14 research outputs found

    Minimization of Casting Defects In Aluminum Alloy Wheels of Grade A356.2

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    The primary motive of this project is identification of the casting defects in Aluminium alloy wheels, to reduce the losses due to scrap and rework and also applications of techniques to reduce the defects to a minimum level. To identify the defects in the product, the process adopted in casting, inspection and testing procedures are studied. Reasons for defects in hub, spoke and rim are identified. Number of defects occurred in hub, spoke and rim are collected and techniques to minimize these are suggested. While the process of casting the wheels the major defect is found at pouring the molten metal in the Mould. To minimize this defect an alternative is suggested using the Aluminium filter cloth bags instead of G.I mesh for filtering the impurities while casting a wheel, and also another method is suggested to do "DOUBLE FILTRATION TECHNIQUE" before pouring the molten metal in to the Low Pressure Die Casting machine to reduce the defects in castings to a minimum level. Nearly 1000 wheels are observed and tested to analyze the defects and major rejection areas of aluminium castings

    Design Evaluation and Analysis of Vapor Compression Cooling Cycle With Change In Span of Condenser

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    Refrigeration is a procedure of moving warmth starting with one area then onto the next in controlled conditions. This procedure is customarily determined by mechanical energy, however can likewise be driven by providing heat energy, attraction, laser and different means. Refrigeration has numerous applications, and is restricted to: family unit fridges, mechanical coolers, cryogenics, and ventilating. Majority of refrigerator system works on vapour compression refrigeration system. This system consists of compressor, condenser, expansion valve and evaporator. The performance of the system depends upon these system components. The performance parameters of simple vapour compression refrigeration system (VCRS) were studied functioning under transient conditions during cooling of a fixed mass of R-404A from room temperature to sub-zero temperature. In this thesis, COP of the VCR system for different diameters of the condenser tube using the specific end conditions is analyzed using ANSYS for the best performance of the system

    Finite Element Simulation and Experimental Investigation of Friction Stir Welding of AA2219 and AA2014

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    In FSW, a rotating cylindrical pin tool is forced to plunge in to the plates to be welded and moved along their contact line. The tool penetrates into the work pieces. During this operation, frictional heat that is generated by contact friction between the tool and workpiece. The plasticized material is stirred by the tool and forced to “flow “ to the side and the back of the tool as the tool advantages as  the temperature cools down, a solid continuous  joint between  the two plates  is  than formed. In  this  project  work, DEFORM  -3D  is  used  to  perform  the  finite  element  analysis  and experimental  investigation on  the FSW  in order  to predict  residual  stresses,  temperatures, normal stresses and distortion of the welded structures, that are induced during FSW of  the given airframe structures made  up  of AA  2219  and AA  2014. A  new  technique  of  filling  friction  stir welding (FFSW) relying on a semi consumable joining tool has been developed to repair the keyhole left at the end of friction stir welding (FSW) seam. The FFSW process is able to repair the keyhole with both  metallurgical  and  mechanical  bonding  characteristics  and  the  FSW  seam  can  be  achieved without keyhole and other defects

    Performance and Analysis Of Modern Soot Blower By Improving Boiler Efficiency Of A Thermal Power Plant

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    In Thermal power plants for better performance and maximum efficiency the best suitable method is Energy Audit, which plays a key role in any industry or organization. Every problem has a solution; we have so many ways to solve a problem but choosing a best method, give better results and save the time and money which is possible by energy audit. In this thesis to accomplish the task, KTPS 500MW Thermal power plant is selected. Here the maximum boiler efficiency is 78% at full load operating conditions. To know the reason behind this reducing the boiler efficiency, conducted an audit and identified the main losses. After analyzing all losses the major one is heat loss due to dry flue gas, which is nearly 12% compared to remaining losses.   The main reason behind this loss is, there is no proper heat transfer between flue gas and feed water contained in the economizer coil, after combustion of coal the flue gases are released at the same time soot also liberated and it is largely placed at the top of the boiler in the surface of economizer coil. To remove that soot on the economizer coil surface present in KTPS they use some soot blowers but they are not achieving the better results as well as operating and maintaining cost is very high.   Main motto of this thesis is to develop a modern soot blower with less operating cost and achieve better results. The main important change in this advanced blower is change in the working medium. In the present soot blower the working medium is steam. It means by using boiler output they are running the present soot blower still not obtaining good results and at the same time losing the boiler efficiency. In the modern soot blower the working medium is hot air so without using the output of boiler, run this modern designed soot blower at the same time the soot is totally removed from the surface of economizer coil and the loss due to dry flue gas is reduced up to 4%. So boiler efficiency is improved and have a chance to economic benefit also by using this modern designed soot blower because of its working medium and less operating cost

    Design Analysis of Low Speed Flywheels For Automobiles

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    This paper concentrates on investigating the impacts of flywheel geometry on its vitality stockpiling or convey capacity per unit mass, additionally characterized as most extreme particular vitality. In this paper we have investigated different profiles of flywheel and the put away active vitality per unit mass is ascertained for the separate flywheel. Different profiles are outlined and examination in CAE instrument (CATIAV5). investigation is done for various states of the flywheels and von mises stresses and aggregate misshapening are resolved. It demonstrates that shrewd plan of flywheel geometry significantly affect the Specific Energy stockpiling and decrease the operational burdens applied on the pole because of lessened mass at high rotational rates. Proficient flywheel configuration used to boost the latency of minute for least material utilized and assurance high unwavering quality and long life

    Finite Element Study of Behavior of Sandwich Beam Under Static And Dynamic Conditions

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    Sandwich Beams are broadly utilized in the development of aviation, common, marine, car and other elite structures because of their high explicit firmness and quality, phenomenal weariness opposition, long toughness and numerous other better properties thought about than the regular metallic materials.   Sandwich shafts are composite frameworks having high solidness to-weight and Strength-to-weight proportions and are utilized as light weight burden bearing parts. The utilization of flimsy, solid skin sheets clung to thicker, lightweight center materials has enabled industry to construct solid, firm, light, and strong structures. Because of the utilization of viscoelastic polymer constituents, sandwich shafts can show time-subordinate conduct. This investigation looks at the conduct of sandwich bars driven by the viscoelastic elastic center. Limited component (FE) strategy is utilized to break down the general transient reactions, symphonious reactions and the static reactions of the sandwich frameworks subject to a gathered point load at the mid range of the pillar.   In this examination the skin, i.e; the top and base layers are comprised of mellow steel while the center is comprised of elastic. The pressure, strain, and twisting fields are broke down. The center thickness is differed keeping the skin thickness consistent and the conduct of the sandwich bar is considered under static and dynamic conditions.   In this proposition static and dynamic investigation of sandwich shafts with various center thickness under essentially bolstered condition is considered. Parametric investigations demonstrate that the variety of center thickness significantly affects the common frequencies and mode shapes and greatest redirections

    Developing A Hexapod Walking Machine

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    This project deals with the walking machines. A brief history and the evolution of the walking machines which are classified based on their legs, different walking mechanisms exists out of which Theo Jansen’s walking mechanism was considered as it has single degree of freedom, walking mechanism is theoretically simple and efficient. Vigorous endeavours were encountered in applying the mechanism and toiled in enhancing various parameters to redefine the stability of the model and improving the total efficiency of the model using an optimization technique which is Genetic Algorithm. The first part of this thesis deals with the basic introduction of the walking machines. Like the classification operation and advantages of the walking machines. The criteria’s for the adaption of Theo Jansen mechanism Over The Other mechanism are discussed. Secondly the problems encountered in the application of the mechanism to the prototype design, the implementation of the Genetic Algorithm and the code to optimize the mechanism were discussed with sample results are showcased. Thirdly Justification of the results that were obtained from the genetic algorithm is done using CAD software solid works. The various design parameters like the stresses developed due to various forces applied on the mechanism while walking are analyzed the stresses and strains on each link are evaluated Velocity and acceleration plots for each joint and legs are also plotted. A Prototype was developed to validate the Kinetic and kinematics models of the walking mechanism and the practical constraints that are encountered were discussed in the final part of the thesis. The thesis concludes by discussing the various aspects that need to be considered for the future prototypes based on the Theo Jansen mechanism and the core idea of building a scalable machine which can be used like a transport walking machine in rugged and harsh conditions

    Design and Analysis of Combined Extrusion Forging Die Behavior Under Thermal Structural Loads

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    We all know extrusion and forging are two different processes of manufacturing but in recent past researches combined these two process to reduce the production time, production cost etc.Combined extrusion-forging processes are now getting importance for its abilities to give improved material properties, high production rate and less material waste when compared with that produced by machining, casting or by assembling the individual parts produced by different manufacturing processes. In its simplest form of combined extrusion forging process, a billet is forged by punch and dies with punch/die or both containing an opening for extrusion. This tooling arrangement permits the simultaneous lateral spread due to forging, and backward/forward extrusion or both forward and backward extrusion simultaneously through the die/punch opening(s). In this study we are going to develop a die for extrusion-forging using knowledge from previous journals and books, we will develop a die for a flange with pipe using CAD and CAE packages. A basic die is designed and tested at maximum working conditions under thermal structural loads in simulation software ANSYS and the design of the die is further improvised to minimize the stress and improve life based on safety factor issues

    Detection of Delamination in A Composite Beam By Using Vibration Analysis

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    Delamination is the separation of layers which are fortified together in composite cover. It is a typical harm in fiber strengthened composite overlays, normally avoided outer view. On account of bowing burdens delamination as a rule prompts critical loss of twisting firmness and quality. Accordingly, it is essential to distinguish the nearness of delamination at a beginning time on the grounds that early harm discovery assumes a critical part to ensure security and unwavering quality of in-benefit structures. The delamination causes diminishment of solidness and in this manner the modular frequencies likewise change. In this work modular investigation is utilized to decide the delamination in the composite structure. This is finished by making a four-layer multi directional overlay of E-Glass/Epoxy in ANSYS 15.0. A parametric report is led by changing length of the delamination in the center layer by shifting limit conditions. The outcomes got from the numerical displaying is approved with the outcomes acquired from the explanatory demonstrating in view of the transverse vibration of the composite shaft for the settled free, basic, settled limit conditions.Harmonic analysis is done to observe the resonating and anti-resonating peaks for the intact composite beam and delaminated composite beam with fixed-free, simple-simple, fixed-fixed boundary condition. Amplitude values of the beam also obtained from this harmonic analysis by varying the length of the delamination for the beams with different boundary condition

    Characterization Of Epoxy Composites Reinforced With Short Palmyra Fibers

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    Usually a new composite material’s performance is often determined by its response under various mechanical, physical, tribological and thermal conditions as it gets very much essential for selecting materials of appropriate composition for application in a particular area. Subsequently, in the present examination, a wealth of property data has been accommodated an arrangement of epoxy-SPF composites by preparing them through hand-lay-up system and via doing different physical, mechanical, tribological, acoustic and warm tests on them under controlled research center conditions. It is watched that by fortifying short palmyra filaments into the flawless epoxy sap, its belongings, as wanted are accomplished as improved mechanical, physical, tribological, warm and acoustic properties. At the point when the centralization of SPF in the slick epoxy is expanded, the particular wear rate diminished slowly and in the meantime a decrease in the compelling warm conductivity is likewise seen as palmyra fiber is insulative in nature. This is joined by increment in both elastic and flexural quality. Further, the sound assimilation coefficient additionally expanded by a tremendous edge as the SPF fixation in the perfect epoxy expanded. The impacts of SPF content on the coefficient of warm development and glass change temperature of the composites are additionally observed to be critical. With a direct quality, diminished wear rate, high coefficient of sound assimilation and brought down warm conductivity, these epoxy-SPF composites can be effectively utilized for applications, for example, building protection material, sustenance compartments, inside of cars, inside mass of lobbies where sound retention in required, canteen flagons, bundling ventures, rollers of transport lines, brake cushions, and so forth