39 research outputs found

    On the Properties of Thermoduric Bacteria from Raw Milk for Fermented Milk Beverage

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    醗酵乳用原料生乳および一部の市販牛乳,計50点から63℃,30分加熱で生存する菌株74株を分離し,その一般性状とタンパク質および脂肪分解性を検索した. その結果から同定した菌群はすべてBacillus属であり,B.cereus,B.subtilis,B.pumilusの順に多く検出された. これらの菌株は,タンパク分解力が大であったが,脂肪分解力は全般的に低かった. 代表的分離菌株のうち,63℃,30分または85℃,20分加熱処理における耐熱性のとくに高い菌株はB.megaterium,B.subtilis,B.cereus等に属する数株であったが,100℃,10分加熱ではその発育細胞の耐熱性は認められなかった. 加糖酸乳飲料に実際に接種して38℃,6日間培養した結果では,38℃,24時間培養菌液の接種において,一部の例にわずかな異常が認められたが,市販条件の同種の製品では異常が起らないものと結論された

    チイキ コウレイシャ トノ フクシ タイケン ガクシュウ ノ キョウイク コウカ ト チイキ コウケン ジギョウ トシテノ ヒョウカ

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    本研究の目的は,地域高齢者との福祉体験学習における学生への教育効果と、地域貢献事業としての評価をすることである。徳島大学歯学部では,医療人を志すものとしての自覚を持つことを目的とした取り組みを県内16カ所の施設で合計28回実施した。これは,学生が口腔保健指導「お口の健康長寿教室」において,高齢者を対象とした口腔機能訓練の補助者として体験学習するものである。学習後のレポートから, 到達目標とした地域貢献の在り方や歯科専門職としての役割を認識する学生が多くを占めた。一方,地域貢献事業として評価するため,参加職員への調査を行った結果,利用者への役立ちに加え,多くの施設職員の理解も深まったとのアンケート結果が得られた。以上から,本取り組みは学生への教育目標「医療人としての自覚を持つ」に沿った成果が得られており,また,施設職員の口腔機能向上プ口グラムへの盤解の深まりから,今後の継続が期待される。The purose of this study is to evaluate the educational effect by the welfare-experience learning program with aged people in community,and to evaluate this program as the regional contribution. This program is to aim at having a consciousness of becoming the dental professional in the University of Tokushima,Faculty of Dentistry,and they were carried out with 16 institutions (a total of 28 times).This program makes students accompany the oral health guidance"long-life oral healthy classroom",and they carried out the experience study as on auxiliary person of the variaus functional oral-training for elderly people.By the investigation of the student's report, there are students who recognized the achievement objectives which are roles of the way concerning regional contribution as dental professionals in community. On the other hand,the questionnaire to the participating persoonnel was conducted in order to evalaote this program as the regional contrtbution. As a result,this program is useful to elderly people and the understanding of institution personnel is also deepened this practice. As mentioned above,the result of having is suitable for the educational goal "to have a consciousness of becoming the dental professional". Furthermore,this program was considered that future continuation is also expected by deepening of an understanding to the personnel's functional oral-training program

    Nonequilibrium Wetting in Si/Al-Si and Ni/Al-Ni Systems

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    Unusual Structure and Fabrication Process of Japanese Matchlock Gun (Hinawajuu), Made at the Late EDO Period

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    Influence of boron on ferrite formation in copper-added spheroidal graphite cast iron

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    This paper reviews the original work of the authors published recently, describing the influence of B on the matrix of the Cuadded spheroidal graphite cast iron. The effect of Cu has been corrected as a ferrite formation promoter in the matrix of the grey cast iron by the usage of high-purity material. Also, this paper focuses on the ferrite formation and the observation of the Cu distribution in the B-added and B-free Cu-containing spheroidal graphite cast iron. The Cu film on the spheroidal graphite can be successfully observed in the B-free sample using a special etching method. However, in the B-added sample, no Cu film could be found, while the secondary graphite was formed on the surface of the spheroidal graphite. The interaction between B and Cu is stressed as a peculiar phenomenon by the employment of a contrast experiment of B and Mn. The heat treatment could make Cu precipitate more significantly in the eutectic cells and in the matrix in the form of large Cu particles because of the limited solubility of Cu

    Eutectic solidification mode of spheroidal graphite cast iron and graphitization

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    The shrinkage and chilling tendency of spheroidal graphite (abbreviated SG) cast iron is much greater than that of the flake graphite cast iron in spite of its higher amount of C and Si contents. Why? The main reason should be the difference in their graphitization during the eutectic solidification. In this paper, we discuss the difference in the solidification mechanism of both cast irons for solving these problems using unidirectional solidification and the cooling curves of the spheroidal graphite cast iron. The eutectic solidification rate of the SG cast iron is controlled by the diffusion of carbon through the austenite shell, and the final thickness is 1.4 times the radius of the SG, therefore, the reduction of the SG size, namely, the increase in the number, is the main solution of these problems

    Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Aluminum Composite by Powder Extrusion Process

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