3 research outputs found

    Compressive Strength of Fiber Reinforced Fly- Ash Concrete using Regression Model

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    In construction industry, strength is a primary criterion in selecting a concrete for a particular application. Concrete used for construction gains strength over a long period of time after pouring the concrete. The characteristic strength of concrete is defined as the compressive strength of a sample that has been aged for 28 days. Neither waiting 28 days for such a test would not serve the rapidity of construction, nor would neglecting it serve the quality control process on concrete in large construction sites. Therefore, rapid and reliable prediction of the strength of concrete would be of great significance. On this backdrop, the method is proposed to establish a predictive relationship between properties and proportions of ingredients of concrete, compaction factor, weight of concrete cubes and strength of concrete whereby the strength of concrete can be predicted at early age. A mathematical model for the prediction of compressive strength of fiber reinforced concrete containing fly ash was performed using statistical analysis for the concrete data obtained from the experimental work done in this study. The multiple linear regression model yielded fairly good correlation coefficient for the prediction of compressive strength for 3 days curing