216 research outputs found

    Noiseless Quantum Circuits for the Peres Separability Criterion

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    In this Letter we give a method for constructing sets of simple circuits that can determine the spectrum of a partially transposed density matrix, without requiring either a tomographically complete POVM or the addition of noise to make the spectrum non-negative. These circuits depend only on the dimension of the Hilbert space and are otherwise independent of the state.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 7 figures encapsulated postscript. v5: title changed slightly, more-or-less equivalent to the published versio

    Reflection groups in hyperbolic spaces and the denominator formula for Lorentzian Kac--Moody Lie algebras

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    This is a continuation of our "Lecture on Kac--Moody Lie algebras of the arithmetic type" \cite{25}. We consider hyperbolic (i.e. signature (n,1)(n,1)) integral symmetric bilinear form S:M×MZS:M\times M \to {\Bbb Z} (i.e. hyperbolic lattice), reflection group WW(S)W\subset W(S), fundamental polyhedron \Cal M of WW and an acceptable (corresponding to twisting coefficients) set P({\Cal M})\subset M of vectors orthogonal to faces of \Cal M (simple roots). One can construct the corresponding Lorentzian Kac--Moody Lie algebra {\goth g}={\goth g}^{\prime\prime}(A(S,W,P({\Cal M}))) which is graded by MM. We show that \goth g has good behavior of imaginary roots, its denominator formula is defined in a natural domain and has good automorphic properties if and only if \goth g has so called {\it restricted arithmetic type}. We show that every finitely generated (i.e. P({\Cal M}) is finite) algebra {\goth g}^{\prime\prime}(A(S,W_1,P({\Cal M}_1))) may be embedded to {\goth g}^{\prime\prime}(A(S,W,P({\Cal M}))) of the restricted arithmetic type. Thus, Lorentzian Kac--Moody Lie algebras of the restricted arithmetic type is a natural class to study. Lorentzian Kac--Moody Lie algebras of the restricted arithmetic type have the best automorphic properties for the denominator function if they have {\it a lattice Weyl vector ρ\rho}. Lorentzian Kac--Moody Lie algebras of the restricted arithmetic type with generalized lattice Weyl vector ρ\rho are called {\it elliptic}Comment: Some corrections in Sects. 2.1, 2.2 were done. They don't reflect on results and ideas. 31 pages, no figures. AMSTe

    Hypermatrix factors for string and membrane junctions

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    The adjoint representations of the Lie algebras of the classical groups SU(n), SO(n), and Sp(n) are, respectively, tensor, antisymmetric, and symmetric products of two vector spaces, and hence are matrix representations. We consider the analogous products of three vector spaces and study when they appear as summands in Lie algebra decompositions. The Z3-grading of the exceptional Lie algebras provide such summands and provides representations of classical groups on hypermatrices. The main natural application is a formal study of three-junctions of strings and membranes. Generalizations are also considered.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, presentation improved, minor correction

    A geometrical angle on Feynman integrals

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    A direct link between a one-loop N-point Feynman diagram and a geometrical representation based on the N-dimensional simplex is established by relating the Feynman parametric representations to the integrals over contents of (N-1)-dimensional simplices in non-Euclidean geometry of constant curvature. In particular, the four-point function in four dimensions is proportional to the volume of a three-dimensional spherical (or hyperbolic) tetrahedron which can be calculated by splitting into birectangular ones. It is also shown that the known formula of reduction of the N-point function in (N-1) dimensions corresponds to splitting the related N-dimensional simplex into N rectangular ones.Comment: 47 pages, including 42 pages of the text (in plain Latex) and 5 pages with the figures (in a separate Latex file, requires axodraw.sty) a note and three references added, minor problem with notation fixe

    Harmonic analysis on spherical homogeneous spaces with solvable stabilizer

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    For all spherical homogeneous spaces G/H, where G is a simply connected semisimple algebraic group and H a connected solvable subgroup of G, we compute the spectra of the representations of G on spaces of regular sections of homogeneous line bundles over G/H.Comment: v2: 14 pages, minor correction

    Local symmetry properties of pure 3-qubit states

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    Entanglement types of pure states of 3 qubits are classified by means of their stabilisers in the group of local unitary operations. It is shown that the stabiliser is generically discrete, and that a larger stabiliser indicates a stationary value for some local invariant. We describe all the exceptional states with enlarged stabilisers.Comment: 32 pages, 5 encapsulated PostScript files for 3 figures. Published version, with minor correction

    The orbit structure of Dynkin curves

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    Let G be a simple algebraic group over an algebraically closed field k; assume that Char k is zero or good for G. Let \cB be the variety of Borel subgroups of G and let e in Lie G be nilpotent. There is a natural action of the centralizer C_G(e) of e in G on the Springer fibre \cB_e = {B' in \cB | e in Lie B'} associated to e. In this paper we consider the case, where e lies in the subregular nilpotent orbit; in this case \cB_e is a Dynkin curve. We give a complete description of the C_G(e)-orbits in \cB_e. In particular, we classify the irreducible components of \cB_e on which C_G(e) acts with finitely many orbits. In an application we obtain a classification of all subregular orbital varieties admitting a finite number of B-orbits for B a fixed Borel subgroup of G.Comment: 12 pages, to appear in Math

    A Unified Algebraic Approach to Classical Yang-Baxter Equation

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    In this paper, the different operator forms of classical Yang-Baxter equation are given in the tensor expression through a unified algebraic method. It is closely related to left-symmetric algebras which play an important role in many fields in mathematics and mathematical physics. By studying the relations between left-symmetric algebras and classical Yang-Baxter equation, we can construct left-symmetric algebras from certain classical r-matrices and conversely, there is a natural classical r-matrix constructed from a left-symmetric algebra which corresponds to a parak\"ahler structure in geometry. Moreover, the former in a special case gives an algebraic interpretation of the ``left-symmetry'' as a Lie bracket ``left-twisted'' by a classical r-matrix.Comment: To appear in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretica

    Geometric invariant theory approach to the determination of ground states of D-wave condensates in isotropic space

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    A complete and rigorous determination of the possible ground states for D-wave pairing Bose condensates is presented, using a geometrical invariant theory approach to the problem. The order parameter is argued to be a vector, transforming according to a ten dimensional real representation of the group G=G={\bf O}3_3\otimes{\bf U}1×_1\times . We determine the equalities and inequalities defining the orbit space of this linear group and its symmetry strata, which are in a one-to-one correspondence with the possible distinct phases of the system. We find 15 allowed phases (besides the unbroken one), with different symmetries, that we thoroughly determine. The group-subgroup relations between bordering phases are pointed out. The perturbative sixth degree corrections to the minimum of a fourth degree polynomial GG-invariant free energy, calculated by Mermin, are also determined.Comment: 27 revtex pages, 2 figures, use of texdraw; minor changes in the bibliography and in Table II