40 research outputs found

    Risk factors for overweight and obesity in adolescents of a Brazilian University: a case-control study Factores de riesgo para el sobrepeso y a obesidad en adolescentes de una Universidad de Brasil: un estudio de casos-control

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    Objective:To analyze the risk factors associated to overweight and obesity in freshmen of a public university in the Center-West region of Brazil. Methods: A case-control study comprising 1,465 adolescents, identifying 106 cases (Body Mass Index (BMI)> = 85th percentile of National Center for Health Statistics -NCHS) and 233 controls (BMI > 5th and Objetivo: Analizar los factores de riesgo asociados con el sobrepeso y la obesidad en estudiantes de primer curso de una universidad pública en la zona centro-oeste de Brasil. Métodos: Estudio de casos-control en 1465 adolescentes, identificando 106 casos (IMC = índice de masa corporal> percentil 85 del Centro Nacional de Estadística Sanitaria (NCHS)) y 233 controles (IMC > percentil 5,< percentil 85 de NCHS). Se realizaron entrevistas para recopilar datos sobre condiciones socio-económicas, hábitos alimentarios, actividad física y hábitos saludables. Se obtuvieron por vía telefónica los datos sobre el peso y la talla de los padres. Resultados: El análisis de regresión logística multivariable y jerárquica, no condicional, mostró que el sobrepeso y la obesidad se asociaban de forma positiva al sexo masculino (odds ratio (OR) 2,25, con un intervalo de confianza (IC) del 95% de 1,37-3,69), al IMC materno (OR 3,45, con IC 95% de 2,16-5,8), al sobrepeso en la infancia (OR 2,81, IC 95% de 1,62-4,85), consumo de frutas inferior a una vez al día (OR 1,84, IC 95% de 1,05-3,21) y el hábito de dietas de adelgazamiento (OR 6,33, IC 95% de 2,68-14,94). Conclusión: Los resultados refuerzan la necesidad de intervenciones educativas en edades tempranas, implicando a toda la familia, para controlar el exceso de peso

    Transient gain of function of cannabinoid CB1 receptors in the control of frontocortical glucose consumption in a rat model of Type-1 diabetes

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    Here we aimed to unify some previous controversial reports on changes in both cannabinoid CB1 receptor (CB1R) expression and glucose metabolism in the forebrain of rodent models of diabetes. We determined how glucose metabolism and its modulation by CB1R ligands evolve in the frontal cortex of young adult male Wistar rats, in the first 8 weeks of streptozotocin-induced type-1 diabetes (T1D). We report that frontocortical CB1R protein density was biphasically altered in the first month of T1D, which was accompanied with a reduction of resting glucose uptake ex vivo in acute frontocortical slices that was normalized after eight weeks in T1D. This early reduction of glucose uptake in slices was also restored by ex vivo treatment with both the non-selective CB1R agonists, WIN55212−2 (500 nM) and the CB1R-selective agonist, ACEA (3 μM) while it was exacerbated by the CB1R-selective antagonist, O-2050 (500 nM). These results suggest a gain-of-function for the cerebrocortical CB1Rs in the control of glucose uptake in diabetes. Although insulin and IGF-1 receptor protein densities remained unaffected, phosphorylated GSKα and GSKβ levels showed different profiles 2 and 8 weeks after T1D induction in the frontal cortex. Altogether, the biphasic response in frontocortical CB1R density within a month after T1D induction resolves previous controversial reports on forebrain CB1R levels in T1D rodent models. Furthermore, this study also hints that cannabinoids may be useful to alleviate impaired glucoregulation in the diabetic cortex