52 research outputs found
Awareness of General Body Processing : Body Consciousness in the Present Day
社会学の領域において,「身体」というパースペクティブが注目されている。そこでまず本論では特にA・Giddensによるボディプロジェクト(body projects)概念を検討した.次に,アンケート調査から,一般的な身体加工に関する意識を分析し,次のことを明らかにした.一つは身体加工において準拠されているのは,「自己自身」,「他者の視線」,「社会の視線」であること((1)自己系,(2)他者系(消極)系,(3)他者(積極系),(4)社会系と命名).もう一つは一般的な身体加工は,他者のため((2)(3)),社会への配慮のため((4))だけでなく,自己満足のため,自分らしくあるため((1))に行われることが多いことである.また,そこにはジェンダー差があり,同じ「他者の視線」を意識するのでも((3)他者(積極)系),男性は不特定多数な異性を,女性は自分の好きな特定の人だけを念頭においている.さらに女性は,自己満足や自分らしさといった「自己自身」を準拠することが多い.そして,外見の良し悪しでも差異が見いだせ,外見をほめられる経験の多い人は,(1)自己系,(3)他者(積極系)の理由を挙げ,ほめられる経験が少ない人は,(2)他者(消極系)の理由を挙げる.(1)自己系の理由を多く挙げるのは,女性であり,外見をよくほめられる人であった.このような一般的身体加工に関する意識は,他の身体における現代的現象と関連している.In this paper, I discuss the concept of "body projects" as argued by Giddens, and then survey attitudes among young people. There is high level of interest in perspectives of "body" among many sociologists. Through the surveys, I found the following: body processing is based on "self-satisfaction", "others\u27 gaze", and "consideration of society", I named these factors self (=1), others (passive) (=2), others (positive) (=3), and society (= 4). General body processing is done because of not only 2&3&4 but also 1. There is a gender difference in this grouping. Men are concerned about unspecified women, women are concerned about a specific man. In addition, women value their individualities. Personal appearance decides this grouping. The person who receives praise for their facial appearance cites reasons 1&3, the person that does not receive such praise cites reason 2
The Complex of the Beauty Myth: Deciphering the Critical Discourse
本論の目的は,美魔女を批判する言説を分析し,外見に関わる「常識」や「規範」を明らかにすることである.結果,女性には「若く美しくあれ」と「若作りの禁忌」という相反する二重の規範が課されていることが分かった.そこに,性差別とエイジズムの結託が見られる.The purpose of this study is to determine ‘the premise’ or ‘the norm’ that is related to appearance, analyzing the critical discourse about ‘bimajo’(middle‒aged women who look young). The results of the study state that there are double standards that operate in the critical discourse, ‘women should bebeautiful and young’ and ‘women must not wear make up to look younger’; furthermore, the concepts of sexism and ageism seem to collide with each other
People intending to undergo cosmetic surgery or cosmetic medical care
本論文は,美容整形や美容医療(プチ整形)が普及する現代社会において,それらの施術を受けたいと思う人々の①属性,②身体意識を明らかにする.また,以前行った調査で,美容整形を希望する理由に「自己満足のため」が最も多かったという結果をうけ,③美容実践が,身体を自分の所有物と感じてアイデンティティを再定義するような主体的な経験なのかも明らかにする.25~65 歳の男女800 人に調査票調査を行い,分析した結果は次の通り.①美容施術を望むのは男性よりも女性である.性別以外の,年代,世帯年収,学歴,既婚・未婚といった属性では有意差が見られなかった.②美容実践はあくまでも第一義的に「自分の心地よさ」(=自己満足)のために行われる.自分の心地よさという理由は,美容実践でない行為においても,美容実践を望む人が,望まない人より使用している.ただし,美容実践を望む人ほど「他者」の評価も求める傾向ももつ.③美容実践は,性別と世帯年収に規定される.また自己アイデンティティの再構築を目指すような主体的な行為というより,むしろ「外見の老化を感じる」こと,「身体に関する社会の常識を守るべきという考えを持たない」ことに規定される行為でもある.したがって,美容実践は,第一に「自分」という位相で語られる行為である.ただし,自分の心地よさの背後には「他者」の評価期待が含まれる.そして身体に関わる常識という意味での「社会」的影響は後景に退いている行為である.\nThis paper analyses people intending to undergo cosmetic surgery or cosmetic medical care in contemporary Japan. It aim to explore (1) their attributes, and (2) their body consciousness. The study found that the most popular motivation for cosmetic surgery was “self-satisfaction”. ーFollowing this, the study investigated (3) whether cosmetic practices can be regarded as subjective experiences, which promote the re-definition of identities. The results of this later survey (involving 800 informants) as follows.First, more women want to have cosmetic interventions than men. Other attributes, including age, academic background, income, and marital-status, did not show any significant influence on motivations. Second, some people want to have cosmetic interventions because of a sense of self-satisfaction, however, they tend to want positive evaluations from “others” too. Third, “awareness of aging” and “lack of a conviction to maintain common sense in relation to one’s body” are more likely to inderpin a desire to undergo cosmetic intervention than “the intention to reform self-identity.”Therefore, cosmetic interventions should be understood in terms of “the self,” positive evaluations by “the other,” and “self-comfort.” Although cosmetic practices are social practices, they are not significantly influenced by “the social.
Discourse Analysis on Beauty Science
科学は女性と疎遠なものであると捉える認識がある一方で,美容という領域においては,科学は女性をアピールするものとして扱われて続けてきた.本稿は,化粧品広告,および美容雑誌における科学的言説の特徴を考察するものである. 考察の結果,第二次世界大戦以前の科学とは,西洋を模範とする衛生を目指すものであったのに対して,1980年代以降の科学とは,成分を全面に押し出すものであると分かった.また80年代以降,一方で科学そのものが権威として機能し,それへの信仰や依存があること,ところが他方で,科学がわざわざ自然と融合した形で表現されることも見いだした. つまり,近年の科学信仰の中には,科学に対する潜在的な不安も同時に存在する.そこで,不安を和らげるような自然物イメージが,科学に付与されることになる.科学と自然が共犯関係を結ぶことで,より強固な科学信仰を生み出すというパラドックスが,美容の科学における言説に発見できる. People commonly think that women have been alienated from the field of science, however the science of beauty (for example, cosmetics) has appealed to women. In this study, I attempt to explore the features of scientific discourse in advertisements on cosmetics and in beauty magazines.Through this analysis, I find that people believe ads’ science claims and have trusted science blindly since 1980’s, where as before World War II , we focused on hygiene modeled upon the West. I also find that scientific words are tied with natural images.Blind faith in science, ironically, leads to potential distrust of science. To ease this anxiety, natural images are associated with scientific words.In analyzing the beauty science discourse, I examine the paradox that belief in science is strengthened by its unscientific association with natural images
Effect of horizontal strong static magnetic field on swimming behaviour of Paramecium caudatum
Effect of horizontal strong static magnetic field on swimming behavior of Paramecium caudatum was studied by using a superconducting magnet. Around a center of a round vessel, random swimming at 0 T and aligned swimming parallel to the magnetic field (MF) of 8 T were observed. Near a wall of the vessel, however, swimming round and round along the wall at 0 T and aligned swimming of turning at right angles upon collision with the wall, which was remarkable around 1~4 T, were detected. It was experimentally revealed that the former MF-induced parallel swimming at the vessel center was caused physicochemically by the parallel magnetic orientation of the cell itself. From magnetic field dependence of the extent of the orientation, the magnetic susceptibility anisotropy (χ‖-χ⊥) was first obtained to be 3.4×10-23 emu cell-1 at 298 K for Paramecium caudatum. The orientation of the cell was considered to result from the magnetic orientation of the cell membrane. On the other hand, although mechanisms of the latter swimming near the vessel wall regardless of the absence and presence of the magnetic field are unclear at present, these experimental results indicate that whether the cell exists near the wall alters magnetic field effect on the swimming in the horizontal magnetic field
An Analysis of Broadcasting Data of Japanese TV Animation : Creating the List and Overview
This paper presents our research group’s process of creating a list and data of all animation programs broadcasted on television from 1963 to 2010 in Japan. For each year, we focus on the change in production numbers of animated shows, the average number of episodes per show, and the type of work the animation is based on. The number of programs increased between 1963 and 2007, and increased most significantly in the 1990s. On the other hand, the average number of the episodes was largest in the 1970s and decreased drastically in the 2000s. As for the original medium the shows are based on, manga maintains relatively high rates, and since the 1980s has always been over 30%. This number demonstrates the close relationship between animation on television and manga. 本研究グループが作成した1963年から2010年までに日本で放映された全テレビアニメを調査したリストについて,その作成のプロセスとデータの概要を紹介した。このリストは,主人公の設定や物語の舞台といった各作品の内容にまで踏み込んだものである。今回は各年の新作放映数,各年代の話数の平均,原作の媒体について,それぞれの変遷を追った。新作放映数は1963年の放映開始から徐々に増加し,とくに1990年代以降に大きく増え,2007年にピークを迎えている。一方,話数の平均は1970年代をピークとして,2000年代には大きく減少していることがわかった。原作の媒体については,マンガ原作の割合が相対的に高く,とくに1980年代以降は30%以上を維持し続けており,テレビアニメとマンガの結びつきの強さが確認された
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