12 research outputs found
Differences in physical aging measured by walking speed: evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Performance on fast- and usual-paced 400-m walk tests in older adults: are they comparable?
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Creatinine clearance and signs of end-organ damage in primary hypertension
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Validation of the Spanish version of the Pittsburgh Fatigability Scale for older adults
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Clinical utility of routine laboratory testing to identify possible secondary causes in older men with osteoporosis: the Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS) Study
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Collaborative evaluation of the healthy habits program: An effective community intervention to improve mobility and cognition of Chinese older adults living in the U.S.
- Author
- A Chale
- A Shumway-Cook
- A Shumway-Cook
- B Lowe
- BH Goodpaster
- BW Penninx
- C Sherrington
- C-H Shen
- C. Hau
- CM Boyd
- EB Kahn
- JM Guralnik
- JM Guralnik
- K G Abellan van
- K. F. Reid
- K. F. Wong
- KF Reid
- KF Reid
- LJ Fitten
- LP Fried
- LZ Rubenstein
- M Halil
- M Minkler
- M Pahor
- M. Eliasziw
- ME Nelson
- MF Folstein
- MJ Kaiser
- NB Wallerstein
- O. I. Bermudez
- R Vazzana
- R. J. Chin
- Roger A. Fielding
- RW Bohannon
- S Kwon
- S Perera
- S Studenski
- SB Martin
- SE O’Bryant
- Services UDoHaH.
- T. J. Botto
- TB Üstün
- TN Tombaugh
- VA Campbell
- WC Taylor
- WJ Rejeski
- WR Frontera
- Y Lu
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Correlates of use of antifracture therapy in older women with low bone mineral density
- Author
- A Feldstein
- A Pressman
- AC Feldstein
- AC Looker
- AM Schott
- AN Tosteson
- Andrew J. Bush
- Assessment of fracture risk and its application to screening for postmenopausal osteoporosis
- C Christiansen
- C Simonelli
- CG Unson
- CJ Rosen
- CP Mouton
- DH Solomon
- DH Solomon
- DH Solomon
- DM Black
- Douglas C. Bauer
- EL Teng
- Eleanor M. Simonsick
- Elsa S. Strotmeyer
- ES Siris
- Frances A. Tylavsky
- J Reginster
- JA Cauley
- JA Cauley
- JA Grisso
- JA Kanis
- JA Kanis
- JA Kanis
- JJ Caro
- JL Stock
- Kathryn M. Ryder
- KB Freedman
- KE Ensrud
- LA Macdougall
- LJ Melton III
- M Pahor
- ME Charlson
- MR McClung
- MT Cuddihy
- MT Cuddihy
- NB Watts
- NS Fitt
- P Miller
- PA Economides
- PD Miller
- PD Miller
- PJ Meunier
- RM Brennan
- Ronald I. Shorr
- SE Andrade
- SE Geller
- SR Cummings
- SR Cummings
- SR Cummings
- SR Majumdar
- T Schousboe
- Tamara B. Harris
- TB Harris
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Hyperuricemia and renal function
- Author
- A Breckenridge
- A Nichols
- A Quinones-Galvan
- A Reunanen
- A Tykarski
- Antón F Mateos
- AP Hall
- BF Culleton
- BT Emmerson
- C Iribarren
- CE Mogensen
- DJ Allen
- DJ Levinson
- DJ Levinson
- DS Freedman
- DW Cockroft
- E Bonora
- E Noguera Hernando
- EW Campion
- F Jossa
- FH Messerli
- FN Brand
- FP Capuccio
- GM Reaven
- GM Reaven
- HE Paulus
- HG Langford
- J Alcázar
- J Fang
- J García Puig
- J Staessen
- J Zalokar
- JE Seegmiller
- JG Puig
- JG Puig
- Juan Garcia-Puig
- JV Selby
- K Yano
- LH Beck
- LM Ruilope
- LM Ruilope
- LM Ruilope
- Luis Miguel Ruilope
- LV Franse
- M Pahor
- MH Alderman
- MJ Brown
- NB Shulman
- P Kerkalainen
- P Mattei
- P Verdecchia
- PJ Cannon
- PT Chapman
- Puig J García
- Puig J García
- R Klein
- RD Abbott
- S Lehto
- SG Wannamethee
- TH Steele
- The Hypertension Detection and Follow-up Program Cooperative Research Group
- VW Persky
- W Levine
- W Rathman
- WM Mikkelsen
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Cardiovascular comorbidity in rheumatic diseases.
- Author
- A Abhishek
- A Bengtsson
- A Corrales
- A Gonzalez
- A Kavanaugh
- A Lerman
- A Pahor
- A Sandoo
- A Sandoo
- A Sandoo
- A Solomon
- A Souto
- A Stavropoulos-Kalinoglou
- A Stavropoulos-Kalinoglou
- A Stavropoulos-Kalinoglou
- A Tournadre
- A Wloch
- A Yndestad
- AD Protogerou
- AE van Ede
- AG Semb
- AG Semb
- AJ Wadley
- AM Adlan
- AM van Sijl
- AY Gasparyan
- AY Gasparyan
- AY Gasparyan
- B Zöller
- C Bell
- C Charles-Schoeman
- C Gonzalez-Juanatey
- C Gonzalez-Juanatey
- C Gonzalez-Juanatey
- C Gonzalez-Juanatey
- C Horreau
- C Palazzi
- C Papagoras
- C Roubille
- C Turesson
- CB Narshi
- CL Vermont
- CP Chung
- D Daoussis
- D Daoussis
- D Daoussis
- DH Solomon
- DH Solomon
- DH Solomon
- DW McCarey
- E Choy
- E Ikdahl
- E Myasoedova
- E Myasoedova
- EE Arts
- ES Ford
- F Wolfe
- G Kitas
- GA Karpouzas
- GD Summers
- George D. Kitas
- GS Metsios
- GS Metsios
- H Maradit-Kremers
- H Maradit-Kremers
- HG Raterman
- HM Kremers
- HM Kremers
- Homocysteine Studies Collaboration
- I del Rincón
- I Moodley
- IA van den Oever
- IM Markusse
- J Frostegård
- J Hippisley-Cox
- J Li
- J Lindhardsen
- J Perk
- J Robertson
- JA Avina-Zubieta
- JD Greenberg
- JF Boyer
- JM Davis 3rd
- JT Giles
- JT Gustafsson
- KL Hyrich
- KM Douglas
- KP Liang
- L Eder
- L Innala
- L Klareskog
- L Levy
- L Rodriguez-Rodriguez
- L Rodríguez-Rodríguez
- M Aydemir
- M Dougados
- M Wong
- MA Gonzalez-Gay
- Maaike Heslinga
- MB Urowitz
- MC Aubry
- Michael T. Nurmohamed
- MJ Peters
- MJ Peters
- MT Nurmohamed
- N Sattar
- NB Klarenbeek
- NJ Stone
- P Libby
- P Stolt
- PH Dessein
- PH Dessein
- PH Dessein
- PJ Nicola
- PM Ridker
- PM Ridker
- PM Ridker
- R López-Mejías
- R López-Mejías
- R López-Mejías
- R Palomino-Morales
- RB D'Agostino Sr
- RM Conroy
- S Blankenberg
- S Glund
- S Kaptoge
- S Manzi
- S Mathieu
- S Mavrogeni
- S Mavrogeni
- S Mavrogeni
- S Mavrogeni
- S Rollefstad
- SE Gabriel
- SL Morgan
- T Bichile
- T Dimitroulas
- T Dimitroulas
- T Dimitroulas
- T Ichiki
- TE Toms
- TE Toms
- TE Toms
- TE Toms
- TE Toms
- TJ Anderson
- VF Panoulas
- VF Panoulas
- VF Panoulas
- VF Panoulas
- VF Panoulas
- VF Panoulas
- VF Panoulas
- VK Kawai
- VP van Halm
- WS Chung
- YH Rho
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2015
- Field of study
Exercise improves mitochondrial and redox-regulated stress responses in the elderly: better late than never!
- Author
- A Martinez-Ruiz
- A McArdle
- A Melov
- A Philp
- A Safdar
- A Safdar
- A Safdar
- A Saleem
- A Vasilaki
- A Vasilaki
- A Vasilaki
- A Vasilaki
- AB Salmon
- AC Betik
- AC Kayani
- AM Joesph
- AP Russell
- AR Konopka
- AR Konopka
- B Drew
- B Egan
- B Halliwell
- B Halliwell
- B Kalyanaraman
- B Kholodenko
- B McDonagh
- B Westermann
- BF Miller
- C McGlory
- CC Winterbourn
- CC Winterbourn
- CC Winterbourn
- CGR Perry
- CM Peterson
- D Dai
- D Harman
- D McKenzie
- D Pye
- DA Hood
- DA Hood
- DC Wright
- DJ Mahoney
- DM Bailey
- E Koltai
- EA Bua
- EA Bua
- EM Evans
- EV Menshikova
- F Debre
- FW Booth
- G Gousillou
- G Lopez-Lluch
- GC Rowe
- GK Sakellariou
- GK Sakellariou
- GL Close
- GL Close
- Graeme L. Close
- GW Heath
- H Pilegaard
- H Sies
- H Tanaka
- H Tanaka
- HJ Forman
- I Janssen
- IR Lanza
- IR Lanza
- J Aiken
- J Lexell
- J Palomero
- J Palomero
- JA Stuart
- JA Timmons
- James N. Cobley
- James P. Morton
- Jatin G. Burniston
- JD Bartlett
- JM Faulkner
- JMC Gutteridge
- JN Cobley
- JN Cobley
- JN Cobley
- JO Holloszy
- JP Little
- JP Little
- JP Morton
- JP Morton
- JT Rodgers
- K Baar
- KA Burgomaster
- KM Holmstrom
- KR Short
- KR Short
- L Leick
- LL Ji
- LL Ji
- M Fluck
- M Gibala
- M Khassaf
- M Nyberg
- M Nyberg
- M Pahor
- M Picard
- M Picard
- M Picard
- M Picard
- M Sandri
- MJ Jackson
- MJ Jackson
- MJ Rennie
- MP Murphy
- MR Deschenes
- MRB Valls
- N Iversen
- NB Nordsborg
- NV Margaritelis
- Peter R. Moult
- PJ Fernadnez-Marcos
- R Brigelius-Flohe
- R Godin
- R Irrcher
- R Rizzuto
- RC Scarpulla
- RM Reznick
- S Carballal
- S Ghosh
- S Jager
- S Trappe
- SA Detmer
- SJ Crozier
- SJ Pearson
- SK Powers
- SV Brooks
- SW Trappe
- T Pearson
- T Wenz
- T Wenz
- TJ Doherty
- V Demicheli
- V Ljubicic
- V Ljubicic
- V Ljubicic
- V Ljubicic
- VG Coffey
- WR Frontera
- YC Jang
- YM Janssen-Heininger
- Z Bori
- Z Radak
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study