170 research outputs found

    Multimodal Processing Of Emotional Meanings: A Hypothesis On The Adaptive Value Of Prosody

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    Humans combine multiple sources of information to comprehend meanings. These sources can be characterized as linguistic (i.e., lexical units and/or sentences) or paralinguistic (e.g. body posture, facial expression, voice intonation, pragmatic context). Emotion communication is a special case in which linguistic and paralinguistic dimensions can simultaneously denote the same, or multiple incongruous referential meanings. Think, for instance, about when someone says “I’m sad!”, but does so with happy intonation and a happy facial expression. Here, the communicative channels express very specific (although conflicting) emotional states as denotations. In such cases of intermodal incongruence, are we involuntarily biased to respond to information in one channel over the other? We hypothesize that humans are involuntary biased to respond to prosody over verbal content and facial expression, since the ability to communicate socially relevant information such as basic emotional states through prosodic modulation of the voice might have provided early hominins with an adaptive advantage that preceded the emergence of segmental speech (Darwin 1871; Mithen, 2005). To address this hypothesis, we examined the interaction between multiple communicative channels in recruiting attentional resources, within a Stroop interference task (i.e. a task in which different channels give conflicting information; Stroop, 1935). In experiment 1, we used synonyms of “happy” and “sad” spoken with happy and sad prosody. Participants were asked to identify the emotion expressed by the verbal content while ignoring prosody (Word task) or vice versa (Prosody task). Participants responded faster and more accurately in the Prosody task. Within the Word task, incongruent stimuli were responded to more slowly and less accurately than congruent stimuli. In experiment 2, we adopted synonyms of “happy” and “sad” spoken in happy and sad prosody, while a happy or sad face was displayed. Participants were asked to identify the emotion expressed by the verbal content while ignoring prosody and face (Word task), to identify the emotion expressed by prosody while ignoring verbal content and face (Prosody task), or to identify the emotion expressed by the face while ignoring prosody and verbal content (Face task). Participants responded faster in the Face task and less accurately when the two non-focused channels were expressing an emotion that was incongruent with the focused one, as compared with the condition where all the channels were congruent. In addition, in the Word task, accuracy was lower when prosody was incongruent to verbal content and face, as compared with the condition where all the channels were congruent. Our data suggest that prosody interferes with emotion word processing, eliciting automatic responses even when conflicting with both verbal content and facial expressions at the same time. In contrast, although processed significantly faster than prosody and verbal content, faces alone are not sufficient to interfere in emotion processing within a three-dimensional Stroop task. Our findings align with the hypothesis that the ability to communicate emotions through prosodic modulation of the voice – which seems to be dominant over verbal content - is evolutionary older than the emergence of segmental articulation (Mithen, 2005; Fitch, 2010). This hypothesis fits with quantitative data suggesting that prosody has a vital role in the perception of well-formed words (Johnson & Jusczyk, 2001), in the ability to map sounds to referential meanings (Filippi et al., 2014), and in syntactic disambiguation (Soderstrom et al., 2003). This research could complement studies on iconic communication within visual and auditory domains, providing new insights for models of language evolution. Further work aimed at how emotional cues from different modalities are simultaneously integrated will improve our understanding of how humans interpret multimodal emotional meanings in real life interactions

    More than words (and faces): evidence for a Stroop effect of prosody in emotion word processing

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    Humans typically combine linguistic and nonlinguistic information to comprehend emotions. We adopted an emotion identification Stroop task to investigate how different channels interact in emotion communication. In experiment 1, synonyms of “happy” and “sad” were spoken with happy and sad prosody. Participants had more difficulty ignoring prosody than ignoring verbal content. In experiment 2, synonyms of “happy” and “sad” were spoken with happy and sad prosody, while happy or sad faces were displayed. Accuracy was lower when two channels expressed an emotion that was incongruent with the channel participants had to focus on, compared with the cross-channel congruence condition. When participants were required to focus on verbal content, accuracy was significantly lower also when prosody was incongruent with verbal content and face. This suggests that prosody biases emotional verbal content processing, even when conflicting with verbal content and face simultaneously. Implications for multimodal communication and language evolution studies are discussed

    Mathematical processing of experimental data ignition composite solid propellant solitary heated particles

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    This article presents a mathematical method for processing experimental data. Were obtained mathematical expressions for delay the ignition of condensed matter by single particles heated from the initial temperature of the particles of the obtained data, and select the most appropriate dependences

    Humans Recognize Vocal Expressions Of Emotional States Universally Across Species

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    The perception of danger in the environment can induce physiological responses (such as a heightened state of arousal) in animals, which may cause measurable changes in the prosodic modulation of the voice (Briefer, 2012). The ability to interpret the prosodic features of animal calls as an indicator of emotional arousal may have provided the first hominins with an adaptive advantage, enabling, for instance, the recognition of a threat in the surroundings. This ability might have paved the ability to process meaningful prosodic modulations in the emerging linguistic utterances

    Геологическое строение, нефтегазоносность и подсчет запасов газа пласта ПК1 Антипаютинского газового месторождения (ЯНАО)

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    На основе комплексной интерпретации данных сейсморазведки 3D, данных ГИС и испытания пласта в разведочных скважинах обосновано геологическое строение газовой залежи пласта ПК1 Антипаютинского месторождения. Проведен обобщающий анализ результатов лабораторных исследований кернов, пластовых флюидов, промыслово-геофизических и газогидродинамических исследований изучаемого объекта. Построены карты кровли коллекторов пласта ПК1, поверхности межфлюидного контакта, эффективных газонасыщенных толщин пласта. Дано обоснование подсчётных параметров, определяемых по данным ГИС (коэффициенты пористости, газонасыщенности, эффективные газонасыщенные толщины). На основе построенной детальной геологической модели проведён дифференцированный подсчёт запасов газа.On the basis of complex interpretation this seismic exploration 3D, data of GIS and test of layer in prospecting wells the geological structure of a gas deposit of PK1 layer of the Antipayutinsky field is proved. The generalizing analysis of results of laboratory researches of cores, formation fluids, trade and geophysical and gas-hydrodynamic researches of the studied object is carried out. Cards of a roof of collectors of PK1 layer, a surface of interfluid contact, effective gas-saturated thickness of layer are constructed. Justification of the subcalculating parameters determined by data of GIS (coefficients of porosity, gas saturation, effective gas-saturated thickness) is given. On the basis of the constructed detailed geological model the differentiated calculation of reserves of ga

    Voltammetric determination of indomenthyl

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    Cytokines are important mediators coordinating inflammation and wound healing in response to tissue damage and infection. Therefore, immobilization of cytokines on the surface of biomaterials is a promising approach to improve biocompatibility. Soluble cytokines signal through receptors on the cell surface leading to cell differentiation, proliferation, or other effector functions. Random immobilization of cytokines on surfaces will result in a large fraction of inactive protein due to impaired cytokine-receptor interaction. We developed a strategy that combined (i) directed covalent coupling of cytokines, (ii) quantification of coupling efficiency through fluorescence detection, and (iii) a reliable protease cleavage assay to control orientation of coupling. For this purpose, fusion proteins of the SNAP-tag followed by an enterokinase recognition site, yellow fluorescent protein (YFP), and the cytokine of interest being either interleukin-6 (IL-6) or oncostatin M (OSM) were generated. The SNAP-tag is a derivative of O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase that couples itself covalently to benzylguanine. Bioactivities of the SNAP-YFP-cytokines were shown to be comparable with the nontagged cytokines. Efficient coupling of SNAP-YFP-cytokines to benzylguanine-modified beads was demonstrated by flow cytometry. The fact that enterokinase treatment released most of the fluorescence from the beads is indicative for directed coupling and only marginal adsorptive binding. Cellular responses to SNAP-YFP-cytokine beads were analyzed in cellular lysates and by confocal microscopy indicating that the directionally immobilized cytokines are fully signaling competent with respect to the activation of ERK and STAT3. The strategy presented here is generally applicable for the directed covalent immobilization of fluorescently labeled proteins including the convenient and reliable control of coupling efficiency and orientation

    Heparan Sulfate Induces Necroptosis in Murine Cardiomyocytes: A Medical-in-Silico Approach Combining In Vitro Experiments and Machine Learning (vol 9, 393, 2018)

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    A Corrigendum on Heparan Sulfate Induces Necroptosis in Murine Cardiomyocytes: A Medical-In silico Approach Combining In vitro Experiments and Machine Learning by Zechendorf E, Vaßen P, Zhang J, Hallawa A, Martincuks A, Krenkel O, Müller-Newen G, Schuerholz T, Simon T-P, Marx G, Ascheid G, Schmeink A, Dartmann G, Thiemermann C and Martin L (2018). Front. Immunol. 9:393. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.00393 In the original article, there was an error in the Author Contributions section. The wording used to declare the contribution of Elisabeth Zechendorf was not clear. The new Author Contributions section appears below. Conception and design: EZ, LM, GD, AS, and CT. In vitro experiments and data analyses: EZ, LM, TS, T-PS, AM, GM-N, OK, GM, and PV. Medical in silico experiments and data analyses: EZ, PV, JZ, GD, AS, LM, AH, and GA. EZ wrote the manuscript. Correction of the manuscript: EZ, PV, LM, CT, GM, GD, T-PS, and AS. All the authors reviewed and finally approved the manuscript. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The original article has been updated

    Genetic evidence for an essential role of neuronally expressed IL-6 signal transducer gp130 in the induction and maintenance of experimentally induced mechanical hypersensitivity in vivo and in vitro

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    Tenderness and mechanical allodynia are key symptoms of malignant tumor, inflammation and neuropathy. The proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6) is causally involved in all three pathologies. IL-6 not only regulates innate immunity and inflammation but also causes nociceptor sensitization and hyperalgesia. In general and in most cell types including immune cells and sensory neurons, IL-6 binds soluble μ receptor subunits which heteromerizes with membrane bound IL-6 signal transducer gp130. In the present study, we used a conditional knock-out strategy to investigate the importance of signal transducer gp130 expressed in C nociceptors for the generation and maintenance of mechanical hypersensitivity. Nociceptors were sensitized to mechanical stimuli by experimental tumor and this nociceptor sensitization was preserved at later stages of the pathology in control mice. However, in mice with a conditional deletion of gp130 in Nav1.8 expressing nociceptors mechanical hypersensitivity by experimental tumor, nerve injury or inflammation recovery was not preserved in the maintenance phase and nociceptors exhibited normal mechanical thresholds comparable to untreated mice. Together, the results argue for IL-6 signal transducer gp130 as an essential prerequisite in nociceptors for long-term mechanical hypersensitivity associated with cancer, inflammation and nerve injury