86 research outputs found

    Joint Dropout: Improving Generalizability in Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation through Phrase Pair Variables

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    Despite the tremendous success of Neural Machine Translation (NMT), its performance on low- resource language pairs still remains subpar, partly due to the limited ability to handle previously unseen inputs, i.e., generalization. In this paper, we propose a method called Joint Dropout, that addresses the challenge of low-resource neural machine translation by substituting phrases with variables, resulting in significant enhancement of compositionality, which is a key aspect of generalization. We observe a substantial improvement in translation quality for language pairs with minimal resources, as seen in BLEU and Direct Assessment scores. Furthermore, we conduct an error analysis, and find Joint Dropout to also enhance generalizability of low-resource NMT in terms of robustness and adaptability across different domains

    Joint Dropout: Improving Generalizability in Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation through Phrase Pair Variables

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    Despite the tremendous success of Neural Machine Translation (NMT), its performance on low- resource language pairs still remains subpar, partly due to the limited ability to handle previously unseen inputs, i.e., generalization. In this paper, we propose a method called Joint Dropout, that addresses the challenge of low-resource neural machine translation by substituting phrases with variables, resulting in significant enhancement of compositionality, which is a key aspect of generalization. We observe a substantial improvement in translation quality for language pairs with minimal resources, as seen in BLEU and Direct Assessment scores. Furthermore, we conduct an error analysis, and find Joint Dropout to also enhance generalizability of low-resource NMT in terms of robustness and adaptability across different domains

    Case study on measuring the level of stress in the academic environment in France

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    The study is a novelty because was elaborated on a group of students in the academic environment in France. Following the documented steps, I have noticed that several questionnaires have been used in order to identify stress levels in the academic environment. The case study presented in this article consists in a questionnaire meant to identify stress factors. There are several factors that are likely to cause stress: changes to routine, time pressure, difficult tasks, too much homework’s, financial state, sleep schedule and physical work conditions. I believe that stress management results could be visible if we can motivate people to adjust their behavior and life styl

    Integral curses of the disc drama model with fundamental dynamic characteristics tt-ds

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    The paper deals with the dynamic response of mechanisms with standardized inertial and mechanical characteristics. Moment or inertial mass is periodically variable with displacement, and torque or mechanical force are periodically variable with displacement and represented by linear, square or cubic functions in relation to speed. In this paper both the inertial moment and the torque variation were used for the T-shift. For the variations of torque torque versus speed, the straight-inclined DS was used. Comparable results charts are based on computer programs

    Impact on quality of production using 5S method

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    Efficient and quality work requires a clean environment, security and rigor. The principle of 5S, namely Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke, allows the construction of a functional working environment, driven by simple, precise and efficient rules. The 5S is the foundation on which progress is being made, the deployment of Lean-manufacturing means and methods, being a lever of change management. At the same time, the 5S can be considered as the basic rules of order, discipline, unmistakable preliminaries for a whole improvement project

    Contribution to the measurement of stress level post stress management training

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    The case study presented in this article consists in a questionnaire meant to detect stress in employees after a stress management training session. The study is a novelty because was elaborated on a group of employees after they learn one months about occupational stress management. Over the time, many of the studies conducted in the field of stress focus on a combination of the factors like this: reducting stress exposure and developing programes for physical exercises - relaxation and meditation. It is very important to have information about stress because it can change the perspective of life and the way in which we can see that a situasion can be negative or positive one
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