55 research outputs found

    The effect of a bacteriophage on diversification of the opportunistic bacterial pathogen, Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic human pathogen that colonizes the lungs of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. CF lungs often contain a diverse range of P. aeruginosa phenotypes, some of which are likely to contribute to the persistence of infection, yet the causes of diversity are unclear. While the ecological heterogeneity of the lung environment and therapeutic regimes are probable factors, a role for parasitic bacteriophage cannot be ruled out. Parasites have been implicated as a key ecological variable driving the evolution of diversity in host populations. PP7 drove cycles of morphological diversification in host populations of P. aeruginosa due to the de novo evolution of small-rough colony variants that coexisted with large diffuse colony morph bacteria. In the absence of phage, bacteria only displayed the large diffuse colony morphology of the wild-type. Further assays revealed there to be two distinct types of resistant bacteria; these had very different ecological phenotypes, yet each carried a cost of resistance

    Role of D

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    Chemotaxis enables bacteria to move towards an optimal environment in response to chemical signals. In the case of plant-pathogenic bacteria, chemotaxis allows pathogens to explore the plant surface for potential entry sites with the ultimate aim to prosper inside plant tissues and to cause disease. Chemoreceptors, which constitute the sensory core of the chemotaxis system, are usually transmembrane proteins which change their conformation when sensing chemicals in the periplasm and transduce the signal through a kinase pathway to the flagellar motor. In the particular case of the soft-rot pathogen Dickeya dadantii 3937, jasmonic acid released in a plant wound has been found to be a strong chemoattractant which drives pathogen entry into the plant apoplast. In order to identify candidate chemoreceptors sensing wound-derived plant compounds, we carried out a bioinformatics search of candidate chemoreceptors in the genome of Dickeya dadantii 3937. The study of the chemotactic response to several compounds and the analysis of the entry process to Arabidopsis leaves of 10 selected mutants in chemoreceptors allowed us to determine the implications of at least two of them (ABF-0020167 and ABF-0046680) in the chemotaxis-driven entry process through plant wounds. Our data suggest that ABF-0020167 and ABF-0046680 may be candidate receptors of jasmonic acid and xylose, respectively.Depto. de Química en Ciencias FarmacéuticasFac. de FarmaciaUniversidad Complutense de MadridTRUEpu