39 research outputs found

    An Ethnohistorical Perspective on Cheyenne Demography

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    Administrative censuses of the Southern Cheyenne Indians from 1880,1891, and 1900 permit family reconstitution, identification of residence groups, and comparisons of fertility between monogamous and polygynous women, when the records are approached by ethnohistori cal methods. This approach includes an awareness of the aboriginal adoption practices, kinship system, and naming practices. It is argued that the biases and distortions of administrative records can be effectively corrected to add to our store of information on band and tribal societies.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Accoustic and perceptual cues for compound-phrasal contrasts in Vietnamese

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    This paper reports two series of experiments that examined the phonetic correlates of lexical stress in Vietnamese compounds in comparison to their phrasal constructions. In the first series of experiments, acoustic and perceptual characteristics of Vietnamese compound words and their phrasal counterparts were investigated on five likely acoustic correlates of stress or prominence (f0 range and contour, duration, intensity and spectral slope, vowel reduction), elicited under two distinct speaking conditions: a "normal speaking" condition and a "maximum contrast" condition which encouraged speakers to employ prosodic strategies for disambiguation. The results suggested that Vietnamese lacks phonetic resources for distinguishing compounds from phrases lexically and that native speakers may employ a phrase-level prosodic disambiguation strategy (juncture marking), when required to do so. However, in a second series of experiments, minimal pairs of bisyllabic coordinative compounds with reversible

    Morphological Alternations at the Intonational Phrase Edge

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    This article develops an analysis of a pair of morphological alternations in K\u27ichee\u27 (Mayan) that are conditioned at the right edge of intonational phrase boundaries. I propose a syntax-prosody mapping algorithm that derives intonational phrase boundaries from the surface syntax, and then argue that each alternation can be understood in terms of output optimization. The important fact is that a prominence peak is always rightmost in the intonational phrase, and so the morphological alternations occur in order to ensure an optimal host for this prominence peak. Finally, I consider the wider implications of the analysis for the architecture of the syntax-phonology interface, especially as it concerns late-insertion theories of morphology

    Conocimiento pedag贸gico: explorando nuevas aproximaciones

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    Resumen La formaci贸n inicial docente se ha transformado en un nudo cr铆tico para las pol铆ticas educativas. Uno de los elementos que muestra importantes deficiencias es la desarticulaci贸n del conocimiento pedag贸gico dentro del proceso de aprender a ense帽ar. En esta reflexi贸n se propone una reconceptualizaci贸n del conocimiento pedag贸gico a la luz de cuatro elementos centrales que debiera tenerse en consideraci贸n: el rol de las creencias sobre la ense帽anza y aprendizaje en la formaci贸n docente inicial; la importancia del conocimiento pedag贸gico del contenido como un eje articulador en el proceso de formaci贸n; la vinculaci贸n entre teor铆a y pr谩ctica para contribuir en el desarrollo de un conocimiento de la ense帽anza pertinente a los contextos en donde se implementar谩; y el desarrollo de pr谩cticas reflexivas como una estrategia para articular y confrontar los anteriores elementos en la formaci贸n de los futuros profesores. El abordaje de estos t贸picos contribuir谩 no s贸lo con profundizar temas escasamente abordados en el campo de la formaci贸n docente inicial, sino tambi茅n con desarrollar una mirada m谩s comprensiva de los procesos de ense帽anza y aprendizaje que debiesen sustentar los programas de formaci贸n docente inicial. Se discutir谩n las implicancias de esta propuesta en los dispositivos de ense帽anza-aprendizaje que promueve la formaci贸n inicial de profesores y en las posibilidades de innovaci贸n que se podr铆an implementar

    Prosody鈥揝yntax Interaction in the Expression of Focus

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