24 research outputs found

    Transitions to Adulthood

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    The transition to adulthood is a period of development marked by diversity in the paths taken by young people as they gradually become adults. In education and employment, young people face the challenges of an unpredictable job market and increasing demands for postsecondary degrees. In relations with parents, young people face the challenges of moving out of the parental home or continuing to live with parents into their mid-twenties. In romantic relationships, young people face the challenges of developing a capacity for emotional intimacy and choosing to cohabit or marry. Finally, young people must navigate social settings that encourage risky behaviors and cope with mental health difficulties, two challenges that threaten their well-being as they approach adulthood. Young people with access to resources are better able to cope with these challenges and show competence in adulthood. Individual differences and features of the family, peer, community, cultural, and societal contexts in which these challenges are faced will determine the extent to which each person's transition to adulthood is a success

    Forecasting life and career satisfaction in midlife from young adult depressive symptoms

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    This 14-year, six-wave longitudinal study of 583 university graduates examined whether trajectories of depressive symptoms from age 23 to 30 predicted life and career satisfaction outcomes at age 37, after controlling for (a) time-varying associations of marriage and unemployment with depressive symptoms, (b) sociodemographic characteristics (age, sex, parents' education), and (c) family and labor market experiences assessed at age 37 (marriage and divorce, raising children, income, spells of unemployment, occupational status). Net of the effects of all covariates, lower depressive symptoms at age 23 predicted higher life and career satisfaction at age 37, and steeper declines in depressive symptoms predicted higher life satisfaction. From age 23 to 30, being married was associated with fewer depressive symptoms, and more unemployment (in months) was associated with more depressive symptoms. The course of depressive symptoms through young adulthood carries over into midlife, showing continuity even after accounting for family and labor market experiences

    Losing sleep over it: Daily variation in sleep quantity and quality in canadian students' first seme

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    Daily covariation of sleep quantity and quality with affective, stressful, academic, and social experiences were observed in a sample of Canadian 17-19-year-olds in their first year of university. Participants (N=191) completed web-based checklists for 14 consecutive days during their first semester. Multilevel models predicting sleep quantity and quality from daily experiences indicated that more time on schoolwork, expecting a test, and alcohol use predicted less sleep whereas socializing predicted more sleep. More positive affect and no alcohol use predicted better sleep quality. Models predicting daily experiences from sleep the night before indicated that less sleep preceded increases in negative affect, decreases in schoolwork time, and a higher likelihood of socializing. Better sleep quality preceded increased positive affect, decreased negative affect and stress, and less time on schoolwork. These data are informative for understanding relations between sleep and daily experiences as they occur naturally in first-year university students

    Rise and fall of sleep quantity and quality with student experiences across the first year of university

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    Covariations of self-reported sleep quantity (duration) and quality (disturbances) with affective, stressful, academic, and social experiences across the first year of university in 187 Canadian students (M age=18.4) were examined with multilevel models. Female students reported sleeping fewer hours on average than did male students. In months when negative affect and general levels of stress were higher, sleep quantity was lower. Poorer sleep quality was seen in students living away from home and reporting more financial stress at baseline. In addition, sleep quality was poorer in months when negative affect and general levels of stress were higher (attenuating the effect of financial stress) and better in months when students spent more days with friends. Three themes are presented to explore the mechanisms by which sleep quantity and quality rise and fall in tandem with experiences of the first year of university

    Paths to success in young adulthood from mental health and life transitions in emerging adulthood

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    This study followed a school-based sample (N = 920) to explore how trajectories of depressive symptoms and expressed anger from age 18 to 25, along with important life transitions, predicted life and career satisfaction at age 32. A two-group (women and men) bivariate growth model revealed that higher depressive symptoms at age 18 predicted lower life satisfaction in men and women, and lower career satisfaction in women. Slower declines across emerging adulthood in women's depressive symptoms predicted lower life satisfaction, but slower declines in women's expressed anger predicted higher career satisfaction. Marital and employment-related transitions were differentially related to men's and women's life and career satisfaction. Paths to success in young adulthood are diverse and gendered

    Exploring or Floundering? The Meaning of Employment and Educational Fluctuations in Emerging Adulthood

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    Youth today spend years moving in and out of different education and employment statuses until they settle into stable employment. This 14-year Canadian longitudinal study reveals how month-to-month fluctuations in employment and educational statuses from age 19 to 25 predict employment success at age 32. Early employment instability was linked to lower income at age 32 and, among men, to lower occupational status and career satisfaction. However, for those who had made at least one career change, employment fluctuation had a positive effect on income and career satisfaction. Greater fluctuation in educational status was associated with higher occupational status at age 32. In general, labor market instability in the early 20smight best be described as floundering, while educational status changes more often reflect exploring

    Tracking affect and academic success across university: Happy students benefit from bouts of negative mood

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    We examined how positive and negative affect covary within individuals over time and how patterns of association between affective traits and states relate to academic success across 4 years of university. Participants were 187 full-time first-year students at a large Canadian university who completed questionnaires about recent affective experiences in 6 waves across 4 years. Grade point average for each year of study was provided by the registrar's office. Our analysis identified an adaptive pattern characterized by the maintenance of high positive affect ("chronic happiness") and the cooccurrence of time-limited bouts of negative affect. Our results are consistent with findings showing productive consequences of experiencing positive and negative affect in tandem and the development of emotion regulation capacity across the transition to adulthood

    The Rise and Fall of Depressive Symptoms and Academic Stress in Two Samples of University Students

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    Self-reported depressive experiences are common among university students. However, most studies assessing depression in university students are cross-sectional, limiting our understanding of when in the academic year risk for depression is greatest and when interventions may be most needed. We examined within-person change in depressive symptoms from September to April. Study 1 (N = 198; 57% female; 72% white; Mage = 18.4): Depressive symptoms rose from September, peaked in December, and fell across the second semester. The rise in depressive symptoms was associated with higher perceived stress in December. Study 2 (N = 267; 78.7% female; 67.87% white; Mage = 21.25): Depressive symptoms peaked in December and covaried within persons with perceived stress and academic demands. The results have implications for understanding when and for whom there is increased risk for depressive experiences among university students

    Who Sleeps Best? Longitudinal Patterns and Covariates of Change in Sleep Quantity, Quality, and Timing Across Four University Years

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    This study tracked change over time in sleep quantity, disturbance, and timing, and sleep's covariations with living situation, stress, social support, alcohol use, and grade point average (GPA) across four years of university in 186 Canadian students. Women slept longer as they moved through university, and men slept less; rise times were later each year. Students reported sleeping fewer hours, more sleep disturbances, and later rise times during years with higher stress. In years when students lived away from home, they reported more sleep disturbances, later bedtimes, and later rise times. Living on campus was associated with later bedtimes and rise times. Alcohol use was higher and GPA was lower when bedtimes were later. The implications of these observed patterns for understanding the correlates and consequences of university students' sleep are discussed