420 research outputs found


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    Objective: Chlorophyllin (CHL) belongs to a group of compounds, porphyrins that contain a chelated metal ion in the center of the molecule. The objective of this present study was to extract the Chlorophyllin from Mimosa pudica and to study its antimicrobial activity.Methods: The antimicrobial activity of chlorophyllin from the leaf extract of Mimosa pudica L., was determined in vitro, using well diffusion method against human pathogenic bacteria and fungi, viz., two Gram-negative bacteria: Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli, and two Gram-positive bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneomoniae, and one fungal pathogen, Candida albicans.Results: Chlorophyllin from the leaf extract of Mimosa pudica recorded potential antimicrobial activity against the tested microorganism with the range of 9 mm-18 mm at 25-100 μg ml-1.Conclusion: Natural Chlorophyllin from Mimosa pudica has significant activity against the five pathogenic test microorganisms.Keywords: Medicinal plants, Chlorophyllin, Mimosa pudica, Pathogenic bacteria, Pathogenic fung

    Alterations in sialic acid in the epididymis of the puberal rat in response to changes in functional activity of the testis

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    Stimulation of nucleic acid and protein synthesis in the epididymis and accessory organs of the rat by testosterone

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    The effects of a single dose of testosterone on the content of DNA, RNA and protein and the incorporation of [3H]phenylalanine into protein in the epididymis, vas deferens and ventral prostate of the rat were studied. A single dose of testosterone did not increase the weights of the accessory organs but restored the incorporation of [3H]phenylalanine into proteins in the caput, corpus and cauda epididymides, vas deferens and ventral prostate to the normal level. Within 1 h of hormone administration, significant increases in the content of DNA, RNA and protein were noticed in the cauda epididymidis and ventral prostate. The caput and corpus epididymides and vas deferens showed decreasing order of responsiveness to testosterone. These data are discussed with respect to the relative responsiveness of these organs to reinitiation of their function by administration of a single dose of testosterone. The new protein(s) synthesized in response to hormonal stimulation associated with growth and secretory activity of the cells may be different from the new protein macromolecules synthesized after hormone withdrawal or inhibition of hormone action which are involved in autolytic processes

    A Comparitive study to evaluate the efficacy of heparinised saline and normal saline flush on patency of peripheral intravenous cannula among patients with medical conditions in selected hospital at Salem

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    BACKGROUND: In modern medical practice, more than 60% of patients receive intravenous therapy during their hospitalization. Medication, fluids, nutrition, and blood products can all be given via the intravenous route. Peripheral veins are the most common intravenous access method in the hospitals. The problems associated with the peripheral Intravenous catheters are kinking, occlusion of the catheter itself, developing a clot or an infection at the venous insertion site (phlebitis). METHOD: A quantitative evaluative research approach, quasi experimental post-test only control group design was used. The sample size was 45, 15 in each experimental group I, experimental group II and control group were selected using non probability purposive sampling technique. Initially the researcher got permission from concerned authority. The written consent was obtained from the samples. The tools used were, Performa of demographic variable, structured rating scale to assess the patency of peripheral intravenous cannula. Heparinised saline flush was administered to experimental group I, 10 units of heparin in 2ml saline was given for 4 days twice daily after the administration of medication from the first day and within 12 hours of intravenous cannulation and 2ml of normal saline was given to experimental group II, for 4 days twice daily after the administration of medication from the first day and within 12 hours of intravenous cannulation. RESULT: The findings showed that there is a significant difference in the mean score of patency of peripheral intravenous cannula between experimental group I, experimental group II and control group, there is no significant association between the post test level of patency of peripheral intravenous cannula among samples in experimental group I with their selected demographic variable (age, size of cannula and site of cannula insertion), there is a significant association between the post test level of patency of peripheral intravenous cannula among samples in experimental group II with their age. CONCLUSION: Both heparinised saline and normal saline was found to be effective in maintaining the patency of peripheral intravenous cannula

    Effectiveness of beet root juice on blood pressure level among clients with Stage I hypertension residing at Samayanallur, Madurai.

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    A study to assess the effectiveness of beet root juice on blood pressure level among clients with Stage I hypertension residing at Samayanallur, Madurai. OBJECTIVES: The main objective of the study to assess the pre test level of blood pressure level in clients with stage I Hypertension among experimental and control group. To evaluate the effectiveness of beet root juice on blood pressure level on stage I hypertensive clients in the experimental group. To determine the association of post test blood pressure level in clients with stage I Hypertension in experimental group with selected demographic and clinical variables. CONCEPTUAL FRAME WORK: The study was based on Modified Calista Roy‘s Adaptation Theory Model(1996). Review of related literature facilitated the investigator to collect relevant information to support the study, to select a problem, to design the methodology and to adopt the tool. DESIGN: Quantitative approach and Quasi experimental Nonequivalent control group design was adopted for this study. SETTING: The study was conducted in Samayanallur, Kattunaikar street and Muthuramalinga thevar street were selected at Samayanallur, Madurai. Pilot study was done on 10 patients and tool was found to be feasible. SAMPLE SIZE: The sample size was 60. In that 30 samples were in control and another 30 in the experimental group. SAMPLING TECHNIQUE: Non probability sampling-purposive sampling technique was used to assign the subjects. INTERVENTION: The intervention applied in this study was consumption of beetroot juice for 30 days. DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURE: Bio-physiological tool was used to measure the blood pressure level. Suggestions and opinions from experts were obtained to use the tool among hypertensive patients. The data collected were tabulated and analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. CONCLUSION: This study shows that the selected Beetroot juice consumption intervention among Stage I hypertension clients had a significant effect on the blood pressure level

    Performance of re-ranking techniques used for recommendation method to the user CF- Model

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    The recent research work for addressed to the aims at a spectrum of item ranking techniques that would generate recommendations with far more aggregate variability across all users while retaining comparable levels of recommendation accuracy. Individual users and companies are increasingly relying on recommender systems to provide information on individual suggestions. The recommended technologies are becoming increasingly efficient because they are focusing on scalable sorting-based heuristics that make decisions based solely on "local" data (i.e., only on the candidate items of each user) rather than having to keep track of "national" data, such as items have been all user recommended at the time. The real-world rating datasets and various assessments to be the prediction techniques and comprehensive empirical research consistently demonstrate the proposed techniques' diversity gains. Although the suggested approaches have primarily concentrated on improving recommendation accuracy, other critical aspects of recommendation quality, such as recommendation delivery, have often been ignored

    Design and Demonstration of Arduino based Low Cost Pulse Oximeter

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    One of the main reasons for the pushback of the pandemic in India was the awareness that developed in people during the crisis. The adapting mindset of the Indian populace helped turn the tides. The Pulse Oximeter proved to be an important tool that helped in identifying the affected, to get timely healthcare. A very simple information was shared among people that the BPM (heart rate in beats per minute) should be around 60 - 100 (resting) for an average adult and the SpO2, i.e., oxygen saturation must be above 95% for all age  groups. Just this was able to counter an entire wave of the Pandemic with the help of early detections, timely isolations, immediate health care and much more. However, access to this was not available to everyone due to the high prices of these devices. This project aims to build a simple monitor module with an Arduino Nano board which can determine the Blood Oxygen level and Heart rate of a person by using the MAX30102 sensor

    Changes in uterine sialic acid and glycogen during early pregnancy in the rat

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    Changes in uterine sialic acid and glycogen were studied in rats during days 1-6 of pregnancy. There was a sharp decline in uterine glycogen following mating, and thereafter increased gradually to reach a peak level on day 4 (4 PM). Coinciding with the entry of blastocysts into the uterus [between day 4 (10 PM) and day 5 (10 AM)] uterine glycogen decreased to a low level which was maintained up to 4 PM on day 6 of pregnancy. Uterine sialic acid was maximal on day 0 (proestrus, 10 PM) and was maintained at this level up to day 1 of pregnancy. Thereafter, uterine sialic acid concentration declined gradually to the lowest level by day 4 (9 AM). There was a sharp increase in uterine sialic acid between 4 and 10 PM On day 4, and was followed by a marked decline between day 4 (10 PM) and day 5 (9 AM); it increased again on the evening of day 5 and attained significantly higher levels by day 6 (4 PM). The fluctuations in uterine sialic acid and glycogen during early pregnancy appear to be a sequel to the fluctuating levels of estrogens during proestrus, estrus, and early pregnancy. A possible role for sialic acid in attachment of blastocysts to the uterus is postulated


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    ABSTRACTObjectives: To evaluate the therapeutic potential of Abies webbiana (Wall ex D. Don) Lindl, plants leaves belongs to Pinaceae family are grown inNorthern India, Afghanistan, China (Tibet), Nepal, and Pakistan. It is a large tree grows up to 50 m height. Leaves of this plant are useful in Siddha andAyurveda Systems of Medicine. It acts as an expectorant, carminative, stomachic, and tonic. It is the main ingredient in the Siddha formulations suchas Thalisathi choornam and Thalisadi vadagam, which are used for respiratory problems such as cold, cough, wheezing, tuberculosis, indigestion, lossof appetite, and vatha diseases.Methods: In this study, we have investigated the phytochemical profile, pharmacognostic characters, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS) compounds of methanolic extract of A. webbiana leaves.Results: Phytochemical screening showed the presence of steroids, terpenes, sugars, phenols, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, and quinones. The leafmaterial revealed loss on drying (6.90%), total ash (5.23%), acid-insoluble ash (0.57%), water-soluble extractive (23.79%), alcohol-soluble extractive(18.37%), and pH was 5.25. 29 compounds were detected in GC-MS analysis and benzenepropanol, 4-hydroxy-à-methyl, 2-furancarboxaldehyde, and5-(hydroxymethyl) are the predominant components.Conclusions: This study provides the pharmacognostic standards of A. webbiana leaf for their authentication and utilization in herbal medicine.Keywords: Abies webbiana, Pharmacognosy, Phytochemicals, Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, Herbal medicine
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