6 research outputs found

    Development of Tourism and the Tourist Industry in India: A Case Study of Uttarakhand

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    This paper aims to clarify the regional characteristics of the development of tourism accompanying economic growth in India and the tourist industry using development in the Kumaon region of Uttarakhand. The state of Uttarakhand is known as a Himalayan hill resort area with various tourism resources, such as hillside summer retreats in regions with beautiful lakeside scenery and views of year-round snow of the Himalayan Mountains, Hindu pilgrimage sites and so on. In particular, the development of hillside summer retreats was facilitated by the forging of roads through steep mountainous regions and the construction of hotels and vacation homes by the English during the colonial period. In recent years tourists from all over India have visited Uttarakhand, and that number is increasing rapidly. While it is obvious that many of the tourists come from the North and South West regions of India, there is a particularly large number who come from the greater Delhi metropolitan area. It is assumed that these visits constitute utilization of leisure time by the middle class. With new development of hill resorts, Naukuchiatal has been one recipient of the ever-increasing number of domestic tourists. Surrounded by tourism resources centered on the lake, Uttarakhand has experienced growing development of lodging accommodations by local residents and hotel capital from inside and outside the state. Hence, a certain ripple effect to the local economy can be observed for both local residents and merchants within the region regarding employment at lodging accommodations, necessary services, and the demand for materials

    From Suburban to Urban Villages: A Case Study of an Indian Village in the National Capital Region <Article>

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    本稿では,グローバル化の下で経済成長しているデリー首都圏内の近郊農村の社会変容の過程を分析した。1997年にノイダの1 農村において全世帯を対象に調査を行い,2014年・2015年にはその追跡調査を行った。ノイダの開発にともない,政府により多くの農地が収用され,農業が衰退した。住民は離農し,大都市や工場への通勤者が増加し,農業を基盤とした社会関係は崩壊した。公立学校が主体であった住民の通学先は,所得向上にともない,私立学校中心となった。地域社会がかつて共有していた価値は意義を失うこととなった。集落外は都市景観になるものの,都市計画外地域として集落形態が残存している。伝統的な農家住宅は近代的なものに建て替えられ,集落内にも賃貸アパートが林立するものの,インフラは未整備のままで,下水道などに問題が生じているが,行政の努力不足や集落内で解決する主体が存在しない状況が続いている。調査村は,大都市圏の都市計画から排除された低開発地区であり,アーバンビレッジと化した。ここは,近隣の大学の学生や都市で働く低賃金労働者などのための低家賃アパートの供給地となっている。アーバンビレッジは,より発展した都市空間へ送り出すための労働力の(再)生産において重要な役割を果たしている。This paper examines social change in a suburban village in the National Capital Region of India, following rapid development as a result of globalization. The authors conducted household surveys in a village (“Village R”) of Noida, which is part of the National Capital Region, in 1997 and 2014. With the development of Noida, the state government acquired vast land tracts in the village, mostly in the early 2000s. While agriculture declined between 1997 and 2014, the number of workers in offices or factories in/near the cities increased; consequently, social relations based on agriculture almost completely collapsed. With their increasing incomes, more people began sending their children to private schools rather than government schools. The local social systems and values that the residents once shared became irrelevant. Furthermore, the village became externally surrounded by modern urban landscape, and multi-story houses steadily replaced the original rural houses and farmland in the village. However, village infrastructure has not improved much owing to the lack of administrative effort, which has resulted in the deterioration of the living environment, including drainage.“ Village R,” which can be considered an urban village, has remained underdeveloped and excluded from the urban planning of the megacity. Nevertheless, the village provides cheap accommodations for local university students and the local industrial workers. Thus, the urban village plays an important role in (re-) producing the labor force for more-developed urban areas.本研究は,平成27~29年度科研費(基盤研究A)「現代インドの経済空間構造とその形成メカニズム」(代表者:友澤和夫,課題番号26257012)による研究成果の一部である。また,成果の一部は「デリー首都圏内農村の宅地化と社会変動- UP州ノイダの1農村の追跡研究」(2015年度HINDAS 第3回研究集会,2015年8月)にて口頭発表したものである