39 research outputs found

    Polystyrene Film Composites Filled with Fullerenes

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    It is shown by methods of electronic microscopy that polystyrene film forms during evaporation of sol-vent from a solution of polystyrene in o-xylene. This film consists of polystyrene molecules integrated in aggregates. According to IR-spectroscopy data it was suggested that noncovalent interaction of phenyl ring with fullerene molecule occurs in the composite material. The studied films possess antimicrobial proper-ties. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3544

    Study of Hybrid Polystyrene Materials with Incorporated Fullerene Nanoparticles

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    Polystyrene composite films with small content of fullerenes (up to 1 wt %) have been fabricated by casting o-xylene solutions. By DSC we revealed a dependence of the glass transition temperature of the composite material on its composition is nonmonotonic with a minimum at 0.01 wt % of fullerene. It is revealed by SAXS that modified composite containing 0.01 wt % of fullerenes possesses the greatest mobility of the segments in the polymer chains. Kinetics of adsorption of Cu(II), Zn(II), and Cd(II) ions by both original polystyrene and polystyrene films filled with fullerenes were studied. It was found that modification of polystyrene increases the adsorption capacity of polymer material

    Study of Hybrid Polystyrene Materials with Incorporated Fullerene Nanoparticles

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    Polystyrene composite films with small content of fullerenes (up to 1 wt %) have been fabricated by casting o-xylene solutions. By DSC we revealed a dependence of the glass transition temperature of the composite material on its composition is nonmonotonic with a minimum at 0.01 wt % of fullerene. It is revealed by SAXS that modified composite containing 0.01 wt % of fullerenes possesses the greatest mobility of the segments in the polymer chains. Kinetics of adsorption of Cu(II), Zn(II), and Cd(II) ions by both original polystyrene and polystyrene films filled with fullerenes were studied. It was found that modification of polystyrene increases the adsorption capacity of polymer material

    Значение очагового поражения головного мозга в развитии вестибулярных и слуховых нарушений у больных рассеянным склерозом

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    We have examined 72 patients aged from 18 till 62 with cerebral and cerebrospinal multiple sclerosis (MS) form. All patients have been underwent оtoneurologiс examination, electronystagmography (ENG), caloric tests, pure-tone audiometry, high frequency audiometry up to 20 kHz, impedance audiometry, auditory brainstem responses (ABR), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). 59 patients had pathologically changed in MRI demyelination lesion in the brainstem. Demyelinization of the brainstem affects acoustical and vestibular function in patients with multiple sclerosis. Pathological changes of pure-tone audiometry, high frequency audiometry, acoustic reflexes and ABR may be regarded as subclinical signs of demyelinization of the cochleovestibular analyzer.Мы исследовали 72 пациента с церебральной и цереброспинальной формой рассеянного склероза в возрасте от 18 до 62 лет. Всем пациентам проведено отоневрологические обследование экспериментального калорического нистагма методом компьютерной электронистагмографии (КЭНГ), тональная пороговая аудиометрия в расширенном диапазоне частот до 20 кГц, акустическая рефлексометрия, исследование коротколатентных слуховых вызванных потенциалов (КСВП) и магниторезонансная томография головного мозга. В 59 случаях визуализированы очаги демиелинизации в стволе головного мозга. Выявлена взаимосвязь очагового стволового поражения и нарушения слуховой и вестибулярной функции у больных рассеянным склерозом. Патологические изменения тонального слуха, акустических рефлексов и КСВП могут быть субклиническими признаками демиелинизирующего повреждения кохлеовестибулярного анализатора

    Simple Description of Pion-Pion Scattering to 1 GeV

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    Motivated by the 1/Nc expansion, we present a simple model of pion-pion scattering as a sum of a `current-algebra' contact term and resonant pole exchanges. The model preserves crossing symmetry as well as unitarity up to 1.2 GeV. Key features include chiral dynamics, vector meson dominance, a broad low energy scalar (sigma) meson and a `Ramsauer-Townsend' mechanism for the understanding of the 980 MeV region. We discuss in detail the `regularization' (corresponding to rescattering effects) necessary to make all these nice features work.Comment: 35 pages (LaTeX), 13 PostScript figures are included as uuencoded-compressed-ta


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    In a modern dynamic-developing world we don't even think about the history of human civilization. Nowadays we see and take it for granted: cars, mobile phones, the Internet and communication through social networks, SuperJets, industrial production and other. The process of globalization seemed to have united social and cultural values of different nations, but the problem of understanding between people from different nations still remains not only actual, but also highly-valued as never before.В современном динамично развивающемся мире мы не всегда задумываемся об истоках человеческой цивилизации. Сегодня мы видим и воспринимаем как обыденность: автомобили, сотовую связь, интернет и общение через социальные сети, перемещение на сверхскоростных самолетах, промышленное производство и прочее. Казалось бы, глобализация объединила социально-культурные ценности различных наций, но проблема понимания людей разных территорий до сих пор остается не только актуальной, наоборот, востребованной как никогда раньше


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    The authors stud the clinical efficiency of fenspiride (Erespal) among children (n = 46), suffering from acute bronchitis. It was shown that fenspiride reduced the cough duration and conduced to faster improvement of the patients' health. Besides, fenspiride application was accompanied by the reduction of the anti-inflammatory cytokines both in the blood serum and condensate of expired air.Key words: bronchitis, fenspiride, cytokines, condensate of expired air, children