16 research outputs found


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    The attempt to define components of system of extracurricular pedagogical work as an educational mean of professional education is made in this article


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    Some theoretical aspects of motivation and the results of practical research which are referred to study the components of motive sphere are viewed in the given article


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    The attempt to define a curator's role in forming of self-affirmation is made in this article.У статті робиться спроба визначити роль куратора у формуванні самоствердження студента

    Meta-analysis of the influence of gender and age on the seasonal dynamics of cerebral strokes

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    The purpose of this work is to investigate dependence of the seasonal dynamics of HS (hemorrhagic strokes) and IS (ischemic strokes) risk on sex and age using meta-analysis. In total, 22 publications were selected for this meta-analysis, studying the seasonal dynamics of HS, of which 8 publications presented statistics separately for men and women, and three papers presented statistics for different age groups. Also, 28 publications studying the seasonal dynamics of IS were selected for meta-analysis, of which 11 publications presented statistics separately for men and women, and three papers presented statistics for different age groups. The meta-analysis of the seasonal dynamics of HS showed that HS risk is less likely in a warmer season compared with a colder one. In men, HS risk was the highest in winter and spring, and in women in winter. Dependence between HS risk and a decrease in air temperature was the same in men and women. According to the results of the meta-analysis (without regard to sex and age), the minimum probability of IS occurs in autumn. In women, IS risk was significantly higher in winter compared to other seasons. In men, the seasonal dynamics of IS was not expressed. In older people, the overall risk of stroke increased, especially IS. In people over 65 years of age, there was a significant dependence of an increase in HS risk on a decrease in air temperature. In people younger than 65 years, HS risk was not associated with cold. A decrease in temperature equally increased IS risk in both age groups. These results suggest that sex and age may influence the seasonal stroke risk

    Modern approaches to the correction of dysbiotic intestinal disorders in children with chronic pyelonephritis

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    Background. It is known that more than 80 % of children with chronic pyelonephritis (СP) have abnormal intestinal disorders, which requires correction and recovery of microflora by inclusion of probiotics into therapeutic and prophylactic regimens. The purpose of the study was to study the effectiveness of probiotic Subalin in the comprehensive treatment of СP in preschool children. Materials and methods. We examined 40 children aged 0 to 6 years with a primary СP and preserved kidney function. Group I of patients received standard therapy according to the protocol. Bifido- or lactobacilli were used to correct the dysbiosis in children of this group. Patients of group II received basic therapy in combination with probiotic Subalin according to the scheme suggested by us. The rate of elimination of intoxication and dyspeptic syndromes, duration of clinical and laboratory remission of the underlying disease were assessed. Results. Evaluation of clinical effectiveness of Subalin in children for 1 month showed its more significant effectiveness in eliminating the main manifestations of dysbiosis. A significantly more pronounced frequency of normalization of feces was revealed on the background and after treatment with Subalin, in contrast to the comparison group. There was a tendency to decrease in duration (p ≤ 0.1) and a significant (p < 0.05) decrease in manifestations of intoxication syndrome in children of group II. During the 6 months of follow-up, 94.7 % of the children in group II had a significantly higher antiretroviral effectiveness of the therapy, and the duration of complete clinical and laboratory remission was 5.9 ± 0.4 months, compared with the identical indices in group I (66.7 % and 3.1 ± 0.1 months, respectively). Conclusions. The obtained results confirmed the expediency of using Subalin in the comprehensive treatment of CP in children of preschool age


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    The article presents main strategies of breast feeding of prematurely born infants support, such as use of Philips AVENT breast pumpfor lactation formation and feeding of the infant with native breast milk.Key words: premature infants, nursing mother, breast feeding support, modern accessories for breast feeding support. (Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. 2011; 10 (6): 170–175

    Introduction of electronic cancer patient registries

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    The article is devoted to the review of the most developed systems of registration and control of patients suffering from oncological diseases. The creation of registries is based on the public health needs of countries in monitoring, storing and analyzing national data on such serious chronic diseases as cancer. The world and national experience in creating data storage systems shows the need to unify the information collection, to consolidate sources, and to use high quality information technologies that make it possible to exchange, analyze, protect and store data. In European countries and the USA, registries have specialized websites and provide information on epidemiology, trends, forecasts, and survival rate. This information is public. © 2019, Ediciones Medicas del Sur S.R.L.. All rights reserved


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    The research studied the pressing problem of the fuel and energy strategy of the XXI century. For the first time, there was shown the diversity of the authors' approach to theoretical and applied problems of hydrogen energy. General issues of fundamental and applied aspects of hydrogen origin were covered. The study provides the results of scientific developments on hydrogen mapping performed within the framework of scientific and practical exploratory and geo-ecological research on more than 200 hydrocarbon objects both on land (including mining fields) and in marine water areas. Prognostic and search system criteria were substantiated, with hydrogen being used for the first time as a component of the complex of methodical solutions in the search practice. The research showed the importance of solving the problem of geo-ecological processes and accidents in mine workings and wells, connected to numerous disasters. According to numerous studies of mine massives, a set of preventive measures and criteria that prevent explosive processes was provided.The presence of a unique complex of natural components of hydrogen technology, solar and wind energy resources and fresh waters of the Danube lakes and the Danube was stated.The study emphasises the decisive role of Ukraine in the competition for primacy in scientific developments. For the first time in world practice, the implementation of global projects for the extraction and production of green and white hydrogen was substantiated.The technology was tested on numerous hydrocarbon deposits, water resources and mine workings and therefore has all the prospects for the effective application in the search and extraction of hydrogen. This monograph can be useful and informative for specialists in the fields of oil and gas geology, general and regional geology, hydrology, environmental protection, as well as for the students and postgraduate students of fuel and energy, oil and gas geological and hydrological areas, as well as for domestic and foreign investors.Розглянуто актуальнішу проблему паливно-енергетичноїстратегії XXI ст. Вперше продемонстровано різновек-торність підходу авторів до теоретичних та прикладних проблем водневої енергетики.Висвітлено загальні питання фундаментально-прикладнихаспектів походження водню.Наведено результати наукових розробок з картування водню, виконаних у рамках наукових і практичних пошу-кових і геоекологічних досліджень на понад 200 вуглеводневих об'єктах на суходолі (включаючи шахтні поля) та в мор-ських акваторіях. Обґрунтовано прогнозно-пошуковісистемні критерії, де складовою частиною комплексу методичнихрішень вперше в пошуковій практиці використовувався водень.Показано важливість вирішення проблеми геоекологічних процесів і подій у шахтних виробках та свердлови-нах, з якими пов’язані численні катастрофи. За численними дослідженнями шахтних масивів наводиться розробленийкомплекс упереджувальних заходів та критеріїв, що унеможливлюють вибухонебезпечні процеси.Наведено наявність унікального природного комплексу складових водневої технології, сонячних та вітровихенергоресурсів та прісних вод придунайських озер та Дунаю.Відображено вирішальну роль України в змаганні за першість в наукових розробках. Вперше в світовій практиціобґрунтовано впровадження глобальних проектів по видобуванню та виробництву зеленого та білого водню.Технологія апробована на численних родовищах вуглеводнів, водних ресурсів і в шахтних виробках і тому маєвсі перспективи для ефективного застосування при пошуках і видобутку водню.Ця монографія може бути корисною та інформативною для фахівців у галузі геології нафти і газу, загальноїта регіональної геології, гідрології, охорони довкілля, студентів та аспірантів паливно-енергетичного,нафтогазогео-логічного і гідрологічного напрямів, а також вітчизняних і зарубіжних інвесторів