66 research outputs found

    Meta-analysis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and electromechanical reconstruction of myocardium

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    The present study aimed to analyze medical databases using various scientific articles; moreover, this experiment analyzed medical databases using published scientific articles related to NAFLD, endovascular treatment, cardiac arrhythmias and conduction disorders, changes in the geometry of atria and ventricles, changes in myocardial mass volume as well as diastolic flow left and right ventricular systolic functions, coronary blood flow, analysis of the dependence of epicardial fat tissue (EFT) thickness, and the presence of chronic heart failure (CHF

    Эпидемиология бокового амиотрофического склероза в Красноярском крае

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    Background. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that causes paralysis of muscles due to degeneration of motor neurons. According to available data, the incidence of ALS in different regions of the world is from 0.6 to 3.8 per 100,000 population per year. Data obtained during the study of the epidemiology of ALS at the regional level can be used in planning medical resources, in particular, calculating the necessary respiratory equipment and funds for nutritional support.Aim. Clinical and epidemiological analysis of ALS cases registered in the Krasnoyarsk region for the period 2018–2022.Materials and methods. A clinical and epidemiological analysis of ALS cases registered in the Krasnoyarsk region from 2018 to 2022 was conducted. To do this, we used data from the specialized office of neuromuscular pathology of the Regional Clinical Hospital in Krasnoyarsk and the Krasnoyarsk Regional Medical Information and Analytical Center. Diagnosis verification was carried out in accordance with the generally accepted El Escorial and Gold Coast criteria. The functional state and degree of neurological deficit were assessed using the ALS-FRS-R scale.Results. Over the period from 2018 to 2022, 78 cases of ALS were registered. The incidence rate was 0.54 cases per 100,000 population per year. In 2022, the prevalence rate was 1.16 cases per 100 thousand population. The time from symptom onset to diagnosis of the disease ranged from 4 to 57 months, with the average time to diagnosis being 17 months. Most patients were diagnosed with ALS when their ALS-FRS-R score decreased by 7–11 points. The division of patients into groups of rapid, moderate, and slow diagnostic correlates with life expectancy. Patients who are diagnosed quickly have a higher rate of disease progression, which results in a low life expectancy.Conclusion. The creation of specialized centers will improve the diagnosis and management of patients with ALS and plan the costs of palliative care. The increase in the incidence and detection of ALS emphasizes the need to develop new approaches to the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with ALS.Введение. Боковой амиотрофический склероз (БАС) – прогрессирующее нейродегенеративное заболевание, которое вызывает паралич мышц из-за дегенерации моторных нейронов. По имеющимся данным, заболеваемость БАС в разных регионах мира составляет от 0,6 до 3,8 случая на 100 тыс. населения в год. Данные, полученные в ходе изучения эпидемиологии БАС на региональном уровне, могут использоваться при планировании объема медицинских ресурсов, в частности для расчета необходимого респираторного оборудования и средств нутритивной поддержки.Цель работы – клинико-эпидемиологический анализ случаев БАС, зарегистрированных на территории Красноярского края за период 2018–2022 гг.Материалы и методы. Был проведен клинико-эпидемиологический анализ случаев БАС, зарегистрированных в Красноярском крае с 2018 по 2022 г. Для этого использовались данные специализированного кабинета нервномышечной патологии КГБУЗ «Краевая клиническая больница» г. Красноярска и Красноярского краевого медицинского информационно-аналитического центра. Верификация диагноза осуществлялась в соответствии с общепринятыми критериями El Escorial и Gold Coast. Функциональное состояние и степень неврологического дефицита оценивались с помощью шкалы ALS-FRS-R.Результаты. За период с 2018 по 2022 г. было зарегистрировано 78 случаев БАС. Заболеваемость составила 0,54 случая на 100 тыс. населения в год. В 2022 г. показатель распространенности составил 1,16 случая на 100 тыс. населения. Сроки диагностики заболевания варьировали от 4 до 57 мес, среднее время установления диагноза составило 17 мес. У большинства пациентов БАС был диагностирован при снижении оценки по шкале ALS-FRS-R на 7–11 баллов. Разделение пациентов на группы с быстрой, средней и медленной диагностикой коррелировало с ожидаемой продолжительностью жизни. Пациенты, у которых диагноз был установлен быстро, имеют более высокую скорость прогрессирования заболевания, что обусловливает низкую продолжительность жизни.Выводы. Создание специализированных приемов позволит улучшить диагностику и ведение пациентов с БАС и планировать затраты на паллиативную помощь. Растущая заболеваемость и выявляемость БАС подчеркивает необходимость разработки новых подходов к лечению и реабилитации больных БАС

    Features of the metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus in schizotypal disorder

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    To describe the features and mechanisms of development of metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes melitus and intermediate states of glycemia in psychosis the occurrence of these disorders, the values of total cholesterol, fractions of high density lipoproteins, very low density lipoproteins, triglycerides, values of atherogenic coefficient, insulinemia, С-peptidemia, insulin resistance the level of glycated hemoglobin in a sample of patients with schizophrenia and in mentally healthy individual

    Analytical hierarchy process as a tool supporting a decision-making for assessment of the risk of transboundary infectious animal disease introduction to the Russian Federation and previously disease-free territories

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    The livestock industry is increasingly taking its place in the economy of the Russian Federation. Its export potential is actively growing. Already, up to 10% of agricultural products are exported to foreign markets. The demand for food steadily increases during crises, which in turn increases the role of the veterinary service, whose tasks include protecting the country’s territory from the introduction of infectious diseases of animals from foreign countries; implementation of measures to prevent and eliminate infectious and other diseases in agricultural, domestic, zoo and other animals, fur-bearing animals, birds, fish and bees, as well as the implementation of plans of the regional veterinary service in the field of animal husbandry. The article assesses the validity of the possibilities and use of modern methods of analyzing and predicting the spread of animal morbidity, identifying cause-and-effect relationships and the extent of the spread of particularly dangerous animal diseases. The authors propose to consider the possibility of using the mathematical method of hierarchy analysis as a scientifically sound decisionmaking support tool when assessing the risk of introducing trans-border infectious animal diseases into previously prosperous territories of the Russian Federation. This approach can be used in the process of choosing the most appropriate alternative from several risk assessment options. The Hierarchy Analysis Method (MAI) is a mathematical tool for a qualitative systematic approach to solving decision-making problems. This method was developed by the American scientist Thomas Lewis Saati in 1970, since then it has been actively developing and widely used in practice. The hierarchy analysis method can be used not only to compare objects, but also to solve more complex management and forecasting tasks

    Suppression of gas-dynamic self-oscillations in the outflow line of a gas control valve

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    This article is devoted to the investigation of the causes and peculiarities of high-frequency gas-dynamic self-oscillations arising in the outflow line of gas control valves. We have demonstrated that these self-oscillations result in a substantial increase in the level of dynamic loading of the control valve elements due to the occurrence of intense tonal components in the pressure fluctuation spectra in the pipeline, the vibrations of the output flange of the control valve, as well as the external noise of the whole assembly. We have provided the results of investigating the conditions for high-frequency gas-dynamic self-oscillations arising from the gas flow interaction with the control valve elements, as well as with supporting pylons of the central fairing. It is shown that an increase in the flow above a certain value of output speed (40 m/s) results in tonal components of the spectrum of pressure pulsations. We have described the measures to suppress gas-dynamic self-oscillations by means of a perforated sleeve installed in the outflow line of the control valve. Three modifications of the sleeve design have been modeled, numerical simulation of gas-dynamic processes in the control valve exhaust duct with a perforated sleeve installed has been carried out. It is shown that complete elimination of gas-dynamic self-oscillations can be made possible by installing the sleeve in the control valve exhast duct

    Curcuit-design solutions for producing devices of feed water flow rate control systems

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    Creation of a low-noise water flow control systems apparatus is the main objective of the research. The technique of carrying out the tests is based on the principles of acoustics, flow mechanics and the control theory. The main schemes of regulating the water flow rate are presented in the paper. It is shown that the scheme with the use of a flowmeter is the most promising in terms of improvement of vibronoise characteristics. A modular principle of constructing feed water rate control systems is presented. The design features of application of multistage rotary units of the apparatus meeting the hydrodynamic noise requirements for low rates without application of dissipative elements (e.g. mufflers) are formulated for the first time. Energy comparison of various control system schemes is carried out. It is shown that further improvement of operating devices in terms of vibronoise characteristics is possible with the use of the principle of serial-parallel water flow regulation. The results help to improve the mass-dimensional characteristics of systems and to increase their energy efficiency, to provide a low level of noise and to reduce the cost of production. The modularity of the apparatus ensures a high level of standardization and interchangeability

    Developing scientific work oeganization (NTO) in refractories concerns

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