101 research outputs found

    Diabetes Mellitus and Increased Tuberculosis Susceptibility: The Role of Short-Chain Fatty Acids

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus confers a threefold increased risk for tuberculosis, but the underlying immunological mechanisms are still largely unknown. Possible mediators of this increased susceptibility are short-chain fatty acids, levels of which have been shown to be altered in individuals with diabetes. We examined the influence of physiological concentrations of butyrate on cytokine responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Butyrate decreased Mtb-induced proinflammatory cytokine responses, while it increased production of IL-10. This anti-inflammatory effect was independent of butyrate’s well-characterised inhibition of HDAC activity and was not accompanied by changes in Toll-like receptor signalling pathways, the eicosanoid pathway, or cellular metabolism. In contrast blocking IL-10 activity reversed the effects of butyrate on Mtb-induced inflammation. Alteration of the gut microbiota, thereby increasing butyrate concentrations, can reduce insulin resistance and obesity, but further studies are needed to determine how this affects susceptibility to tuberculosis

    1-arcsecond imaging strategy for the LoTSS survey using the International LOFAR Telescope

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    We present the first wide area (2.5 x 2.5 square degrees), deep (median noise of approximately 80 microJy per beam) LOFAR High Band Antenna image at a resolution of 1.2 arcseconds by 2 arcseconds. It was generated from an 8-hour International LOFAR Telescope (ILT) observation of the ELAIS-N1 field at frequencies ranging from 120 to 168 MHz with the most up-to-date ILT imaging strategy. This intermediate resolution falls between the highest possible resolution (0.3 arcseconds) achievable by using all International LOFAR Telescope (ILT) baselines and the standard 6-arcsecond resolution in the LoTSS (LOFAR Two-meter Sky Survey) image products utilizing the LOFAR Dutch baselines only. This is the first demonstration of the feasibility of approximately 1 arcsecond imaging using the ILT, providing unique information on source morphology at scales below the surface brightness limits of higher resolutions. The total calibration and imaging time is approximately 52,000 core hours, nearly five times more than producing a 6-arcsecond image. We also present a radio source catalog containing 2263 sources detected over the 2.5 x 2.5 square degrees image of the ELAIS-N1 field, with a peak intensity threshold of 5.5 sigma. The catalog has been cross-matched with the LoTSS deep ELAIS-N1 field radio catalog, and its flux density and positional accuracy have been investigated and corrected accordingly. We find that approximately 80% of sources that we expect to be detectable based on their peak brightness in the LoTSS 6-arcsecond image are detected in this image, which is approximately a factor of two higher than for 0.3 arcsecond imaging in the Lockman Hole, implying there is a wealth of information on these intermediate scales.Comment: Submitted to A&

    On the Particle Acceleration Mechanisms in a Double Radio Relic Galaxy Cluster, Abell 1240

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    We present a 368 ks deep Chandra observation of Abell~1240, a binary merging galaxy cluster at a redshift of 0.195 with two Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCGs) may have passed each other 0.3 Gyr ago. Building upon previous investigations involving GMRT, VLA, and LOFAR data, our study focuses on two prominent extended radio relics at the north-west (NW) and south-east (SE) of the cluster core. By leveraging the high-resolution Chandra imaging, we have identified two distinct surface brightness edges at \sim 1 Mpc and 1.2 Mpc NW and SE of the cluster center, respectively, coinciding with the outer edges of both relics. Our temperature measurements hint the edges to be shock front edges. The Mach numbers, derived from the gas density jumps, yield MSE\cal{M}_{\rm SE} = 1.490.24+0.22^{+0.22}_{-0.24} for the South Eastern shock and MNW\cal{M}_{\rm NW} = 1.410.19+0.17^{+0.17}_{-0.19} for the North Western shock. Our estimated Mach numbers are remarkably smaller compared to those derived from radio observations (MSE\cal{M}_{\rm SE} = 2.3 and MNW\cal{M}_{\rm NW} = 2.4), highlighting the prevalence of a re-acceleration scenario over direct acceleration of electrons from the thermal pool. Furthermore, we compare the observed temperature profiles across both shocks with that of predictions from collisional vs. collisionless models. Both shocks favor the Coulomb collisional model, but we could not rule out a purely collisionless model due to pre-shock temperature uncertainties.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    VizieR Online Data Catalog: Bootes field deep LOFAR 150MHz imaging (Retana-Montenegro+, 2018)

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    The LOFAR mosaic image of the Bootes field and its corresponding source catalog are presented here. The mosaic image is obtained using 55 hours of observations, and it has a central rms noise of 0.255mJy/beam and an angular resolution of 3.98"x6.45"

    Fosfolipídios Retardam e Colesterol e seus Derivados Aceleram a Formação de Tumores Induzidos por Hidrocarbonetos Cancerígenos

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    Ficou experimentalmente comprovado que os fosfolipideos retardam e o colesterol e seus derivados aceleram a formação de tumores induzidos por hidrocarbonetos cancerígenos. Acentua-se a suma importância deste fenômeno, pois trata-se de dois grupos de lipídeos comuns, aliás componentes naturais de qualquer célula animal, capazes de influenciar, positivamente, o mecanismo da carcinogênese. O fato de que os fosfolipideos e o colesterol, ao lado das proteínas, constituem quantitativamente os componentes principais da membrana celular, conduziu ao raciocínio lógico que as membranas devem representar uma posição chave na etiologia do câncer

    Learning to dislike alcohol: conditioning negative implicit attitudes toward alcohol and its effect on drinking behavior

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    Rationale: Since implicit attitudes toward alcohol play an important role in drinking behavior, a possible way to obtain a behavioral change is changing these implicit attitudes. Objectives: This study examined whether a change in implicit attitudes and in drinking behavior can be achieved via evaluative conditioning. Methods: Participants were randomly assigned to an experimental condition and a control condition. In the experimental condition, participants were subjected to an evaluative conditioning procedure that consistently pairs alcohol-related cues with negative stimuli. In the control condition, alcohol-related cues were consistently paired with neutral stimuli during the evaluative conditioning phase. Implicit attitudes, explicit attitudes, and drinking behavior were measured before and after the evaluative conditioning phase. Results: Following the evaluative conditioning procedure, participants in the experimental condition showed stronger negative implicit attitudes toward alcohol and consumed less alcohol compared to participants in the control condition. However, this effect was only found when the evaluative conditioning task paired alcohol-related cues with general negative pictures, but not when using pictures of frowning faces. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that evaluative conditioning can effectively change implicit attitudes toward alcohol and also suggest that this procedure can be used to change drinking behavior. Hence, evaluative conditioning may be a useful new intervention tool to combat alcohol misuse

    Drinking Motives, Personality Traits, Life Stressors - Identifying Pathways to Harmful Alcohol Use in Adolescence Using a Panel Network Approach

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Models of alcohol use risk suggest that drinking motives represent the most proximal risk factors on which more distal factors converge. However, little is known about how distinct risk factors influence each other and alcohol use on different temporal scales (within a given moment vs. over time). We aimed to estimate the dynamic associations of distal (personality and life stressors) and proximal (drinking motives) risk factors, and their relationship to alcohol use in adolescence and early adulthood using a novel graphical vector autoregressive (GVAR) panel network approach.DESIGN, SETTING, AND CASES: We estimated panel networks on data from the IMAGEN study, a longitudinal European cohort study following adolescents across three waves (ages 16, 19, 22). Our sample consisted of 1829 adolescents (51% females) who reported alcohol use on at least one assessment wave.MEASUREMENTS: Risk factors included personality traits (NEO-FFI: neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness; SURPS: impulsivity and sensation seeking), stressful life events (LEQ: sum scores of stressful life events), and drinking motives (DMQ: social, enhancement, conformity, coping anxiety, coping depression). We assessed alcohol use (AUDIT: quantity and frequency) and alcohol-related problems (AUDIT: related problems).FINDINGS: Within a given moment, social (partial correlation (pcor) =0.17) and enhancement motives (pcor=0.15) co-occurred most strongly with drinking quantity and frequency, while coping depression motives (pcor=0.13), openness (pcor=0.05), and impulsivity (pcor=0.09) were related to alcohol-related problems. The temporal network showed no predictive associations between distal risk factors and drinking motives. Social motives (beta=0.21), previous alcohol use (beta=0.11), and openness (beta=0.10) predicted alcohol-related problems over time (all p&lt;0.01).CONCLUSIONS: Heavy and frequent alcohol use, along with social drinking motives, appear to be key targets for preventing the development of alcohol-related problems throughout late adolescence. We found no evidence for personality traits and life stressors predisposing towards distinct drinking motives over time.</p

    Drinking motives, personality traits and life stressors-identifying pathways to harmful alcohol use in adolescence using a panel network approach

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Models of alcohol use risk suggest that drinking motives represent the most proximal risk factors on which more distal factors converge. However, little is known about how distinct risk factors influence each other and alcohol use on different temporal scales (within a given moment versus over time). We aimed to estimate the dynamic associations of distal (personality and life stressors) and proximal (drinking motives) risk factors, and their relationship to alcohol use in adolescence and early adulthood using a novel graphical vector autoregressive (GVAR) panel network approach.DESIGN, SETTING AND CASES: We estimated panel networks on data from the IMAGEN study, a longitudinal European cohort study following adolescents across three waves (aged 16, 19 and 22 years). Our sample consisted of 1829 adolescents (51% females) who reported alcohol use on at least one assessment wave.MEASUREMENTS: Risk factors included personality traits (NEO-FFI: neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness; SURPS: impulsivity and sensation-seeking), stressful life events (LEQ: sum scores of stressful life events), and drinking motives [drinking motives questionnaire (DMQ): social, enhancement, conformity, coping anxiety and coping depression]. We assessed alcohol use [alcohol use disorders identification test (AUDIT): quantity and frequency] and alcohol-related problems (AUDIT: related problems).FINDINGS: Within a given moment, social [partial correlation (pcor) = 0.17] and enhancement motives (pcor = 0.15) co-occurred most strongly with drinking quantity and frequency, while coping depression motives (pcor = 0.13), openness (pcor = 0.05) and impulsivity (pcor = 0.09) were related to alcohol-related problems. The temporal network showed no predictive associations between distal risk factors and drinking motives. Social motives (beta = 0.21), previous alcohol use (beta = 0.11) and openness (beta = 0.10) predicted alcohol-related problems over time (all P  &lt; 0.01).CONCLUSIONS: Heavy and frequent alcohol use, along with social drinking motives, appear to be key targets for preventing the development of alcohol-related problems throughout late adolescence. We found no evidence for personality traits and life stressors predisposingtowards distinct drinking motives over time.</div