30 research outputs found

    Improved ground-state modulation characteristics in 1.3 μm InAs/GaAs quantum dot lasers by rapid thermal annealing

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    We investigated the ground-state (GS) modulation characteristics of 1.3 μm InAs/GaAs quantum dot (QD) lasers that consist of either as-grown or annealed QDs. The choice of annealing conditions was determined from our recently reported results. With reference to the as-grown QD lasers, one obtains approximately 18% improvement in the modulation bandwidth from the annealed QD lasers. In addition, the modulation efficiency of the annealed QD lasers improves by approximately 45% as compared to the as-grown ones. The observed improvements are due to (1) the removal of defects which act as nonradiative recombination centers in the QD structure and (2) the reduction in the Auger-related recombination processes upon annealing

    Experimental determination of the band gap dependence of Auger recombination in InGaAs/InP multiple quantum well lasers at room temperature

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    The band gap dependencies of the threshold current and its radiative component are measured using high pressure techniques. Detailed theoretical calculations show that the band gap dependence of the internal losses plays a significant role in the band gap dependence of the radiative current. Temperature dependence measurements show that the radiative current accounts for 20% of the total threshold current at room temperature. This allows us to determine the pressure dependence of the non-radiative Auger recombination current, and hence to experimentally obtain the variation of the Auger coefficient C with band gap. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.</p

    Temperature insensitive quantum dot lasers: are we really there yet?

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    Twenty five years ago Arakawa suggested that by confining carriers in three dimensions (in quantum dots) a temperature insensitive threshold current (I-th) could be achieved in semiconductor lasers. In this paper we discuss investigations on state-of-the-art 1.3 mu m InAs/GaAs undoped and p-doped quantum dot lasers for telecommunication applications and discuss the extent to which this original hypothesis has been verified. In this study, the threshold current and its radiative component (I-rad) are measured as a function of temperature and pressure. The results show that although the radiative component of the threshold current can be temperature insensitive in undoped quantum dot lasers, a strong contribution from non-radiative Auger recombination makes the threshold current highly temperature sensitive. We find that p-doped devices can have a temperature insensitive I-th over a limited range around room temperature resulting from an interplay between an increasing non-radiative Auger current and decreasing radiative current. The decrease in I-rad, also observed below 200 K in undoped devices, is attributed to an improvement in the carrier transport with increasing temperature. Gain measurements show that even if p-doping is successful in reducing the effect of gain saturation, the modal net gain of p-doped devices is less than in undoped lasers due to increased non-radiative recombination and non-thermal carrier distribution

    Temperature dependence of the gain in p-doped and intrinsic 1.3 mu m InAs/GaAs quantum dot lasers

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    The gain of p-doped and intrinsic InAs/GaAs quantum dot lasers is studied at room temperature and at 350 K. Our results show that, although one would theoretically expect a higher gain for a fixed carrier density in p-doped devices, due to the wider nonthermal distribution of carriers amongst the dots at T=293 K, the peak net gain of the p-doped lasers is actually less at low injection than that of the undoped devices. However, at higher current densities, p doping reduces the effect of gain saturation and therefore allows ground-state lasing in shorter cavities and at higher temperatures.</p

    The influence of p-doping on the temperature sensitivity of 1.3 mu m quantum dot lasers

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    We find that non-radiative recombination plays an important role in p-doped quantum-dot lasers. Along with carrier thermalisation effects, this is responsible for the temperature insensitive operation as observed around room temperature in these lasers.</p

    Temperature dependence of the gain in p-doped and intrinsic 1.3 mu m InAs/GaAs quantum dot lasers

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    The gain of p-doped and intrinsic InAs/GaAs quantum dot lasers is studied at room temperature and at 350 K. Our results show that, although one would theoretically expect a higher gain for a fixed carrier density in p-doped devices, due to the wider nonthermal distribution of carriers amongst the dots at T=293 K, the peak net gain of the p-doped lasers is actually less at low injection than that of the undoped devices. However, at higher current densities, p doping reduces the effect of gain saturation and therefore allows ground-state lasing in shorter cavities and at higher temperatures.</p

    Carrier transport and recombination in p-doped and intrinsic 1.3 mu m InAs/GaAs quantum-dot lasers

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    The radiative and nonradiative components of the threshold current in 1.3 mu m, p-doped and undoped quantum-dot semiconductor lasers were studied between 20 and 370 K. The complex behavior can be explained by simply assuming that the radiative recombination and nonradiative Auger recombination rates are strongly modified by thermal redistribution of carriers between the dots. The large differences between the devices arise due to the trapped holes in the p-doped devices. These both greatly increase Auger recombination involving hole excitation at low temperatures and decrease electron thermal escape due to their Coulombic attraction. The model explains the high T-0 values observed near room temperature. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.</p

    Carrier transport and recombination in p-doped and intrinsic 1.3 mu m InAs/GaAs quantum-dot lasers

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    The radiative and nonradiative components of the threshold current in 1.3 mu m, p-doped and undoped quantum-dot semiconductor lasers were studied between 20 and 370 K. The complex behavior can be explained by simply assuming that the radiative recombination and nonradiative Auger recombination rates are strongly modified by thermal redistribution of carriers between the dots. The large differences between the devices arise due to the trapped holes in the p-doped devices. These both greatly increase Auger recombination involving hole excitation at low temperatures and decrease electron thermal escape due to their Coulombic attraction. The model explains the high T-0 values observed near room temperature. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.</p

    The importance of recombination via excited states in InAs/GaAs 1.3μm quantum dot lasers

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    The optical matrix element for excited-states is significantly weaker than the ground-state leading to thermally stable radiative recombination. This is not so for non-radiative Auger recombination, causing a sharp increase in threshold current with temperature