag (EST) database identified an EST clone that shows homology to the kinase domain of type II receptors from different species. The amplified EST sequence was used as a probe to isolate a cDNA clone spanning the entire coding region of a type II serine/threonine kinase receptor. The interaction of SmTĪ²RII with SmTĪ²RI was elucidated and shown to be dependent on TGF-Ī² ligand binding. Furthermore, in the presence of human TGF-Ī²1, SmTĪ²RII was able to activate SmTĪ²RI, which in turn activated SmSmad2 and promoted its interaction with SmSmad4, proving the transfer of the signal from the receptor complex to the Smad proteins. Gynaecophoral canal protein (GCP), whose expression in male worms is limited to the gynaecophoric canal, was identified as a potential TGF-Ī² target gene in schistosomes. Knocking down the expression of SmTĪ²RII using short interfering RNA molecules (siRNA) resulted in a concomitant reduction in the expression of GCP. These data provide evidence for the direct involvement of SmTĪ²RII in mediating TGF-Ī²ā€“induced activation of the TGF-Ī² target gene, SmGCP, within schistosome parasites. The results also provide additional evidence for a role for the TGF-Ī² signaling pathway in male-induced female reproductive development

    Interaction between the J3R Subunit of Vaccinia Virus Poly(A) Polymerase and the H4L Subunit of the Viral RNA Polymerase

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    AbstractJ3R, the 39-kDa subunit of vaccinia virus poly(A) polymerase, is a multifunctional protein that catalyzes (nucleoside-2ā€²-O-)-methyltransferase activity, serves as a poly(A) polymerase stimulatory factor, and acts as a postreplicative positive transcription elongation factor. Prior results support an association between poly(A) polymerase and the virion RNA polymerase. A possible direct interaction between J3R and H4L subunit of virion RNA polymerase was evaluated. J3R was shown to specifically bind to H4L amino acids 235ā€“256, C terminal to NPH I binding site on H4L. H4L binds to the C-terminal region of J3R between amino acids 169 and 333. The presence of a J3R binding site near to the NPH I binding region on H4L led us to evaluate a physical interaction between NPH I and J3R. The NPH I binding site was located on J3R between amino acids 169 and 249, and J3R was shown to bind to NPH I between amino acids 457 and 524. To evaluate a role for J3R in early gene mRNA synthesis, transcription termination, and/or release, a transcription-competent extract prepared from cells infected with mutant virus lacking J3R, J3-7. Analysis of transcription activity demonstrated that J3R is not required for early mRNA synthesis and is not an essential factor in early gene transcription termination or transcript release in vitro. J3R interaction with NPH I and H4L may serve as a docking site for J3R on the virion RNA polymerase, linking transcription to mRNA cap formation and poly(A) addition

    Use of Lysolecithin-Permeabilized Infected-Cell Extracts to Investigate thein VitroBiochemical Phenotypes of Poxvirus ts Mutations Altered in Viral Transcription Activity

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    AbstractLysolecithin permeabilization of vaccinia virus-infected cells was employed to prepare extracts that support faithful transcription initiationin vitroon plasmids possessing early, intermediate, and late viral gene promoters. Conditions which optimize transcription from each promoter were defined. Thein vitrosystem was used to investigate the multifunctional viral mRNA capping enzyme, which also functions as the viral early gene transcription termination factor (VTF) and a viral intermediate gene transcription initiation factor. A low level of signal-dependent termination of early gene transcription was observedin vitrowhich could be elevated by the addition of pure mRNA capping enzyme. VTF-dependent transcription termination was found to be restricted to templates that possessed an early promoter. This restriction mimics that observedin vivoand demonstrates that transcription termination is limited to RNA polymerase molecules that recognize early rather than intermediate or late gene promoters. Extracts prepared from cells infected at the nonpermissive temperature with a virus containing a ts mutation in gene D12L, which encodes the small subunit of VTF, are incapable of supporting both early gene transcription termination and intermediate gene transcription initiation. Both activities are restored upon addition of the purified wild-type mRNA capping enzyme

    EspeciaĆ§Ć£o e seus mecanismos: histĆ³rico conceitual e avanƧos recentes

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    Thyroid hormone receptor orthologues from invertebrate species with emphasis on <it>Schistosoma mansoni</it>

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    Abstract Background: Thyroid hormone receptors (TRs) function as molecular switches in response to thyroid hormone to regulate gene transcription. TRs were previously believed to be present only in chordates. Results: We isolated two TR genes from the Schistosoma mansoni and identified TR orthologues from other invertebrates: the platyhelminths, S. japonium and Schmidtea mediterranea, the mollusc, Lottia gigantean and the arthropod Daphnia pulex. Phylogenetic analysis of the DNA binding domain and/or ligand binding domain shows that invertebrate and vertebrate TRs cluster together, TRs from the vertebrates and from the jawless vertebrate (lamprey) clustered within separate subgroups, Platyhelminth TRs cluster outside of the vertebrate TR subgroups and that the schistosome TRs and S. mediterranea TRs clustered within separate subgroups. Alignment of the C-terminus of the A/B domain revealed a conserved TR-specific motif, termed TR 'N-terminus signature sequence', with a consensus sequence of (G/P)YIPSY(M/L)XXXGPE(D/E)X. Heterodimer formation between S. mansoni TRs and SmRXR1 suggests that the invertebrate TR protein gained the ability to form a heterodimer with RXR. ESMA analysis showed that SmTRĪ± could bind to a conserved DNA core motif as a monomer or homodimer. Conclusion: Vertebrate TR genes originated from a common ancestor of the Bilateria. TR genes underwent duplication independently in the Protostomia and Deuterostomia. The duplication of TRs in deuterostomes occurred after the split of jawless and jawed vertebrates. In protostomes, TR genes underwent duplication in Platyhelminths, occurring independently in trematode and turbellarian lineages. Using S. mansoni TRs as an example, invertebrate TRs exhibited the ability to form a dimer with RXR prior to the emergence of the vertebrate TRs and were able to bind to vertebrate TR core DNA elements as a monomer or homodimer.</p