8 research outputs found

    Odjeci Velebitskog ustanka u beogradskom tisku 1932. godine

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    Sama Å estosiječanjska diktatura kralja Aleksandra veliki je incident u javnom životu dotadaÅ”nje parlamentarne monarhije. Diktatura kao i svaka ostala podrazumijevala je zabranu određenih organizacija, rada stranaka, parlamenta, zabranu tiskanja novina, djelovanja novinara i njihovo ograničavanje. Upravo će se u tom periodu početi, bilo u inozemstvu, bilo na području države, razvijati tajne organizacije koje su imale u svom cilju sruÅ”iti dotadaÅ”nje stanje u Jugoslaviji. Jedna takva bila je organizacija UstaÅ”e ā€“ hrvatska revolucionarna organizacija (UHRO), koja je bila sastavljena od radikalnih predstavnika hrvatske desnice. U inozemstvu su pokrenuli i istoimene novine te su pripremali planove za napade na Jugoslaviju. Jedan takav jest i popularno prozvani Velebitski ustanak iz 1932. godine koji je tema ovoga rada. Zbog do sada navedenih procesa koji su zahvaćali jugoslavensko druÅ”tvo u radu će se prvo pristupiti kratkoj analizi stanja Jugoslavije u razdoblju diktature i Oktroiranog ustava s posebnim naglaskom na stanje novinarstva jer je u ovom radu osnovni izvor tisak. Zatim će se u kratkim crtama opisati početni razvoj ustaÅ”ke organizacije da bi se moglo prijeći na glavni dio, analize izvora, odnosno prvo će se predstaviti dosadaÅ”nje historiografske poglede da bi se onda krenulo u analizu beogradskog tiska te na koncu moglo komparacijom donijeti zaključke

    The impact of interventions to improve adherence to preventive measures on the incidence of nosocomial infections in ICUs

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    Half of all life-threating nosocomial infections occur in intensive care units (ICUs) and, despite the advances in intensive care, the incidence of nosocomial infections is still high. About one third of nosocomial infections are considered preventable. Awareness of risk factors, adherence to preventive measures and collaboration of all members participating in preventive programmes can lead to reduction of the incidence of nosocomial infections and thus can produce a positive impact on reducing morbidity, mortality and healthcare costs. A retrospective surveillance study was performed in a 14-bed medical ICU to identify device-related infections before and after the preventive interventions. Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) and catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) were obtained and compared before and after the interventions. In the year before the interventions, device-related nosocomial infections were diagnosed in 7.9% out of 737 hospitalised patients in the ICU, and in the year after the interventions they were diagnosed in 5.1% out of 684 hospitalised patients. Before the interventions, the infection rates were distributed as follows: 7.5 CLABSI/1000 catheter days, 28.4 VAP/1000 ventilator days, 6.5 CAUTI/1000 catheterisation days. After the interventions, the rates were distributed as follows: 2.5 CLABSI/1000 catheter days, 26.5 VAP/1000 ventilator days and 4.1 CAUTI/1000 catheterisation days. The implementation of effective preventive measures and maintaining strict surveillance is the basis of limiting the risk of nosocomial infections. Since hospital nosocomial infection rate is considered an indicator of quality and safety of care, all infection control activities are focused to decrease rate of nosocomial infections

    Surgical Scientific Publication and the 1991ā€“1995 War in Croatia

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate surgical scientific publication in relation to the 1991ā€“1995 war in Croatia, based on the articles indexed in Medline database that were published in 1980ā€“2005 period. The number of articles was extracted from PubMed and analysed with trend analysis, which is preferred analytic approach over calculation of crude publication rates. The results indicate sporadic pre-war output, which was almost completely reduced by the onset of war. During wartime, a significant increasing trend in the number of published surgical articles that were related to warfare was detected (p=0.003). During the post-war period a gradual shift towards surgical articles that were not related to warfare was detected, also marked by the significant increasing trend (p=0.027). Both trends were significantly steeper than the overall Croatian biomedical output, suggesting that surgical scientific articles were being published more dynamically than in other biomedical areas in Croatia. The results suggest that war in Croatia has had a strong modifying effect on the surgical scientific output

    Surgical Scientific Publication and the 1991ā€“1995 War in Croatia

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate surgical scientific publication in relation to the 1991ā€“1995 war in Croatia, based on the articles indexed in Medline database that were published in 1980ā€“2005 period. The number of articles was extracted from PubMed and analysed with trend analysis, which is preferred analytic approach over calculation of crude publication rates. The results indicate sporadic pre-war output, which was almost completely reduced by the onset of war. During wartime, a significant increasing trend in the number of published surgical articles that were related to warfare was detected (p=0.003). During the post-war period a gradual shift towards surgical articles that were not related to warfare was detected, also marked by the significant increasing trend (p=0.027). Both trends were significantly steeper than the overall Croatian biomedical output, suggesting that surgical scientific articles were being published more dynamically than in other biomedical areas in Croatia. The results suggest that war in Croatia has had a strong modifying effect on the surgical scientific output