23 research outputs found

    The behavior of hydrophobic, organic micropollutants in different Karst water systems

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    During and after the melting of snow, Karst groundwater of an agriculturally used and a wooded catchment area situated on a Dolomite plateau in Upper Franconia (F.R.G.) were investigated. Seventeen hydrochemical and hydraulic parameters were analyzed in the Karst water of two different springs in the course of the snow melting. Hydrograph analysis and the temporal variation of chloride concentrations were used to distinguish different types of Karst waters reaching the spring. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (benzo(a)pyrene, fluoranthene, benzo(ghi)perylene) and chlorinated pesticides (α-BHC, lindane) are transported in Karst waters adsorbed on suspended solids, dissolved in water and adsorbed on dissolved humic material. Most of the organic contaminants reach the groundwater level with conduit and trickle water. However, BHC-molecules also arrive at the spring with seepage water three weeks after the meltwater input. Using Karst springs as natural lysimeters for their catchment areas, pollutant input-output balances were calculated for PAHs and BHCs revealing that 87.5 to 99.7% of the atmospheric micropollutants released from the snow cover are retained in the Karst system. Potential pollutant sinks are proposed and discussed

    Potential supply chain cost savings from innovative cold bitumen handling

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    To compensate for seasonal price variations of bitumen for road asphalt, in addition to the usual approaches of forward-contracts and hot bitumen storage, innovative techniques for cold bitumen storage have emerged. As a case study, hot bitumen storage and additional integration of cold bitumen storage in the bitumen supply chain of the second largest asphalt producer in Germany are economically assessed. Hot and cold bitumen storage combined allows overall costs to be reduced by almost 5%. Therefore, storage capacities should be increased. Cold bitumen handling may complement hot storage as it is to some extent already economically attractive, with further cost reductions expected in the future.M. Wunder, M. Hiete, J. Stengel, F. Schultmann and N. Simmlei

    Oekochemische Eigenschaften und umweltchemisches Verhalten von Explosivstoffen in Ruestungsaltlasten

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    Available from TIB Hannover: F98B142 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Neuere Techniken der Massenspektrometrie

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