5 research outputs found

    Short, high current electrodynamic tether

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    An electrodynamic tether experiment, to be carried out in the Russian spacecraft Almaz, is proposed. A 10 km tether would be deployed downwards; the lower 8 km would be nonconductive, the upper 2 km would be conductive, bare, and 2.2 mm in diameter, and would act as a thruster, with power supply at the top. This hybrid arrangement allows for other, onelectrodynamic experiments,reducing costs; it also limits the induced electromotive force, reducing the power to be handled. The current-voltage characteristic of contactors would be measured. With the anode switched off, the wire itself should collect a current over 5 A at day conditions, providing a thrust of 0.11 N at a 0.77 kW power

    К анализу системы массового обслуживания с двумя очередями и нетерпеливым эластичным трафиком с минимальной скоростью

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    In this paper, we investigated a two-service queuing system with two queues with impatient elastic traffic and minimum requirements for the speed of service for an application. Traffic is able to adapt to changes in latency and throughput, but is sensitive to loss. The system provides for equality of probabilities for both types of applications to reach the device. We propose a model of such a system, consider all its possible states and calculate the intensity of transitions from one state to another.В работе исследована двухсервисная система массового обслуживания с двумя очередями с нетерпеливым эластичным трафиком и минимальными требованиями к скорости обслуживания заявки. Трафик способен адаптироваться к изменениям доступной ему пропускной способности, но чувствителен к потерям. Система предусматривает равенство вероятностей попадания заявок обоих типов на прибор. Построена модель такой системы обслуживания, рассмотрены её возможные состояния и получена матрица интенсивностей переходов

    The MAVEN Radio Occultation Science Experiment (ROSE)

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