7 research outputs found

    Stochastic series expansion algorithm for the S=1/2 XY model with four-site ring exchange

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    We describe a stochastic series expansion (SSE) quantum Monte Carlo method for a two-dimensional S=1/2 XY-model (or, equivalently, hard-core bosons at half-filling) which in addition to the standard pair interaction J includes a four-particle term K that flips spins on a square plaquette. The model has three ordered ground state phases; for K/J<8 it has long-range xy spin order (superfluid bosons), for K/J>15 it has staggered spin order in the z direction (charge-density-wave), and between these phases it is in a state with columnar order in the bond and plaquette energy densities. We discuss an implementation of directed-loop updates for the SSE simulations of this model and also introduce a "multi-branch" cluster update which significantly reduces the autocorrelation times for large K/J. In addition to the pure J-K model, which in the z basis has only off-diagonal terms, we also discuss modifications of the algorithm needed when various diagonal interactions are included.Comment: 23 pages, 21 figure

    Loop updates for variational and projector quantum Monte Carlo simulations in the valence-bond basis

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    We show how efficient loop updates, originally developed for Monte Carlo simulations of quantum spin systems at finite temperature, can be combined with a ground-state projector scheme and variational calculations in the valence bond basis. The methods are formulated in a combined space of spin z-components and valence bonds. Compared to schemes formulated purely in the valence bond basis, the computational effort is reduced from up to O(N^2) to O(N) for variational calculations, where N is the system size, and from O(m^2) to O(m) for projector simulations, where m>> N is the projection power. These improvements enable access to ground states of significantly larger lattices than previously. We demonstrate the efficiency of the approach by calculating the sublattice magnetization M_s of the two-dimensional Heisenberg model to high precision, using systems with up to 256*256 spins. Extrapolating the results to the thermodynamic limit gives M_s=0.30743(1). We also discuss optimized variational amplitude-product states, which were used as trial states in the projector simulations, and compare results of projecting different types of trial states.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures. v2: Significantly expanded, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of bosonic and fermionic impurities in a two-dimensional hard-core boson system

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    A two-dimensional lattice hard-core boson system with a small fraction of bosonic or fermionic impurity particles is studied. The impurities have the same hopping and interactions as the dominant bosons and their effects are solely due to quantum statistics. Quantum Monte Carlo simulations are carried out in which paths of the dominant boson species are sampled and a summation is performed over all second-species paths compatible with the permutation cycles. Both kinds of impurities reduce modestly and equally the Kosterliz-Thouless superfluid transition temperature. However, the effective impurity interactions are found to be qualitatively different at lower temperatures; fermions are repulsive and further suppress superfluidity at low temperatures.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Variational quantum Monte Carlo simulations with tensor-network states

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    We show that the formalism of tensor-network states, such as the matrix product states (MPS), can be used as a basis for variational quantum Monte Carlo simulations. Using a stochastic optimization method, we demonstrate the potential of this approach by explicit MPS calculations for the transverse Ising chain with up to N=256 spins at criticality, using periodic boundary conditions and D*D matrices with D up to 48. The computational cost of our scheme formally scales as ND^3, whereas standard MPS approaches and the related density matrix renromalization group method scale as ND^5 and ND^6, respectively, for periodic systems.Comment: 4+ pages, 2 figures. v2: improved data, comparisons with exact results, to appear in Phys Rev Let