8 research outputs found

    Enzyme Therapy in Pediatrics: the Feasibility and Balanced Approaches to Its Implementation

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    У статті розглядається роль ферментів у процесі травлення, а також приділяється увага проблемі зовнішньосекреторної недостатності підшлункової залози. Дані характеристика ферментних препаратів, рекомендації щодо їх раціонального застосування

    The Choice of Antibiotic Therapy in Treatment of Bronchitis in Children

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    The article deals with the questions of the etiology of the most common forms of bronchitis in children, the role of bacterial pathogens in clinical course of these diseases, as well as features of clinical course and choice of rational antibiotic therapy

    Rare Forms of Meningococcal Disease in Children (Clinical Observation)

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    У статті наведені два приклади рідкісних форм менінгококової інфекції — кардиту, поліартриту, пневмонії, що діагностовані у дітей на фоні генералізованих форм. Звертає на себе увагу і те, що виникнення кардиту і поліартриту та кардиту і пневмонії спостерігалось на фоні менінгококової інфекції середньотяжкого перебігу в дітей, у яких відсутні хронічні захворювання, вогнища хронічної інфекції. Серед імовірних провокуючих факторів такого перебігу можна виділити період статевого дозрівання та варіант поєднаної інфекції (попередня — вітряна віспа). Своєчасна діагностика рідкісних форм стала запорукою успішного лікування

    New Aspects of Ambroxol Usage in Pediatric Pulmonology: Looking Through the Lens of Impacting Biofilm

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    The paper analyzes the role of biofilms in the course of respiratory pathology, the mechanisms of formation of microorganism resistance to antibiotics. It is emphasized that abroxol along with a number of pleiotropic effects proved in numerous clinical and experimental studies is able to reduce primary attachment of the microorganisms to the surface in low dosage and to impact biofilm in low dosage by decreasing alginate production providing antibiotic resistance. Ambroxol is proved to influence biofilm development at all stages by several mechanisms, namely direct effect on biofilm, enhancement in antibiotic concentration in pulmonary tissue and lung fluid, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, improvement of mucociliary clearance. A complex action of ambroxol expands significantly the range of its usage in pulmonary pathology in children

    Status of child population health — the future of the country (part 1)

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    The article of the team of scientists of pediatricians and organizers of pediatric health care of Ukraine is devoted to the study of the main trends in the health status of children over last 22 years. The results of the analysis of the incidence and prevalence of diseases among Ukrainian child population, infant mortality rates over the past two decades demonstrates that they remain significantly higher than the average European indicators against the background of a progressive decrease in the number of child population at 3,16 million people. The prevalence of childhood diseases in Ukraine over past 22 years has grown by 41 %, the incidence of childhood diseases arose by 36 %. The article considers the ways of solving a number of new social and medico-ecological problems that negatively affect child health

    Child health status — the future of the country (part 2)

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    The article deals with the problems of increasing the incidence and prevalence of childhood diseases during 1994–2016 against the background of a global reduction in the staffing of children’s specialists by 1.7 times, with an extremely inadequate supply of the regions of the South-East, Donetsk and Luhansk regions. All of this has a negative impact on the proper medical care of the child population, including the detection of childhood diseases. The authors substantiate the need to restore the personnel and material-technical potential of the pediatric service, the development of modern diagnostic and treatment technologies, the preservation of immunization and the prevention of disability of common childhood diseases that is an important component of the national health care and safety system of the country as a whole