6 research outputs found

    Kind met buikpijn en rectaal bloedverlies

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    Van Leeuwen CD, Holtman GA, Kranenberg JJ. A girl with abdominal pain and rectal bleeding. Huisarts Wet 2015;58(1):42-4. Enterobius vermicularis, or threadworm, is not often considered in the differential diagnosis of abdominal pain and blood in faeces, but it is advisable not to ignore this diagnosis. While E. vermicularis infection is usually not harmful, in rare cases invasion of the intestinal mucosa can lead to more severe inflammatory signs, such as rectal bleeding. It is not clear under which conditions this common intestinal parasite invades the intestinal mucosa, but it seems that it makes its entry through existing injury or lesions. E. vermicularis infection can easily be treated, and preferably the entire family should be treated, to prevent re-infection.</p