21 research outputs found

    Homogeneous tuples of operators and holomorphic discrete series representation of some classical groups

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    Let T = (T1....., Tn) be a n-tuple of bounded linear operators on a fixed Hilbert space . H and let φ be a biholomorphic automorphism of Ω, the joint spectrum of T. In this paper, we consider those n-tuples T for which the joint spectrum Ω is of the form G/K, a bounded symmetric domain. Let φ be any biholornorphic automorphism of the domain Ω. Define, phi(T) via a suit­ able functional calculus and call a n-tuple of operators T homogeneous if φ(T) .is simultaneously unitarily equivalent to T for every automorphism φ of Ω. For each homogeneous operator T, let Uφ be a unitary] operator implimenting this equivalence. We obtain a characterisation of all the homogeneous operators Cowen-Douglas class and show that it is possible to choose the unitary Uφ in such a way that the map φ→ Uφ -1 is a unitary representation of the group of of biholomorpic automorphisms of Ω

    On the order of a non-abelian representation group of a slim dense near hexagon

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    We show that, if the representation group RR of a slim dense near hexagon SS is non-abelian, then RR is of exponent 4 and ∣R∣=2β|R|=2^{\beta}, 1+NPdim(S)≤β≤1+dimV(S)1+NPdim(S)\leq \beta\leq 1+dimV(S), where NPdim(S)NPdim(S) is the near polygon embedding dimension of SS and dimV(S)dimV(S) is the dimension of the universal representation module V(S)V(S) of SS. Further, if β=1+NPdim(S)\beta =1+NPdim(S), then RR is an extraspecial 2-group (Theorem 1.6)

    Elliptic ovoids and their rosettes in a classical generalized quadrangle of even order

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    Let Q0 be the classical generalized quadrangle of order q = 2n (n ≥ 2) arising from a non-degenerate quadratic form in a 5-dimensional vector space defined over a finite field of order q. We consider the rank two geometry X having as points all the elliptic ovoids of Q0 and as lines the maximal pencils of elliptic ovoids of Q0 pairwise tangent at the same point. We first prove that X is isomorphic to a 2-fold quotient of the affine generalized quadrangle Q Q0, where Q is the classical (q, q2)- generalized quadrangle admitting Q0 as a hyperplane. Further, we classify the cliques in the collinearity graph is either a line of X or it consists of 6 or 4 points of X not contained in any line of X, accordingly as n is odd or even.We count the number of cliques of each type and show that those cliques which are not contained in lines of X arise as subgeometries of Q defined over F2

    Codes associated with generalized polygons

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    Two characterizations of even order miquelian inversive planes

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    Using coding theory, we prove theorems 1 and 2 stated below