822 research outputs found

    Potential Vorticity Evolution of a Protoplanetary Disk with An Embedded Protoplanet

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    We present two-dimensional inviscid hydrodynamic simulations of a protoplanetary disk with an embedded planet, emphasizing the evolution of potential vorticity (the ratio of vorticity to density) and its dependence on numerical resolutions. By analyzing the structure of spiral shocks made by the planet, we show that progressive changes of the potential vorticity caused by spiral shocks ultimately lead to the excitation of a secondary instability. We also demonstrate that very high numerical resolution is required to both follow the potential vorticity changes and identify the location where the secondary instability is first excited. Low-resolution results are shown to give the wrong location. We establish the robustness of a secondary instability and its impact on the torque onto the planet. After the saturation of the instability, the disk shows large-scale non-axisymmetry, causing the torque on the planet to oscillate with large amplitude. The impact of the oscillating torque on the protoplanet's migration remains to be investigated.Comment: 17 pages total with 9 figures (Fig.4,5,9 are in .jpg), accepted to Ap

    Single-cell analysis of human B cell maturation predicts how antibody class switching shapes selection dynamics.

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    Protective humoral memory forms in secondary lymphoid organs where B cells undergo affinity maturation and differentiation into memory or plasma cells. Here, we provide a comprehensive roadmap of human B cell maturation with single-cell transcriptomics matched with bulk and single-cell antibody repertoires to define gene expression, antibody repertoires, and clonal sharing of B cell states at single-cell resolution, including memory B cell heterogeneity that reflects diverse functional and signaling states. We reconstruct gene expression dynamics during B cell activation to reveal a pre-germinal center state primed to undergo class switch recombination and dissect how antibody class-dependent gene expression in germinal center and memory B cells is linked with a distinct transcriptional wiring with potential to influence their fate and function. Our analyses reveal the dynamic cellular states that shape human B cell-mediated immunity and highlight how antibody isotype may play a role during their antibody-based selection. This is the author’s version of the work. It is posted here by permission of the AAAS for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Science Immunology on Science Immunology Vol. 6, Feb 2021, DOI: 10.1126/sciimmunol.abe6291

    Sparse Coding Predicts Optic Flow Specificities of Zebrafish Pretectal Neurons

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    Zebrafish pretectal neurons exhibit specificities for large-field optic flow patterns associated with rotatory or translatory body motion. We investigate the hypothesis that these specificities reflect the input statistics of natural optic flow. Realistic motion sequences were generated using computer graphics simulating self-motion in an underwater scene. Local retinal motion was estimated with a motion detector and encoded in four populations of directionally tuned retinal ganglion cells, represented as two signed input variables. This activity was then used as input into one of two learning networks: a sparse coding network (competitive learning) and backpropagation network (supervised learning). Both simulations develop specificities for optic flow which are comparable to those found in a neurophysiological study (Kubo et al. 2014), and relative frequencies of the various neuronal responses are best modeled by the sparse coding approach. We conclude that the optic flow neurons in the zebrafish pretectum do reflect the optic flow statistics. The predicted vectorial receptive fields show typical optic flow fields but also "Gabor" and dipole-shaped patterns that likely reflect difference fields needed for reconstruction by linear superposition.Comment: Published Conference Paper from ICANN 2018, Rhode

    A shared neural substrate for action verbs and observed actions in human posterior parietal cortex

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    High-level sensory and motor cortical areas are activated when processing the meaning of language, but it is unknown whether, and how, words share a neural substrate with corresponding sensorimotor representations. We recorded from single neurons in human posterior parietal cortex (PPC) while participants viewed action verbs and corresponding action videos from multiple views. We find that PPC neurons exhibit a common neural substrate for action verbs and observed actions. Further, videos were encoded with mixtures of invariant and idiosyncratic responses across views. Action verbs elicited selective responses from a fraction of these invariant and idiosyncratic neurons, without preference, thus associating with a statistical sampling of the diverse sensory representations related to the corresponding action concept. Controls indicated that the results are not the product of visual imagery or arbitrary learned associations. Our results suggest that language may activate the consolidated visual experience of the reader

    Essential thalamic contribution to slow waves of natural sleep

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    Slow waves represent one of the prominent EEG signatures of non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep and are thought to play an important role in the cellular and network plasticity that occurs during this behavioral state. These slow waves of natural sleep are currently considered to be exclusively generated by intrinsic and synaptic mechanisms within neocortical territories, although a role for the thalamus in this key physiological rhythm has been suggested but never demonstrated. Combining neuronal ensemble recordings, microdialysis, and optogenetics, here we show that the block of the thalamic output to the neocortex markedly (up to 50%) decreases the frequency of slow waves recorded during non-REM sleep in freely moving, naturally sleeping-waking rats. A smaller volume of thalamic inactivation than during sleep is required for observing similar effects on EEG slow waves recorded during anesthesia, a condition in which both bursts and single action potentials of thalamocortical neurons are almost exclusively dependent on T-type calcium channels. Thalamic inactivation more strongly reduces spindles than slow waves during both anesthesia and natural sleep. Moreover, selective excitation of thalamocortical neurons strongly entrains EEG slow waves in a narrow frequency band (0.75-1.5 Hz) only when thalamic T-type calcium channels are functionally active. These results demonstrate that the thalamus finely tunes the frequency of slow waves during non-REM sleep and anesthesia, and thus provide the first conclusive evidence that a dynamic interplay of the neocortical and thalamic oscillators of slow waves is required for the full expression of this key physiological EEG rhythm


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    Concrete floors can develop faults over time which can cause damage thus hindering smooth transportation, industrial aspects and some residential drawbacks. In addition, flaws and cracks are known to progress into more serious damage with time and use. Self leveling mortar has been used on a relatively limited scale worldwide to allow for more even, higher performance and easy-to-apply flooring. However, there has been little information available with respect to their use and best practices. The primary focus of this work is to prepare mortar that possesses self-levelling flow characteristics. Hence, several mixtures have been designed using various constituents with moderate 28-day strength of 35 MPa. Chemical and mineral admixtures have been incorporated together with limestone to enhance the flow and cohesiveness as well as improve performance. The results reveal that self-levelling mortar can be successfully produced with comparable properties to ready-to-use market product. These mixtures were evaluated to have both performance and economic merits