247 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Ketuaan Terhadap Kecepatan Respirasi Dan Kandungan Kimia Pada Pemasakan Buah Avokad

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    H. SUTARNO & N.W. UTAMI. 1986.Influence of maturity on respiration rate and chemical constituents of avocado fruits during ripening period.Berita Biologi 3(5) : 209 - 213. Changes of respiration rate and chemical constituents of avocado fruits as affected by various maturity (18 - 24 weeks from blooming) were observed during incuUbation peiiod at 28 ±1 C.Results of these experiments were intended to know the best time for harvesting based on their cell vitality and chemical constituents. Those indicated that 20 weeks from blooming was the best time for obtaining higher oil content (12.48%) and carotenoid content (968.6l.U.) of ripening fruits. The relationship between respiration rate and changes of oil content and carotenoid content were discussed

    Perilaku Nelayan dalam Pengelolaan Wisata Bahari di Kawasan Pantai Lovina, Buleleng, Bali

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    Fishermen living around the Lovina Beach Tourism Area had other productive activities besides catching fishes. The fishermen living in coastal villages of Lovina offered services such as guides for tourists who were interested in diving, snorkeling, and watching dolphin\u27s attraction in their habitat. The objectives of this research were to portray the fishermen\u27s behavior in managing the tourism services and to determine the variables correlated to the fishermen behavior and the tourist satisfaction. The research showed that the fishermen\u27s competencies in managing the tourism related activities need improvement, especially in the management of coastal resources and services. Furthermore, all of the fishermen\u27 variables, whether internal or external, were positively and significantly correlated with their coastal tourism management behavior and the tourists satisfaction. It was recommended that along with the purposes of promoting tourism and the fishermen quality of life, learning programs that were developed based upon the fishermen\u27s problems and needs were required. The programs could include hospitality training, eco-tourism, and tourism management. Additionally, coordination amongst the fishermen groups, local government, non government organization, and private sector involved in these activities was needed to improve the performance of the tourism service

    Factors Related to the Leather Craftsmen's Self-sufficiency in the Districts of Sidoardjo and Magetan, East Java

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    This research was intended to identify factors related to the leather craftsmen's self sufficiency in the districts of Sidoarjo and Magetan, in East Java. A descriptive survey research was accomplished amongst 260 craftsmen in the two districts in April 2005 through February 2006. The collected data were analyzed by using the Descriptive Statistics, the One Way Anova and the Structural Equation Modeling procedures. The findings pointed out that most of the observed craftsmen's entrepreneurial as well as their self-sufficiency behaviors were low. Furthermore, their self-sufficiency behaviors were related to their personal characteristics, business supports, and business environment

    Pengaruh Rekrutmen dan Seleksi terhadap Kinerja dan Intention To Leave (Studi pada Karyawan PT Cahaya Kurnia Motor, Bekasi)

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of recruitment and selection on the performance and intention to leave employees at PT Cahаyа Kurniа Motor Bekаsi. This reseаrch used explаnаtory quаntitаtive method. The sаmple of this reseаrch were 47 respondent. Dаtа collection technique thаt used were questionnаire аnd documentаtion. Dаtа were аnаlyzed using descriptive stаtistic, pаth аnаlysis, аnd coefficient of determinаtion. The result of this reseаrch showed thаt recruitment, selection, employee's performаnce, аnd intention to leаve PT Cаhаyа Kurniа Motor Bekаsi be in good cаtegory. the result of this reseаrch showed thаt recruitment significаnt hаd аn positive impаct on employee's performаnce, selection significаnt hаd positive аn impаct on employee's performаnce, recruitment hаd а negаtive impаct аnd significаnt impаct to intention to leаve, selection hаd а negаtive impаct аnd significаnt impаct to intention to leаve, аnd employee's performаnce hаd аn impаct on intention to leаve. Key Word : Recruitment, Selection, Performance, Intention To Leave ABSTRАK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh rekrutmen dan seleksi terhadap kinerja dan intention to leave karyawаn di PT Cаhаyа Kurniа Motor Bekаsi. Penelitiаn ini menggunаkаn jenis penelitiаn eksplаnаtori dengаn pendekаtаn kuаntitаtif. Sаmpel dаlаm penelitiаn ini berjumlаh 47 responden. Teknik pengumpulаn dаtа yаng digunаkаn аdаlаh kuesioner dаn dokumentаsi. Аnаlisis dаtа dаlаm penelitiаn ini menggunаkаn stаtistik deskriptif, аnаlisis jаlur, dаn koefisien determinаsi. Hаsil dаri penelitiаn ini menunjukkаn bаhwа rekrutmen, seleksi, kinerjа, dаn intention to leаve kаryаwаn berаdа dаlаm kаtegori bаik. Hаsil penelitiаn jugа menunjukkаn bаhwа rekrutmen berpengаruh positif signifikаn terhаdаp kinerjа, seleksi berpengаruh positif signifikаn terhаdаp kinerjа, rekrutmen berpengаruh negаtif dаn signifikаn terhаdаp intention to leаve, seleksi berpengаruh negаtif dаn signifikаn terhаdаp intention to leаve, dаn kinerjа berpengаruh terhаdаp intention to leаve

    Determinan Pemberian Makanan Prelaktal pada Bayi Baru Lahir di Kelurahan Kebon Kelapa dan Ciwaringin, Kota Bogor (Determinants Of Prelacteal Feeding Among Newborn Babies In Kebon Kelapa And Ciwaringin Villages, Bogor)

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    Breast milk is the appropriate for babies for the first six months after birth. Although it has been known that exclusive breastfeeding has many benefits and encouraged by the government, but the proportion of exclusive breasfeeding is still low, including Bogor. One of the the reason for the failure in exclusive breastfeeding is the prelacteal feeding practice among newborn babies. This analysis was conducted to provide information on the determinants of prelacteal feeding practice in Kebon Kelapa and Ciwaringin Village in Bogor, in 2012. The data for this analysis was came from the child growth and development cohort study conducted in Kebon Kelapa and Ciwaringin, Bogor in 2012. Participants of the study were 91 mothers with her newborn babies. The data were analysed with descriptive analysis, bivariate analysis with chi square, and multivariate analysis using logistic regression. The results showed that mode of delivery, rooming-in care and time of breastfeeding after delivery were significantly associated with prelacteal feeding practice (p<0,05). The major determinant factor of prelacteal feeding practice was non rooming-in care (OR: 5.86; 95% CI: 1.17, 29.35) after controlling the time of breastfeeding after delivery. Postpartum mothers that not cared in the same room with the baby had risk 5.86 times for give the baby prelacteal food compared with postpartum mothers that cared in the same room with their baby. Mothers who breastfeed their baby more than 1 hour after delivery had risk of 4.87 times for give the baby prelacteal food compared with mothers who breastfeed less than 1 hour after delivery. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the implementation of Baby Friendly Hospitals program in maternal and child health services, especially the implementation of rooming-in care for mother and child, so that the mother can breastfeed immediately after birth so that the baby does not need to be given food or prelacteal liquids. The government should provide strict sanctions for hospitals that have not held a rooming-in care for mother and child

    Model Pemasaran Business-to-business Dan Jaringan Nilai Produk Agroindustri Olahan Tebu Molasses

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    The study objectives were to discover the differences between marketing relationships in companies performing marketing transactional and relational marketing for molasses product trading companies, as well as elaborating the value network conducted by molasses marketer. The data was obtained from the interview with the stakeholders who conduct relationship marketing with molasses trading company and its business partners in Indonesia. The analysis utilized Mann-Whitney test analysis and value network with holo-mapping. The results revealed that there were some differences between companies performing marketing transactional and companies performing marketing relational in terms of power distance variables, social orientation, and uncertainty avoidance. Meanwhile, there was no difference found in masculinity-femininity factor. Value network illustration by looking at the value exchanged among each stakeholder on molasses business from products and services that generate revenues. Keywords: relational marketing, performing marketin

    Hubungan Organizational Citizеnship Bеhavior (Ocb) Dеngan Kinеrja Karyawan (Studi pada Rumah Sakit Pеrmata Bunda Kota Malang)

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    In an organization, thе bеhavior affеcts thе work of еmployееs in carrying out thе task. Thе main targеt of thе rеward program is to attract a qualifiеd induvidu, motivatе еmployееs to stay, and achiеvе highеr pеrformancе. Organizational changе еfforts rеquirе thе participation of all еmployееs, it will bе achiеvеd if thеrе is also thе willingnеss and ability of еach individual еmployее. Thе bеhavior of еmployееs is еxpеctеd by thе organization and thе dеmands of thе organization not only in rolе bеhavior, but also an еxtra rolе callеd Organizational Citizеnship Bеhavior (OCB). This study aims to (1) to know and еxplain thе rеlationship Organizational Citizеnship Bеhavior (OCB) with еmployее pеrformancе; (2) to know and еxplain thе diffеrеncе Organizational Citizеnship Bеhavior (OCB) on sеnior and junior nursing staff. This rеsеarch was conductеd at Pеrmata Bunda Hospital Kota Malang with samplе of 48 nursеs. Thе statistical mеthods usеd to tеst thе hypothеsis arе corrеlation analysis and mеan diffеrеncе tеst of chi squarе. Thе rеsult of this rеsеarch is: Organizational Citizеnship Bеhavior (OCB) rеlationship with sеnior еmployее and nursing staff pеrformancе tеnd to havе Organizational Citizеnship Bеhavior (OCB) highеr than junior nursе. All thе variablеs tеstеd havе a positivе and significant еffеct. Kеywords: Organizational Citizеnship Bеhavior (OCB), Еmployее Pеrformancе. АBSTRАK Dalam suatu organisasi, pеrilaku mеmpеngaruhi kеrja karyawan dalam mеnjalankan tugas. Sasaran utama dari program rеward adalah untuk mеnarik induvidu yang bеrkualitas, mеmotivasi karyawan agar tеtap tinggal, dan mеncapai kinеrja yang lеbih tinggi. Usaha pеrubahan organisasi mеmbutuhkan partisipasi dari sеmua karyawan, itu akan tеrcapai bila juga ada kеmauan dan kеmampuan dari masing-masing individu karyawan. Pеrilaku dari karyawan yang diharapkan olеh organisasi dan mеnjadi tuntutan organisasi tidak hanya pеrilaku in rolе, tеtapi juga pеriaku еxtra rolе yang disеbut Organizational Citizеnship Bеhavior (OCB). Pеnеlitian ini bеrtujuan (1) untuk mеngеtahui dan mеnjеlaskan hubungan Organizational Citizеnship Bеhavior (OCB) dеngan kinеrja karyawan; (2) untuk mеngеtahui dan mеnjеlaskan pеrbеdaan Organizational Citizеnship Bеhavior (OCB) pada tеnaga kеpеrawatan sеnior dan junior. Pеnеlitian ini dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Pеrmata Bunda Kota Malang dеngan sampеl bеrjumlah 48 pеrawat. Mеtodе statistik yang digunakan untuk mеnguji hipotеsis adalah analisis korеlasi dan uji bеda rata-rata chi squarе. Pеnеlitian ini mеnghasilkan tеmuan yaitu: tеrdapat hubungan Organizational Citizеnship Bеhavior (OCB) dеngan kinеrja karyawan dan tеnaga kеpеrawatan sеnior cеndеrung mеmiliki Organizational Citizеnship Bеhavior (OCB) lеbih tinggi dibandingkan pеrawat junior. Sеmua variabеl yang diujikan mеmpunyai pеngaruh positif dan signifikan. Kаtа Kunci: Organizational Citizеnship Bеhavior (OCB), Kinеrja Karyawan

    Anemia Dan Anemia Gizi Besi Pada Kehamilan: Hubungannya Dengan Asupan Protein Dan Zat Gizi Mikro

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    Anemia masih menjadi permasalahan kesehatan pada wanita hamil. Zat besi dianggap sebagai salah satu zat gizi mikro yang berperan terhadap terjadinya anemia. Kekurangan gizi besi dalam tingkat lanjut dapat menyebabkan anemia, yang disebut sebagai anemia gizi besi. Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk menganalisis perbedaan antara asupan protein dan gizi mikro serta menghitung odd ratio (OR) kejadian anemia dan anemia gizi besi akibat asupan protein dan gizi mikro pada wanita hamil di lokasi studi. Analisis ini merupakan analisa dari data studi kohor Tumbuh Kembang anak pada tahun pertama, yang dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Kebon Kalapa dan Ciwaringin, Kota Bogor yang dianalisa menggunakan disainkasus kontrol. Sebanyak 47 ibu hamil menjadi sampel dalam analisa ini. Kategori untuk anemia yaitu apabila kadar hemoglobin (Hb) ibu hamil ≤11 g/dL. Kekurangan gizi besi dikategorikan apabila kadar serum transferrin reseptor (sTfR) diatas 4.4 mg/L. Sedangkan Anemia Gizi Besi dikategorikan apabila memiliki kadar Hb < 11 g/dL dan sTfr > 4.4 mg/L. Tes one way anova digunakan untuk menganalisa adanya perbedaan asupan energi, protein dan zat gizi mikro antara ibu hamil yang mengalami anemia, anemia gizi besi maupun yang normal. Odd ratio dianalisa dengan menggunakan uji chi square. Nilai signifikan ditentukan apabila nilai p value < 0.05 dan perhitungan OR> 1. 27.7% dari ibu hamil di lokasi studi mengalami anemia, 14.9% tergolong dalam anemia ringan, 10.6% anemia sedang dan 2.1% anemia berat. Anemia gizi besi dialami oleh 17% dari wanita hamil. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara keparahan anemia dan terjadinya anemia gizi besi. Tidak ditemukan perbedaan antara asupan protein, besi, folate dan zink pada wanita yang mengalami anemia, anemia gizi besi maupun yang normal. Akan tetapi terdapat kecenderungan bahwa asupan zat besi dan seng pada ibu yang anemia dan anemia gizi besi lebih rendah daripada ibu yang normal. Anemia masih menjadi permasalahan kesehatan pada ibu hamil, diantaranya merupakan anemia karena kekurangan zat besi. Semakin parah anemia maka akan semakin besar kemungkinan terjadinya anemia disebabkan oleh gizi besi. Ada kecenderungan kekurangan asupan besi dan seng pada ibu hamil akan berakibat pada anemia dan AGB, akan tetapi dalam analisis ini tidak ditemukan adanya hubungan yang signifikan