14 research outputs found

    Anxiety level in patients with fractures of extremities. Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research

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    Estimation of situational and personal anxiety levels has been done by Spielberger»s Stait-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Data were collected from 30 patients with fractures of extremities who were under treatment in the department of trau-matology during the first three days after the moment of trauma. These levels were compared to those of 24 people of random age and sex. Comparison results state that high level of anxiety has been observed for the majority of patients with trauma regardless of fracture localization, pain syndrome level and degree of functional disabilit

    New in a diagnosis and treatment of chronic endometritis at infertility [Новое в диагностике и терапии хронического эндометрита при бесплодии]

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    Background. Chronic endometritis is one of the causes of infertility, miscarriage, failed in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer attempts. Treatment of chronic endometritis is quite complicated due to a multifactorial nature of endometrium morpho-functional disorders. There are lots of approaches to a comprehensive treatment of chronic endometritis which indicates a lack of a single algorithm for a management of such patients to date. One of the modern, perspective and high-tech methods for treatment of chronic endometritis is photodynamic therapy (PDT). Aim. To study chronic endometritis treatment efficacy in patients with infertility when using the method of PDT and low doses of 17b-estradiol. Materials and methods. 85 female patients of reproductive age with chronic endometritis were examined and treated. All patients were divided into 2 groups: group 1 (43 patients) got treated by a method of intravenous PDT with low-dose transdermal 17b-estradiol; group 2 (42 patients) received low-dose transdermal therapy with 17b-estradiol. Clinical examination and laboratory tests, pelvic ultrasound, endometrial aspiration biopsy followed by pathomorphlogical and immunohistochemical examination were carried out to all patient. Results. Ultrasound examination revealed an increase in endometrium thickness at 12th day following PDT session in group 1 and following transdermal therapy with 17b-estradiol in group 2 resulting in endometrium state improvement almost 2 times compared with baseline values before treatment. Conclusions. PDT is a minimally invasive, gentle and safe treatment method. Due to a diffuser design laser radiation is evenly distributed in the uterine cavity. PDT reliably restores receptor function to progesterone in the endometrial glands. © 2018 Consilium Medikum. All right reserved

    Новое в диагностике и терапии хронического эндометрита при бесплодии

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    Background. Chronic endometritis is one of the causes of infertility, miscarriage, failed in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer attempts. Treatment of chronic endometritis is quite complicated due to a multifactorial nature of endometrium morpho-functional disorders. There are lots of approaches to a comprehensive treatment of chronic endometritis which indicates a lack of a single algorithm for a management of such patients to date. One of the modern, perspective and high-tech methods for treatment of chronic endometritis is photodynamic therapy (PDT). Aim. To study chronic endometritis treatment efficacy in patients with infertility when using the method of PDT and low doses of 17b-estradiol. Materials and methods. 85 female patients of reproductive age with chronic endometritis were examined and treated. All patients were divided into 2 groups: group 1 (43 patients) got treated by a method of intravenous PDT with low-dose transdermal 17b-estradiol; group 2 (42 patients) received low-dose transdermal therapy with 17b-estradiol. Clinical examination and laboratory tests, pelvic ultrasound, endometrial aspiration biopsy followed by pathomorphlogical and immunohistochemical examination were carried out to all patient. Results. Ultrasound examination revealed an increase in endometrium thickness at 12th day following PDT session in group 1 and following transdermal therapy with 17b-estradiol in group 2 resulting in endometrium state improvement almost 2 times compared with baseline values before treatment. Conclusions. PDT is a minimally invasive, gentle and safe treatment method. Due to a diffuser design laser radiation is evenly distributed in the uterine cavity. PDT reliably restores receptor function to progesterone in the endometrial glands.Обоснование. Хронический эндометрит (ХЭ) является одной из причин бесплодия, невынашивания беременности, неудачных попыток экстракорпорального оплодотворения и переноса эмбриона. Терапия ХЭ достаточно сложна в связи с многофакторностью морфофункциональных нарушений эндометрия. Подходов к комплексному лечению ХЭ множество, что говорит об отсутствии до настоящего времени единого алгоритма ведения таких пациенток. Одним из современных, перспективных и высокотехнологичных методов лечения ХЭ является фотодинамическая терапия (ФДТ). Цель. Изучить эффективность лечения ХЭ у пациенток с бесплодием с использованием метода ФДТ и низких доз 17b-эстрадиола. Материалы и методы. Проведено обследование и лечение 85 пациенток с ХЭ репродуктивного возраста. Все они были разделены на 2 группы: 1-я - 43 женщины, получавшие лечение методом внутривенной ФДТ с гормональной терапией, низкие дозы 17b-эстрадиола трансдермально; 2-я - 42 пациентки, которые получали низкие дозы 17b-эстрадиола трансдермально. Всем пациенткам были проведены тщательное клинико-лабораторное обследование, ультразвуковое исследование органов малого таза, аспирационная биопсия эндометрия с последующим патоморфологическим и иммуногистохимическим исследованием. Результаты. При ультразвуковом исследовании толщина эндометрия увеличивается на 12-й день после сеанса ФДТ в 1 и 2-й группе после применения 17b-эстрадиола трансдермально. Тем самым улучшилось состояние эндометрия почти в 2 раза по сравнению с исходными показателями до лечения. Продемонстрировано, что трансдермальный эстрадиол может вызывать адекватный рост эндометрия и благотворно влиять на рецептивность эндометрия. Проведенное иммуногистохимическое исследование эндометрия выявило определенные взаимосвязи между стадиями фаз менструального цикла и наличием рецепторов к стероидным гормонам как в ядрах эпителия желез, так и стромальных клеток. Выводы. ФДТ является малоинвазивным, щадящим и безопасным методом лечения. Благодаря конструкции диффузора лазерное излучение равномерно распределяется в полости матки. ФДТ достоверно восстанавливает рецепторную функцию к прогестерону в железах эндометрия

    FISH glossary: an overview of the fluorescence in situ hybridization technique.

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    The introduction of FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization) marked the beginning of a new era for the study of chromosome structure and function. As a combined molecular and cytological approach, the major advantage of this visually appealing technique resides in its unique ability to provide an intermediate degree of resolution between DNA analysis and chromosomal investigations while retaining information at the single-cell level. Used to support large-scale mapping and sequencing efforts related to the human genome project, FISH accuracy and versatility were subsequently capitalized on in biological and medical research, providing a wealth of diverse applications and FISH-based diagnostic assays. The diversification of the original FISH protocol into the impressive number of procedures available these days has been promoted throughout the years by a number of interconnected factors: the improvement in sensitivity, specificity and resolution, together with the advances in the fields of fluorescence microscopy and digital imaging, and the growing availability of genomic and bioinformatic resources. By assembling in a glossary format many of the “acronymed” FISH applications published so far, this review intends to celebrate the ability of FISH to re-invent itself and thus remain at the forefront of biomedical research