601 research outputs found

    New analysis of semileptonic B decays in the relativistic quark model

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    We present the new analysis of the semileptonic B decays in the framework of the relativistic quark model based on the quasipotential approach. Decays both to heavy D^{(*)} and light \pi(\rho) mesons are considered. All relativistic effects are systematically taken into account including contributions of the negative-energy states and the wave function transformation from the rest to moving reference frame. For heavy-to-heavy transitions the heavy quark expansion is applied. Leading and subleading Isgur-Wise functions are determined as the overlap integrals of initial and final meson wave functions. For heavy-to-light transitions the explicit relativistic expressions are used to determine the dependence of the form factors on the momentum transfer squared. Such treatment significantly reduces theoretical uncertainties and increases reliability of obtained predictions. All results for form factors, partial and total decay rates agree well with recent experimental data and unquenched lattice calculations. From this comparison we find the following values of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix elements: |V_{cb}|=(3.85\pm0.15\pm 0.20)*10^{-2} and |V_{ub}|=(3.82\pm0.20\pm0.20)*10^{-3}, where the first error is experimental and the second one is theoretical.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figure

    Relativistic Description of Exclusive Semileptonic Decays of Heavy Mesons

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    Using quasipotential approach, we have studied exclusive semileptonic decays of heavy mesons with the account of relativistic effects. Due to more complete relativistic description of the ss quark more precise expressions for semileptonic form factors are obtained. Various differential distributions in exclusive semileptonic decays of heavy mesons are calculated. It is argued that consistent account of relativistic effects and HQET motivated choice of the parameters of quark-antiquark potential allow to get reliable value for the ratio A2(0)/A1(0)A_2(0)/A_1(0) in the DKlνlD\to K^*l\nu_l decay as well as the ratio~Γ(DKlνl)/Γ(DKlνl)\Gamma(D\to K^*l\nu_l)/\Gamma(D\to Kl\nu_l). All calculated branching ratios are in accord with available experimental data.Comment: 18 pages, LATEX, 2 figures inclosed + 4 Postscript figure

    Effect of the sample geometry on the second magnetization peak in single crystalline Ba0.63_{0.63}K0.37_{0.37}BiO3_3 thick film

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    Magnetization hysteresis loop M(H)M(H) measurements performed on a single crystalline Ba0.63_{0.63}K0.37_{0.37}BiO3_3 superconducting thick film reveal pronounced sample geometry dependence of the "second magnetization peak" (SMP), i.e. a maximum in the width of M(H)M(H) occurring at the field HSMP(T)H_{\rm SMP}(T). In particular, it is found that the SMP vanishes decreasing the film dimension. We argue that the observed sample geometry dependence of the SMP cannot be accounted for by models which assume a vortex pinning enhancement as the origin of the SMP. Our results can be understood considering the thermomagnetic instability effect and/or non-uniform current distribution at H<HSMPH < H_{\rm SMP} in large enough samples.Comment: 8 pages 3 figure

    Masses of heavy baryons in the relativistic quark model

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    The masses of the ground state heavy baryons consisting of two light (u,d,s) and one heavy (c,b) quarks are calculated in the heavy-quark--light-diquark approximation within the constituent quark model. The light quarks, forming the diquark, and the light diquark in the baryon are treated completely relativistically. The expansion in v/c up to the second order is used only for the heavy (b and c) quarks. The diquark-gluon interaction is taken modified by the form factor describing the light diquark structure in terms of the diquark wave functions. An overall reasonable agreement of the obtained predictions with available experimental data and previous theoretical results is found.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, version published in Phys. Rev.

    Properties of heavy quarkonia and B_c mesons in the relativistic quark model

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    The mass spectra and electromagnetic decay rates of charmonium, bottomonium and B_c mesons are comprehensively investigated in the relativistic quark model. The presence of only heavy quarks allows the expansion in powers of their velocities. All relativistic corrections of order v^2/c^2, including retardation effects and one-loop radiative corrections, are systematically taken into account in the computations of the mass spectra. The obtained wave functions are used for the calculation of radiative magnetic dipole (M1) and electric dipole (E1) transitions. It is found that relativistic effects play a substantial role. Their account and the proper choice of the Lorentz structure of the quark-antiquark interaction in a meson is crucial for bringing theoretical predictions in accord with experimental data. A detailed comparison of the calculated decay rates and branching fractions with available experimental data for radiative decays of charmonium and bottomonium is presented. The possibilities to observe the currently missing spin-singlet S and P states as well as D states in bottomonium are discussed. The results for B_c masses and decays are compared with other quark model predictions.Comment: 31 pages, 2 figures, minor correction

    Relativistic Description of Exclusive Heavy-to-Light Semileptonic Decays Bπ(ρ)eνB\to\pi(\rho)e\nu

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    The method of calculating electroweak decay matrix elements between heavy-heavy and heavy-light meson states is developed in the framework of relativistic quark model based on the quasipotential approach in quantum field theory. This method is applied for the study of exclusive semileptonic Bπ(ρ)B\to\pi(\rho) decays. It is shown that the large value of the final π(ρ)\pi(\rho) meson recoil momentum allows for the expansion in inverse powers of bb-quark mass of the decay form factors at q2=0q^2=0, where q2q^2 is a momentum carried by the lepton pair. This 1/mb1/m_b expansion considerably simplifies the analysis of these decays and is carried out up to the second order. The q2q^2-dependence of the form factors is investigated. It is found that the q2q^2-behaviour of the axial form factor A1A_1 is different from the other form factors. It is argued that the ratios Γ(Bρeν)/Γ(Bπeν)\Gamma(B\to\rho e\nu)/\Gamma(B\to\pi e\nu) and ΓL/ΓT\Gamma_L/\Gamma_T are sensitive probes of the A1A_1 q2q^2-dependence, and thus their experimental measurement may discriminate between different approaches. We find Γ(Bπeν)=(3.0±0.6)×Vub2×1012\Gamma(B\to\pi e\nu)=(3.0\pm0.6) \times|V_{ub}|^2\times10^{12}s1^{-1} and Γ(Bρeν)=(5.4±1.2)×Vub2×1012\Gamma(B\to\rho e\nu) =(5.4\pm 1.2)\times|V_{ub}|^2\times10^{12}s1^{-1}. The relation between semileptonic and rare radiative BB-decays is discussed.Comment: 20 pages, two figures included, LATE

    Tuning the Non-local Spin-Spin Interaction between Quantum Dots with a Magnetic Field

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    We describe a device where the non-local spin-spin interaction between two quantum dots can be turned on and off and even changed sign with a very small magnetic field. The setup consists of two quantum dots at the edge of two two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs). The quantum dots' spins are coupled through a RKKY-like interaction mediated by the electrons in the 2DEGs. A small magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the 2DEG is used as a tuning parameter. When the cyclotron radius is commensurate with the interdot distance, the spin-spin interaction is amplified by a few orders of magnitude. The sign of the interaction is controlled by finely tuning the magnetic field. Our setup allows for several dots to be coupled in a linear arrangement and it is not restricted to nearest-neighbors interaction.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Published versio