18 research outputs found

    Infectious Diseases in the Americas Region that Are Relevant to the Global Surveillance and Control

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    The aim of the work was information-analytical assessment of the epidemiological situation on infectious diseases that are potentially or truly dangerous in terms of occurrence of emergencies of sanitary-epidemiological nature in the Region of Americas.Materials and methods. The study was based on the official reports of the WHO, the Pan American Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the national Ministries of Health, data from the ProMED information portal, the Global Network for the Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases, and published scientific papers.Results and discussion. By the model of the Americas, regional epidemiological features have been established, including the endemicity (enzooticity) of territories according to the most relevant nosological forms and the intensity of the epidemic process manifestations. It is shown that the main epidemiological risks in the countries of Central, South America and the Caribbean are associated with dengue, Zika, Chikungunya fevers characterized by a wide territorial dissemination and the ability to cause large-scale epidemic outbreaks, in the countries of North America – West Nile fever. Other infections of international concern include: cholera, that twice caused epidemics of imported origin during the seventh pandemic, which changed the structure of world morbidity; plague, manifested in an annual incidence, including with a complication by the pneumonic form, which determines an increased potential danger of anthropogenic spread; malaria, demonstrating an upward trend in morbidity and the number of intra-continental imported cases; yellow fever, characterized by the activation of natural foci and the expansion of the territories of potential pathogen transmission. The data obtained can serve as a basis for assessing the risks of infectious disease introduction from the American Region into safe territories, improving epidemiological forecasting and validity in making managerial decisions when conducting sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures

    Исследование экстракта из лишайника Cetrária islándica после ультразвукового воздействия

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    An integral part of human healthy nutrition is intake of biologically active substances. Extraction is an important stage of isolation of different bioactive substances from plants and effectiveness of their extraction increases with the use of ultrasonic treatment. The aim of this research was to study an effect of different types of aqueous media and treatment methods on Cetraria islandica, including the use of principles of ultrasonic treatment and maceration methods (infusion). The experimental studies consisted in detecting an effect of the active acidity of the aqueous medium (solvent) and method of impact upon extraction on several physicochemical and rheological indicators. The experimental samples of extracts were examined by the following indicators: active acidity and redox potential detected by the ionometric technique; dynamic viscosity and the depth of output of polymeric forms of phenolic substances determined by measuring the optical density and transmission coefficient. Mathematical processing of data using the regression analysis was carried out. The results are presented as graphs, tables and regression equations. It has been established that transfer of substances from Cetraria islandica to its extracts had high results at pH = 7.0 and рН = 9.0 of the solvent. When obtaining extracts by the infusion method, the quantity of polymeric compounds in the transition process was 1.3 times higher than the quantity of monomeric forms of phenolic compounds. The highest value of the dynamic viscosity was revealed in the extract sample obtained by the infusion method in the alkaline medium. The extracts obtained can be used in food system modeling.Неотъемлемой частью здорового питания является поступление в организм человека биологически активных соединений. Экстракция — важнейший этап выделения из растений различных биоактивных веществ, и эффективность их извлечения повышается в совокупности с ультразвуковой обработкой. Цель данного исследования — изучить влияние различных видов водной среды и способов обработки на цетрарию исландскую, в том числе с использованием принципов ультразвуковой обработки и методом мацерации (настаивание). Экспериментальные исследования заключались в установлении влияния активной кислотности водной среды (растворителя) и метода воздействия при проведении экстракции на ряд физико-химических и реологических показателей. Исследованы опытные образцы экстрактов по следующим показателям: активная кислотность и окислительно-восстановительный потенциал, выявленные с помощью ионометрического метода; динамическая вязкость и глубина выхода полимерных форм фенольных веществ, установленные измерением оптической плотности и коэффициента пропускания. Проведена математическая обработка данных с использованием регрессионного анализа. Результаты представлены в виде графиков, таблиц и уравнений регрессии. Установлено, что переход веществ из цетрарии исландской в экстракты из нее имели высокие результаты при рН = 7,0 и рН = 9,0 растворителя. При получении экстрактов методом настаивания количество полимерных соединений в процессе перехода в 1,3 раза превышало число мономерных форм фенольных соединений. Наибольшее значение по исследуемому показателю «динамическая вязкость» было выявлено в образце экстракта, полученном методом настаивания в щелочной среде. Выделенные экстракты могут быть применены при моделировании пищевых систем

    Вплив полютантів на антиоксидантний захист видів роду Tilia на різних стадіях розвитку

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    The influence of transport fumes and industrial waste on the activity of catalase, benzidine-peroxidase and guaiacol-peroxidase was studied in the dormant buds, leaves and seeds of the following species of the genus Tilia:T. platyphyllos Scop., T. europaea L., T. amurensis Rupr. and T. begoniifolia Stev. We tested the hypothesis that the action of pollutants changes the state of antioxidant protection at different stages of tree development in contaminated phytocenoses. An increase in catalase activity was observed in leaves of all linden species, and the action of transport fumes caused excess over control level by 118, 118, 196, and 61% respectively for T. platyphyllos, T. europaea, T. amurensis and T. begoniifolia. The action of industrial waste was accompanied by a slight decrease in catalase activity in T. europaea leaves, and increase in activity in leaves of T. amurensis and T. begoniifolia (143% and 115%). Benzidine-peroxidase activity increased due to the influence of transport fumes on leaves of T. amurensis and T. begoniifolia (103% and 44%), but decreased due to the effect of industrial waste on leaves of T. europaea, T. amurensis and T. begoniifolia (46%, 30%, and 44% respectively), and was suppressed in the seeds of T. europaea, T. amurensis and T. begoniifolia both under the influence of transport (42%, 47% and 33% below control) and industrial emissions (19%, 19% and 45%), and was reduced in buds of T. platyphyllos, T. europaea and T. amurensis due to the effect of transport fumes (21%, 9% and 20% respectively). Guaiacol-peroxidase activity decreased due to the influence of transport fumes in buds of T. platyphyllos, T. europaea and T. amurensis (41%, 14% and 47% below control), while it increased in the seeds of T. platyphyllos and T. amurensis (104% and 83%), as well as in leaves of T. amurensis and T. begoniifolia both due to the effect of transport (129% and 144%) and of industrial emissions (respectively, 34% and 40% above control). The substantial restructuring of the antioxidant system components in leaves, dormant buds and seeds confirms the hypothesis that metabolic processes in Tilia trees adapt throughout all stages of their development in response to the polluted conditions in urban phytocenoses.Досліджено вплив транспортних вихлопів і промислових викидів на активність каталази, бензидин-пероксидази та гваякол-пероксидази у бруньках, листках і насінні Tilia platyphyllos Scop., T. europaea L., T. amurensis Rupr. і T. begoniifolia Stev. Перевірено гіпотезу про те, що вплив полютантів змінює стан антиоксидантного захисту на різних стадіях розвитку дерев у забруднених фітоценозах. Зростання активності каталази спостерігали у листках усіх видів лип. Вплив транспортних вихлопів спричинив збільшення контрольного рівня для T. platyphyllos на 118%, для T. europaea – на 118%, для T. amurensis – на 196% і для T. begoniifolia – на 61%. Вплив промислових викидів супроводжувався незначним зниженням активності каталази у листках T. europaea та зростанням активності у листках T. amurensis і T. begoniifolia (на 143% і 115% відповідно). Активність бензидин-пероксидази зростала за дії транспортних вихлопів у листках T. amurensis і T. begoniifolia (відповідно, на 103% і 44%), проте знижувалась за дії промислових викидів у листках T. europaea, T. amurensis і T. begoniifolia (на 46%, 30% і 44% відносно контролю відповідно), а також була пригнічена у насінні T. europaea, T. amurensis і T. begoniifolia як за дії транспортних (відповідно, на 42%, 47% і 33% від контролю), так і промислових емісій (на 19%, 19% і 45% від контролю, відповідно), та знижена у бруньках T. platyphyllos, T. europaea та T. amurensis за дії транспортних вихлопів (на 21%, 9% і 20% від контролю, відповідно). Активність гваякол-пероксидази за впливу транспортних вихлопів знижувалась у бруньках T. platyphyllos, T. europaea і T. amurensis (відповідно, на 41%, 14% і 47% відносно контролю), але збільшувалась у насінні T. platyphyllos і T. amurensis (на 104% і 83%, відповідно), а також зростала у листках T. amurensis і T. begoniifolia як за дії транспортних (відповідно, на 129% і 144%), так і промислових емісій (відповідно, на 34% і 40% відносно контролю). Суттєві перебудови компонентів антиоксидантної системи у листках, бруньках і насінні підтвердили припущення, що адаптація дерев роду Tilia до умов забруднених міських фітоценозів потребує змін метаболічних процесів упродовж усіх стадій розвитку. Досліджено вплив транспортних вихлопів і промислових викидів на активність каталази, бензидин-пероксидази та гваякол-пероксидази у бруньках, листках і насінні Tilia platyphyllos Scop., T. europaea L., T. amurensis Rupr. і T. begoniifolia Stev. Перевірено гіпотезу про те, що вплив полютантів змінює стан антиоксидантного захисту на різних стадіях розвитку дерев у забруднених фітоценозах. Зростання активності каталази спостерігали у листках усіх видів лип. Вплив транспортних вихлопів спричинив збільшення контрольного рівня для T. platyphyllos на 118%, для T. europaea – на 118%, для T. amurensis – на 196% і для T. begoniifolia – на 61%. Вплив промислових викидів супроводжувався незначним зниженням активності каталази у листках T. europaea та зростанням активності у листках T. amurensis і T. begoniifolia (на 143% і 115% відповідно). Активність бензидин-пероксидази зростала за дії транспортних вихлопів у листках T. amurensis і T. begoniifolia (відповідно, на 103% і 44%), проте знижувалась за дії промислових викидів у листках T. europaea, T. amurensis і T. begoniifolia (на 46%, 30% і 44% відносно контролю відповідно), а також була пригнічена у насінні T. europaea, T. amurensis і T. begoniifolia як за дії транспортних (відповідно, на 42%, 47% і 33% від контролю), так і промислових емісій (на 19%, 19% і 45% від контролю, відповідно), та знижена у бруньках T. platyphyllos, T. europaea та T. amurensis за дії транспортних вихлопів (на 21%, 9% і 20% від контролю, відповідно). Активність гваякол-пероксидази за впливу транспортних вихлопів знижувалась у бруньках T. platyphyllos, T. europaea і T. amurensis (відповідно, на 41%, 14% і 47% відносно контролю), але збільшувалась у насінні T. platyphyllos і T. amurensis (на 104% і 83%, відповідно), а також зростала у листках T. amurensis і T. begoniifolia як за дії транспортних (відповідно, на 129% і 144%), так і промислових емісій (відповідно, на 34% і 40% відносно контролю). Суттєві перебудови компонентів антиоксидантної системи у листках, бруньках і насінні підтвердили припущення, що адаптація дерев роду Tilia до умов забруднених міських фітоценозів потребує змін метаболічних процесів упродовж усіх стадій розвитку.

    West Nile Fever in the Russian Federation in 2022, the Incidence Forecast for 2023

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    The review presents an analysis of West Nile fever (WNF) epidemiological situation in the Russian Federation in 2022 and the summarized results of monitoring over the pathogen. The following features of the WNF epidemic process in Russia are outlined: the decrease (by 4 times) in the incidence rates compared to the long-term average values against an extremely extensive nature of manifestations (16 constituent entities in 6 federal districts), including the detection of local cases in 5 new territories (Tver, Tambov, Vladimir Regions, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District, and Karachay-Cherkess Republic), predominant registration of incidence in the Central Federal District (51 %), early start and termination of the epidemic season. There is a decrease in the proportion of neuroinvasive forms in the structure of incidence, prevalence of females and the age group of “60 years and over”, as well as record rate values of people infected at the place of residence in cities, which is associated with the peculiarities of case detection, namely, screening examinations of febrile patients in hospitals by efforts of the Reference Center, according to the results of which 60 % of all registered patients with WNF in Russia were diagnosed. Monitoring studies of the Reference Center in the territory of the Central, Southern and North-Caucasian Federal Districts confirmed the intensive circulation of the pathogen. The low level of officially registered incidence is caused by insufficiently effective identification of patients. Molecular genetic studies have shown that West Nile virus lineage 2 circulated in the European part of Russia, both in epizootic and epidemic cycles. Phylogenetic analysis has revealed that 4 West Nile virus isolates found in Astrakhan, Volgograd Regions, the Republic of Kalmykia and Stavropol Territory in 2022 belong to a new genovariant of the genotype 2, first identified in Russia in 2021. Possible complication of the epidemiological situation in all federal districts of the center and south of the European part of Russia is predicted

    Competence of mosquitoes <i>Culex pipiens f.</i> molestus as carriers of West Nile virus under various temperature conditions

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    Introduction. The Culex pipiens mosquito is one of the proven vectors of the West Nile virus (WNV). Culex pipiens f. molestus (Cx. p. f. molestus) is a synanthropic, autogenous, widespread form of the species that can feed on a broad range of hosts, including humans. The temperature of the habitat of insects affects the potential for virus transmission, which determines the likelihood of them carrying the pathogen of West Nile fever. The goal is an experimental study of the temperature of the habitat of larvae on the competence of mosquitoes Cx. p. f. molestus as carriers of WNV. Materials and methods. We used a strain of the WNV (WNV_Volg601/18 genotype 2) and a laboratory culture of mosquitoes Cx. p. f. molestus. The concentration of the virus was detected by plaque formation using Vero cells. Insects were infected orally at the larval stage, with subsequent incubation at 20, 22 or 28C. 72 hours after the emergence of all adults from the pupae, the mosquitoes were immobilized by cold, the sex of imago was determined, the salivary glands were isolated from the females, and the presence of WNV in glandes and its titer were detected. Results. The titer of WNV sufficient to transmit the pathogen through the insect biting was observed in the salivary glands of insects kept at a temperature of 22 and 28C, with the virus titer rising with the temperature increasing. No virus was detected in the salivary glands of female insects kept at a temperature of 20C. Conclusion. Thus, it appears that the habitat temperature is an important factor limiting the replication and content of WNV in the salivary glands of Cx. p. f. molestus

    Results of Monitoring over the West Nile Fever Pathogen in the Territory of the Russian Federation in 2017. Forecast of Epidemic Situation Development in Russia in 2018

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    In Europe, in the epidemic season 2017, the incidence of West Nile fever did not exceed the index of the previous season. In the US and Canada, there was an increase in the incidence of cases. West Nile fever morbidity rates in the Russian Federation and in separate constituent entities were below the average long-term index and had the lowest value for the period since 2008. 41.6 % of WNF cases were imported to Russia from the distant countries. Analysis of the monitoring results indicated the circulation of WNF virus markers in carriers of the pathogen in 6 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the presence of IgG antibodies in healthy population cohorts in 24 RF entities. According to molecular-genetic typing of WNF virus samples from mosquito Culex modestus from the Volgograd Region, WNF virus genotype II was established. Forecasting of epidemiological situation development for the year 2018 does not rule out the possibility of local increase in WNF incidence in certain regions of Russia

    Zika Fever: The Current State of the Issue

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    This article provides the basic information on the current epidemiological situation on Zika fever across the world, the data on ZIKV global distribution, its main transmission routes, peculiarities of infection manifestations, and major approaches in the laboratory diagnostics. Taking into account the significant complication of the epidemiological situation on Zika fever in North, Central, and South America and the Caribbean, as well as the tendency towards the expansion of the areals of ZIKV effective vectors, identified are the key priority tasks to minimize epidemiological risks of Zika fever in the Russian Federation

    Peculiarities of the Epidemic Situation on West Nile Fever in the Territory of the Russian Federation in 2018 and Forecast of its Development in 2019

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    The epidemic rise in the incidence of West Nile fever (WNF) in the season of 2018 was observed in the countries of the European Union (EU) and bordering states and exceeded the values of all previously recorded epidemic rises of 2010–2012. An increase in the incidence rate was registered in the USA and Canada, however, it did not exceed the indicators of epidemic rises of 2007–2012. In the territory of the Russian Federation, the WNF epidemiological process became more intense mainly in the territory of the Southern and North Caucasian Federal Districts. In general, in Russia, the incidence rates were 2 times lower than the average annual rates, but significantly exceeded those of 2017. The epidemic process had a number of peculiarities in the seasonality, the structure of morbidity and the clinical manifestation of WNF. Genotyping of the isolated WNV RNA fragments from clinical and biological material showed that I, II and IV West Nile virus genotypes were circulating in the European part of Russia. Forecast of epidemic situation development in 2019 reveals further increase in the incidence and does not exclude the possibility of a significant localincrease of WNF incidence in certain regions of Russia

    Provision of Epidemiological Surveillance and Prophylaxis of Zika Fever in the Russian Federation

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    Epidemic outspread of Zika fever has given WHO authority to declare emergency situation in the sphere of international healthcare. Major risks for the Russian Federation are associated with the import of the disease by persons, infected in epidemiologically hazardous territory, or import of Zika virus vectors by transport means of international traffic. In this context, developed and normatively regimented is the complex of measures aimed at prevention of Zika virus disease, comprising activities to control import of the infection from enzootic territories, monitoring over the vectors of virus, Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus , and procedure for disinfection operations. Developed and introduced into practice is a home-made preparation for laboratory diagnostics and detection of Zika virus RNA using PCR. The article covers the issue of possible dissemination of the vectors in southern regions of Russia in view of climate warming. It is concluded that nowadays probability of local Zika virus transmission in “human-mosquito” cycle is extremely low and no complications of epidemiological situation on arboviral Ae. aegypti- and Ae. albopictus- borne infections are predicted

    The Features of West Nile Fever Epidemiological Situation in the World and Russia in 2013 and Prognosis of Its Development in 2014

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    Epidemiological situation on West Nile Fever (WNF) in Europe in 2013 was characterized by a notable rise of morbidity rate primarily due to the outbreak of WNF in Serbia (302 cases registered). In the North America, in the United States and Canada, WNF manifestations in 2013 were characterized by the lower intensity compared to previous epidemic season. 192 cases were registered in 16 constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2013. It was revealed, that genotype 2 West Nile Virus (WNV) circulated in the territory of the Volgograd and Saratov regions, the same as in Serbia, Greece and Italy, and genotype 1 WNV in the Astrakhan region. According to the data obtained from the Reference Center for monitoring over WNV pathogen, WNV markers were detected in the territory of 61 constituent entities of the Russian Federation throughout the period of observation in 1999-2013 which testified to the existence of potential risk of human exposure during epidemic season in most of the parts of country. According to Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring forecast, climatic conditions in Russia for the next 5-10 years will stick to global warming trend which will contribute to further spread of WNV onto the northern areas