20 research outputs found

    Descriptions of eight new species of Ligophorus Euzet & Suriano, 1977 (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalidae) from Red Sea mullets

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    Eight new species of Ligophorus Euzet & Suriano, 1977 (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalidae) are described from two species of mullets from the Red Sea. Ligophorus bykhowskyi n. sp. and L. zhangi n. sp. from Crenimugil crenilabris (Forsskal) differ from other species of the genus in the structure of the male copulatory organ, which has a simple accessory piece and a wide copulatory tube that arises from a large, single-chambered, expanded base. Ligophorus simpliciformis n. sp., L. bipartitus n. sp., L. campanulatus n. sp., L. mamaevi n. sp., L. lebedevi n. sp. and L. surianoae n. sp. from Liza carinata (Valenciennes) are differentiated on the basis of the morphometrics of the hard parts of the haptor and male copulatory organ. The eight species represent the first records of species directly attributed to Ligophorus from the Red Sea. Measurements of the haptoral hard-parts and the male copulatory organ of the new species are analysed with the aid of Principal Component Analysis. Three morphological types of male copulatory organ, five types of anchor, and two types of ventral and three types of dorsal bars were distinguished among these species. L. bykhowskyi and L. zhangi from C. crenilabris have the same type of male copulatory organ and anchors. Those species from Liza carinata have only one common morphological character, a thick copulatory tube, but have two types of accessory piece, four types of anchors and three types of bars. All species of Ligophorus found on mullets in the Red Sea have an accessory piece without a distal bifurcation and thus differ from most species of this genus from other regions of the world’s oceans

    Attempt to assess direct interactions between tumor burden, myeloid-derived suppressor cells and PD-1- and TIM-3-expressing T cells in multiple myeloma patients

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    The avoidance of immune surveillance by malignant plasma cells (PCs) in multiple myeloma (MM) is mediated by different mechanisms, among which an induction of T cell exhaustion and expansion of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) appear to play substantial roles, but it is still a lack of data on possible MDSC-mediated induction of T cell exhaustion. The aim of the present work was to evaluate possible relationship between frequencies of MM PCs, MDSCs and phenotypically exhausted PD-1+ and TIM-3+ T cells in bone marrow (BM) samples and peripheral blood (PB) of MM patients at various disease stages. Peripheral blood (n = 88) and BM samples (n = 56) were obtained from MM patients (newly diagnosed (n = 6), patients in remission (n = 71) and with progressive disease (n = 11)). Frequencies of T cells expressing checkpoint receptors PD-1 and TIM-3, polymorphonuclear MDSCs (PMN-MDSCs, Lin-CD14-HLA-DR- CD33+CD15+/CD66b+), monocyte MDSCs (M-MDSCs, CD14+HLA-DRlow/-), early MDSCs (E-MDSCs, Lin-HLA-DR-CD33+CD15-/CD66b-), and MM PCs (CD45dimCD38+CD138+CD56+CD19-CD117+CD27- CD81-) were assessed with flow cytometry. Circulating and BM-resident PD-1+/TIM-3+T cell subsets, BM E-MDSCs, as soon as MM PCs and serum beta2-microglobulin (B2-M) levels were gradually increased in patients at different stages. Despite that, there were no associations between the markers of tumor load and the studied cell subsets. In patients in remission, BM PMN-MDSCs negatively correlated with CD4+T cells, CD4+PD-1+ and CD8+TIM-3+T cell subsets; there were positive correlations between BM E-MDSCs and CD4+PD-1+TIM-3+ cells and PB M-MDSCs and CD8+PD-1+ and (as a trend) CD8+TIM-3+T cells. We found no associations for the samples of patients at diagnosis and with progression. We can conclude that a possible mutual influence of malignant PCs, MDSCs and PD-1+/TIM-3+T cells is nonlinear, especially during a manifest tumor growth at diagnosis and progression. The detected negative correlations between resident PMN- MDSCs and T cell subsets might be associated with MDSC suppressive function, affecting both predominantly activated PD-1+ cells and exhausted TIM-3+ subsets. The positive correlations between BM E-MDSCs and CD4+PD-1+TIM-3+ cell subset and circulating M-MDSCs and PD-1+ and TIM-3+ CD8+T cells might confirm an ability of MDSCs to induce T cell exhaustion


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    We have previously shown that acute traumatic brain injury (TBI) is accompanied by increased level of circulating bone marrow progenitors, and favorable outcome is associated with early mobilization of CD34+CD45+ hematopoietic progenitor cells (HP). The present study was aimed at investigating whether patients with early HP mobilization differed from those with mobilization failure by systemic inflammatory reaction and immune parameters. The TBI patients were characterized by increased levels of serum C-reactive protein (CRP), IL-1в, IL-6, IL-8, MCP-1, G-CSF and IL-1ra indicative for presence of systemic inflammatory response. Importantly, patients with lacking mobilization of early HPs were shown to have significantly higher serum levels of CRP, MCP-1, MIP-1в, and G-CSF and a lower level of VEGF. In addition, patients with lack of early HP mobilization differed by significantly lower absolute number of lymphocytes, CD3+ T cells, CD4+ T cells, CD16+ NK cells and proliferative response of mononuclear cells to stimulation with ConA as well as by 4-fold higher rate of infectious complications compared with the opposite group. These data suggest that correlation of early mobilization of CD34+CD45+ cells with a favorable outcome in TBI patients may be partially mediated by anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects of circulating bone marrow progenitors

    Внескелетная саркома Юинга малого таза (обзор литературы и клиническое наблюдение)

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    Timely diagnosis of Ewing's sarcoma is an actual problem of our time, since this tumor is characterized by fairly rapid growth and aggressive course. According to literature data, it ranks 2-nd among all bone tumors, second only to osteosarcoma, and is 8.64%. This review article discusses the possibilities of radiation research methods in the early diagnosis of this tumor on the example a clinical observation of the extra-skeletal form of Ewing's sarcoma.Своевременная диагностика саркомы Юинга представляет собой актуальную проблему современности, так как данная опухоль характеризуется достаточно быстрым ростом и агрессивным течением. Согласно литературным данным, она занимает 2-е место среди всех костных новообразований и составляет 8,64%, уступая только остеосаркоме. В данной обзорной статье рассматриваются возможности лучевых методов исследования в ранней диагностике этой опухоли на примере клинического наблюдения внескелетной формы саркомы Юинга

    Common variable immunodeficiency disorder: a clinical case

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    Primary immunodeficiency is a rare congenital pathology associated with failure of immune system, manifested by disturbances of its functions. These defects lead to increased susceptibility of patients to various infectious agents, as well as the development of autoimmune, malignant and other diseases. Primary immunodeficiency is classified as a rare disease, which was previously associated with a poor prognosis with a high risk of mortality in childhood. To date, the emergence of highly effective treatment methods has changed the course and prognosis of these diseases. Clinicians of various specialties increasingly meet with this pathology in everyday practice, including adult age cohorts. In this regard, early diagnosis of primary immunodeficiency in adults becomes relevant, being associated with choosing optimal therapy, prevention of severe internal organ damage, determination of management strategy for the patient, as well as the need to identify inherited disorders and provide information to the patient’s family. Delayed verification of the diagnosis may cause disability of the patient and development of irreversible, often fatal complications. This article presents our own clinical case with a newly diagnosed clinical condition: Common variable immunodeficiency disorder (CVID), the most common form of primary immunodeficiency in adults. The symptoms of common variable immunodeficiency disorder appear in these patients in adulthood, but a high-quality collected history of the disease will allow you to trace symptoms in the patients even since early childhood. There is a common gap for several years between the onset of the disease and clinical diagnosis, since erroneous diagnosis is often made due to non-specific clinical symptoms that resemble other, more frequent diseases. The prognosis of patients with CVID depends on several factors: frequency of infections, structural disorders in the lungs, the occurrence of autoimmune diseases and the success of infection prevention. Thus, a variety of clinical forms of primary immunodeficiency, lack of awareness of doctors about this pathology, complexity of immunological examination in the general medical network lead to the fact that CVID is not diagnosed for long terms, and patients do not receive the necessary pathogenetic therapy. There is a need for drawing attention of doctors of various disciplines to the fact that the recurrent inflammatory processes of various localization, which are difficult to respond to adequate traditional therapy, may be caused by changes in the immune system, including congenital, genetically determined immunodeficiency

    КТ-диагностика тонко-толстокишечной инвагинации. Клиническое наблюдение

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    Invagination is the process of introducing one part of the intestine into another, which is a type of acute intestinal obstruction. Most often occurs in infants. Diagnosis in adults causes difficulties, often the disease simulates the clinic of other diseases of the abdominal cavity (pancreatitis, appendicitis, etc.). Distinguish between different types of invagination of the intestine: the cecal intussusception, colonic intussusception, ileal-colonic intussusception, small bowel invagination. The diagnosis uses ultrasound, CT, X-ray examination. Treatment of intestinal invagination in adults is surgical in most cases. We present a case of iliac-colonic invagination in an adult male with acute abdomen.Инвагиция - внедрение одного участка кишки в другой, одна из причин острой кишечной непроходимости. Чаще всего встречается у детей грудного возраста. Диагностика у взрослых вызывает трудности, так как заболевание имитирует клиническую картину других различных патологических процессов органов брюшной полости (острый панкреатит, острый аппендицит и др.). Выделяют следующие виды инвагинаций кишечника: слепокишечная, толстокишечная подвздошно-ободочная, тонкокишечная. В выявлении данного заболевания используют традиционное рентгенологическое исследование, УЗИ, КТ, колоноскопию. Лечение у взрослых в большинстве случаев хирургическое. Представляем наблюдение подвздошно-ободочной инвагинации у мужчины с клинической картиной острого живота

    Использование методов лучевой диагностики при острой спаечной кишечной непроходимости, возникшей в связи с наличием дивертикула Меккеля

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    Meckel diverticulum is a non-permanent diverticulum of the distal part of the ileum, which is the remnant of the yolk duct. Meckel diverticulum is a true diverticulum formed by all layers of the ileum wall. Usually it is located on the antimesenteric edge of the ileum at 60 cm from the ileocecal angle. This pathology is often asymptomatic, and the patient begins to be examined only when complications appear. Clinical manifestations depend on the type of complications.Дивертикул Меккеля – непостоянно встречающийся дивертикул дистальной части подвздошной кишки, являющийся остатком не полностью редуцированного желточного протока. Дивертикул Меккеля является истинным дивертикулом, образованным за счет всех слоев стенки подвздошной кишки. Обычно он располагается на противобрыжеечном крае подвздошной кишки на 60 см от илеоцекального угла. Данная патология чаще имеет бессимптомный характер, и пациента начинают обследовать только при наличии осложнений. Клинические проявления зависят от типа осложнений

    Возможности КТ в диагностике осложнений дивертикулеза кишечника (клинические наблюдения)

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    Purpose. To determine the possibility of MSCT in the detection and diagnosis of complications of diverticulosis.Materials and methods. MSCT was performed in the apparatus Aqullion Toshiba 64 with collimation of 0.5–1 mm with the multiphase contrast-enhanced and further multiplanar reformatting. The results of MSCT of abdominal organs in 2082 (100%) patients for 2016–2018 in GBUZ GKB im were analyzed. M.E. Zhadkevich, 841 (40%) – for emergency indications.Results. Intestinal diverticula was detected in 239 (11%) patients. CT-signs of diverticulitis were found in 36 (1.7%) subjects: 19 (0.9%) women aged 54 years to 91 years and 17 (0.8%) men aged 27 to 88 years. When admitted to the hospital, all patients (36 people – 100%) with CT signs of diverticulitis complained of severe abdominal pain: with localization in the left iliac and suprapubic areas of 22 (61%) patients, 2 (5.5%) – in the right iliac and suprapubic areas, the remaining 12 (33.5%) patients complained of abdominal pain without a clear localization. Localization of diverticulitis in the sigmoid colon occurred in 22 (61%) cases, in the descending part of the colon – in 13 (36%). In 1 (3%) observation diverticulitis was detected in the terminal part of the jejunum.The presence of perianth infiltrate took place – in 16 (44%) cases, with signs of abscedding – in 4 (11%), peritonitis was observed in 2 (5.5%) examined in combination with signs of intestinal obstruction. Perforation with the presence of a large amount of free gas was detected in 1 (3%) case, microperforation – in 12 (33.5%). A small amount of free fluid in the abdominal cavity was found in 18 (50%) patients. Conclusion. Timely diagnosis of complicated diverticular disease is crucial. MSCT has high sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of phlegmon and abscesses of the abdominal cavity, perforation of the intestinal wall, peritonitis, bleeding and intestinal obstruction.Цель исследования: определить возможности МСКТ в выявлении и диагностике осложнений дивертикулеза.Материал и методы. МСКТ выполняли на аппарате Toshiba Aqullion 64 с коллимацией среза 0,5–1 мм с многофазным контрастным усилением и дальнейшим многоплоскостным переформатированием. Проанализированы данные КТ органов брюшной полости 2082 (100%) пациентов за 2016–2018 гг. в ГБУЗ “ГКБ имени М.Е. Жадкевича”, из них 841 (40%) – по экстренным показаниям.Результаты. Дивертикулы кишечника выявлены у 239 (11%) пациентов. КТ-признаки дивертикулита обнаружены у 36 (1,7%) обследуемых: 19 (0,9%) женщин в возрасте от 54 лет до 91 года и 17 (0,8%) мужчин в возрасте от 27 до 88 лет.При поступлении в стационар все пациенты (36 человек, 100%) с КТ-признаками дивертикулита предъявляли жалобы на сильные боли в животе: с локализацией в левой подвздошной и надлобковой областях – 22 (61%) пациента, в правой подвздошной и надлобковой областях – 2 (5,5%), остальные 12 (33,5%)  обследуемых жаловались на боли в животе без четкой локализации. Локализация дивертикулита в сигмовидной кишке имела место в 22 (61%) случаях, в нисходящем отделе ободочной кишки – в 13 (36%). В 1 (3%) наблюдении дивертикулит выявлен в терминальном отделе тощей кишки.Околокишечный инфильтрат имелся у 16 (44%) па циентов, с признаками абсцедирования – у 4 (11%), перитонит наблюдался у 2 (5,5%) обследуемых в сочетании с признаками кишечной непроходимости. Перфорация с наличием большого количества свободного газа выявлена в 1 (3%) случае, микроперфорации – в 12 (33,5%). Небольшое количество свободной жидкости в брюшной полости обнаружено у 18 (50%) пациентов.Заключение. Своевременная диагностика осложненной дивертикулярной болезни имеет решающее значение. МСКТ обладает высокой чувствительностью и специфичностью в диагностике флегмон и абсцессов брюшной полости, перфорации кишечной стенки, перитонита, кровотечения и непроходимости кишечника


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    Cell subtypes and cytokine profile of apheresis products collected from lymphoma and acute leucosis patients were analyzed. It was shown, that acute leucosis patients' grafts contained higher relative numbers of naïve T-cells, CD4+CD25high T-cells, T-lymphocytes (non-significant trend) and lower counts of granulocytes. Significant increase of relative numbers of dividing CD34+ cells (in S, G2/M phases of the cell cycle) was demonstrated, in acute leucosis patients' grafts. In lymphoma grafts the levels of CD34+ cells in G0/G1 phases were found, to be increased. Cells isolated from grafts of acute leucosis patients characterized by higher levels of proinflammatory cytokines production, such as IL-1, IL-6, MIP-1β, TNF-α, IL-8, IFN-γ (the last two ones— non-significant trend) and cytokines, essential for humoral immune response (IL-4 and — in trend — IL-10). The existing differences didn't influence on effectiveness of early lymphocyte recovery