5,507 research outputs found

    Computer-aided decision making for regional seismic risk mitigation accounting for limited economic resources

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    Seismic risk mitigation levels for an existing building are a balance between the reduction of risk and the cost of rehabilitation. Evidently, the more that is paid the more risk is reduced; however, due to limited public budgets a practical approach is needed to manage the risk reduction program when a portfolio of buildings is concerned. Basically, decision makers face a challenge when there are a large number of vulnerable buildings and there is no plan for how to allocate the appointed budget. This study develops a technological platform that implements a decision-making procedure to establish how to optimally distribute the budget in order to achieve the maximum possible portfolio risk reduction. Decisions are made based on various presumed intervention strategies dependent on building’s level of risk. The technological platform provides an interactive, user-friendly tool, available online, that supports stakeholders and decision makers in understanding what the best economic resource allocation will be after selecting the available budget for a specific portfolio of buildings. In addition, the ease of use enables the user to analyze the extent of risk reduction achievable for different budget levels. Therefore, the web platform represents a powerful tool to accomplish two challenging tasks, namely optimal budget selection and optimal budget allocation to gain territorial seismic risk mitigation

    Linguistic politeness across Austria and Italy: Backing out of an invitation with an instant message

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    The study compares how native speakers of German from the area of Innsbruck (Austria) and native speakers of Italian from the area of Rome (Italy) perceive the communicative act of backing out of an invitation for dinner at the last minute, in a situation of low social distance. The purpose of the study is twofold: to shed light on the orientation of Austrian German and Italian languages/cultures in terms of linguistic politeness, and to expand empirical cross-cultural research to a less-commonly investigated speech act. Data collected by means of a discourse completion task (DCT) are triangulated with responses to an assessment question and metapragmatic comments, and analyzed following a quantitative approach. The analysis of the DCT findings shows some cross-group differences in the choice of speech act realization strategies and internal modifiers. However, the overall results reveal more similarities than differences between the two populations regarding the informants’ perception of face threat in last-minute cancellations. This seems to disprove the idea that the two groups belong to different cultural frameworks in terms of politeness orientation, at least as far as it concerns the specific speech act under investigation

    How soil microbial biodiversity is modified by soil chemical parameters in differently managed olive orchards

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    Soil restoration is an important challenge of the 21st century, facing the increasing soil degradation, characterized by decline in quality and decrease in ecosystem goods and services. Several studies confirmed that sustainable orchard management practices might sequester atmospheric CO2 into soil, tree biomass and litter, enhancing soil organic carbon (SOC) stock and biodiversity. Higher biodiversity in ecosystems leads to greater stability and multifunctionality. In bacteria-plant interactions, both the bacteria and the plant profit from each other. These interactions play an important role in agriculture, positively affecting plant status and improving product quality. This study aimed at evaluating soil N/C parameters and microbial communities in soil, leaf (aerial part) and xylem sap between olive trees managed under sustainable practices for 17 years (i.e., no-tillage, drip irrigation with urban wastewater and recycling of polygenic carbon sources, like cover crops and pruning material) and trees managed under conventional ones (i.e., soil tillage, burning of pruning residues, mineral fertilization, rainfed), in a mature olive grove located in Southern Italy. In March 2017, samples of soil, leaf and xylem sap were collected in both treatments for DNA extraction and metagenomic analysis of the microbial communities. Soil samples were also collected for chemical and metabolic analyses. Results revealed that the long-term adoption of sustainable agricultural practices increased SOC, organic-N, and microbial biodiversity, with positive effects on plant growth protection and crop quality of olive plants

    The effects of calcite silicon-mediated particle film application on leaf temperature and grape composition of Merlot (Vitis vinifera L.) vines under different irrigation conditions

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    This study examined whether the application of calcite-silicon mediated particle film (CaPF) at veraison can mitigate a drought-induced increase in leaf temperature on grapevine, thus contributing to improved leaf functionality, yield and grape composition traits. A total of 48 five-year-old Merlot (Vitis vinifera L.) vines grafted onto SO4 were grown (in 20 L PVC pots) under Mediterranean conditions (Southern Italy). The vines were pruned to two spurs with two winter buds irrigated daily to 100 % field capacity, and fertilised weekly. At veraison and using a 2×2 factorial experimental design, the two main factors, thermoregulation and water, were imposed at two levels: spraying with a thermoregulation compound (CaPF) and no spraying (NS); irrigation (WW) and drought stress (D)). A group of 24 vines was subjected to a 15-day drought period by receiving, every day, 25 % (D) of the daily water consumption of WW vines. The other 24 vines continued to be fully irrigated on a daily basis (WW). Twelve vines per group were sprayed (WW+CaPF, D+CaPF) with calcite-silicon mediate (3 % V/V) at the beginning of drought imposition, the remaining 24 vines were not sprayed (WW-NS, D-NS). Soil water moisture and stem water potential values were monitored from 11.30 to 13:30 nearly every week, and other vegetative and reproductive parameters were also measured. During the experiment, air temperature peaked at ≈35 °C at midday, VPD at about 3.7 kPa and PAR reached ≈2000 ”mol m-2 s–1. Results show that in CaPF sprayed vines, leaf-air temperature differences were lower than in unsprayed vines in both irrigated and drought stressed groups. WW+CaPF vines retained significantly more leaf area and showed the highest value of accumulated vine transpiration. Calcite-silicon mediated particle film could enhance the resilience of grapevine to adverse environmental conditions and may contribute to preserve terroir elements in highly reputed wine grape growing areas. The study showed that foliar application of calcite silicon-mediated processed particles films can be used in arid regions to mitigate leaf temperatures in grapevines

    Management options influence seasonal CO2 soil emissions in Mediterranean olive ecosystems

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    Field trials were conducted at traditional Mediterranean olive agro-ecosystems grown at two locations (Italy –IT, Greece –GR). Groves were managed for many years using sustainable (S, cover crops, compost application, mulching of pruning biomass) or conventional (C) practices (e.g., soil tillage, burning of pruning residuals). The IT grove was rainfed (RAIN) while the GR was irrigated (IRR). This study examined the seasonal variation of soil CO2 emission (Rs) to explore the effect of the management options (C, S) on Rs at both sites. The second aim was to test the hypothesis that the seasonal Rs is differentially modulated by soil temperature and moisture, namely that (i) soil moisture limits Rs when it is below the lower limit of the readily available water (RAWLLim) and (ii) soil temperature above a threshold (max_T) reduces Rs even if soil moisture is non limiting. On the whole-season basis, the mean Rs rate at the rainfed site was 2.17 ± 0.06 (SE) at CRAIN and 2.32 ± 0.06 ÎŒmol CO2 m−2 s–1 at SRAIN plot, while at the irrigated site Rs was about 3.64 ± 0.11 (CIRR) and 4.05 ± 0.15 ÎŒmol CO2 m−2 s–1 (SIRR). The seasonal oscillation of Rs was consistent across locations and partitionable in three periods according to DOY (Day of Year) interval: Phase I (DOY 20–103 –GR; 20–118 -IT), Phase II (DOY 141Ă·257, GR; 142–257, IT) and Phase III (DOY 291–357, GR; 286–350, -IT). Pooling all the Rs data across sites and managements, max_T was ∌ 20 °C discriminating a differential response of Rs when soil moisture was < or > RAWLLim. These differential modulations exerted by temperature and moisture were integrated into a conditional model developed with a repeated random subsampling cross-validation procedure to effectively (R2 = 0.84) predict Rs. This paper mechanistically describes the interaction of the environment (soil moisture and temperature) and the management options (S, C) under various moisture conditions on Rs and would support carbon flux accounting procedures (e.g., regulating ecosystem services) tailored to the estimation of sink/source capability of traditional olive agro-ecosystem within environmental-friendly agricultural domains

    Image-based sensing of salt stress in grapevine

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    Grapevine is among the most economically important crops suffering environmental constraints, including drought and salt stress. Although imaging is increasingly used to detect abiotic stress in agriculture, image-based phenotyping in grapevine still needs optimisation. This study presents the RGB-(red, green, blue)-based phenotyping of the early stage of salt stress response in potted grapevine (Aleatico/SO4) irrigated with saline water (100 mM NaCl) for 9 days in contrast with vines irrigated with fresh water. The response was measured using stomatal conductance (gs), net photosynthetic rate (A), transpiration (E), maximum potential photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm), stem water potential (SWP) concurrently with RGB imaging via a robotised platform. The image-based phenotyping of salt-stressed vines employed two sets of measurements: (i) the pixel fraction of specific colour bands (Yellow, Green, Brown and Dark Green) and (ii) the mean pixel value of R, G and B and other RGB-based colorimetric indexes. Results show that the responses of gs, A, E, Fv/Fm were closely related to increasing soil electrical conductivity (EC) and that imaging could detect the EC threshold of approx. 4 dS m-1 causing a 60 % decrease in these physiological traits compared to the pre-stress level. The SWP declined to about -0.7 MPa at the end of the experiment. The change of the relative pixel fraction of Dark Green to increasing EC has been analysed within a dose-response context, showing that a decrease of 1 % of the Dark Green colour band corresponded to the 4 dS m-1 EC threshold. This study also examined the use of the mean pixel value of the R, G and B channels as proxies of EC along with new RGB-based indexes resulting from the rearrangement of original R, G and B mean pixel values. Results show the suitability of the mean pixel value of R and Coloration Index [(R-B)/R] to serve as predictors of EC (R2 >= 0.80)

    A synthetic cytokinin primes photosynthetic and growth response in grapevine under ion-independent salinity stress

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    Aiding optimal plant–environment interaction would favor plant resilience against environmental constrains including salt stress. We test the hypothesis that 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP) primes grapevine’s salt tolerance in vines (Vitis vinifera) received salt water (NaCl 100 mM) through the modulation of gene expression of BAP (AHK4, AHP1) and salt-stress (CAT, APX) inducible genes and morpho-physiological traits. A subgroup of vines had previously (48 h) been primed with BAP (80 mg/L) before salt stress. The gene expressions were 30% (CAT) and 56% (APX) lower in primed salt-stressed vines than that in un-primed. Salt treatment did not increase leaf Na+ but it lowered stomatal conductance (g s), photosynthesis (A), stem water potential (less negative) and photosystem-II efficiency (F v/F m). Chlorophyll-a concentrations were 30% higher in BAP-primed compared to un-primed. Adverse effects of salt were significantly reduced, maintaining high A/g s, F v/F m and growth. After the relief of the stress, the BAP primed vines had a fast recovery

    Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR) activation in the rat hippocampus

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    Recently we found that acute treatment with Oxotremorine (Oxo), a non-selective mAChRs agonist, up-regulates heat shock proteins and activates their transcription factor heat shock factor 1 in the rat hippocampus. Here we aimed to investigate: a) if acute treatment with Oxo may regulate pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress in the rat hippocampus; b) if chronic restraint stress (CRS) induces inflammatory or oxidative alterations in the hippocampus and whether such alterations may be affected by chronic treatment with Oxo. In the acute experiment, rats were injected with single dose of Oxo (0.4 mg/kg) and sacrificed at 24 h, 48 h and 72 h. In the CRS experiment, the rats were exposed for 21 days to the CRS and then were treated with Oxo (0.2 mg/kg) for further 10 days. The acute Oxo treatment showed an ability to significantly reduce reactive oxygen species (ROS), singlet oxygen (1O2), pro-inflammatory cytokines levels (IL-1ÎČ and IL-6) and phosphorylated NF-ÎșB-p65. Acute Oxo treatment also increased superoxide dismutase (SOD)-2 protein levels and stimulated SOD activity. No differences were detected in the anti-inflammatory cytokine levels, including IL-10 and TGF-ÎČ1. In the group of rats exposed to the CRS were found increased hippocampal IL-1ÎČ and IL-6 levels, together with a reduction of SOD activity level. These changes produced by CRS were counteracted by chronic Oxo treatment. In contrast, the upregulation of ROS and 1O2 levels in the CRS group was not counteracted by chronic Oxo treatment. The results revealed a hippocampal anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect of Oxo treatment in both basal conditions and anti-inflammatory in the CRS rat model

    Identification of subgroups of early breast cancer patients at high risk of nonadherence to adjuvant hormone therapy: results of an italian survey.

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    The aim of this study was the identification of subgroups of patients at higher risk of nonadherence to adjuvant hormone therapy for breast cancer. Using recursive partitioning and amalgamation (RECPAM) analysis, the highest risk was observed in the group of unmarried, employed women, or housewives. This result might be functional in designing tailored intervention studies aimed at improvement of adherence. Background: Adherence to adjuvant endocrine therapy (HT) is suboptimal among breast cancer patients. A high rate of nonadherence might explain differences in survival between clinical trial and clinical practice. Tailored interventions aimed at improving adherence can only be implemented if subgroups of patients at higher risk of poor adherence are identified. Because no data are available for Italy, we undertook a large survey on adherence among women taking adjuvant HT for breast cancer. Patients and Methods: Patients were recruited from 10 cancer clinics in central Italy. All patients taking HT for at least 1 year were invited, during one of their follow-up visit, to fill a confidential questionnaire. The association of sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of participants with adherence was assessed using logistic regression. The RECPAM method was used to evaluate interactions among variables and to identify subgroups of patients at different risk of nonadherence. Results: A total of 939 patients joined the study and 18.6% of them were classified as nonadherers. Among possible predictors, only age, working status, and switching from tamoxifen to an aromatase inhibitor were predictive of nonadherence in multivariate analysis. RECPAM analysis led to the identification of 4 classes of patients with a different likelihood of nonadherence to therapy, the lowest being observed in retired women with a low level of education, the highest in the group of unmarried, employed women, or housewives. Conclusion: The identification of these subgroups of “real life” patients with a high prevalence of nonadherers might be functional in designing intervention studies aimed at improving adherenc

    Fermentation of biodegradable organic waste by the family thermotogaceae

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    The abundance of organic waste generated from agro-industrial processes throughout the world has become an environmental concern that requires immediate action in order to make the global economy sustainable and circular. Great attention has been paid to convert such nutrient-rich organic waste into useful materials for sustainable agricultural practices. Instead of being an environmental hazard, biodegradable organic waste represents a promising resource for the production of high value-added products such as bioenergy, biofertilizers, and biopolymers. The ability of some hyperthermophilic bacteria, e.g., the genera Thermotoga and Pseudothermotoga, to anaerobically ferment waste with the concomitant formation of bioproducts has generated great interest in the waste management sector. These biotechnologically significant bacteria possess a complementary set of thermostable enzymes to degrade complex sugars, with high production rates of biohydrogen gas and organic molecules such as acetate and lactate. Their high growth temperatures allow not only lower contamination risks but also improve substrate solubilization. This review highlights the promises and challenges related to using Thermotoga and Pseudothermotoga spp. as sustainable systems to convert a wide range of biodegradable organic waste into high value-added products
